
Discord ID: 328543871393071105

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2017-08-08 07:55:11 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

No idea tbh

2017-08-08 16:53:49 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #carolinas]  

Home Away is their competitor

2017-08-09 01:07:29 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  


2017-08-09 01:24:46 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #carolinas]  

Dude, you have no idea how much @SCNazi does for this movement, and has done for his whole adult life. To call out the action for the damage done is fine; to speculate as to malicious intent without knowing anything else about the man is fucking kike-tier fake news. The man apologized sixty-gorillion times. You all kept kvetching. He's been kicked from here and God knows what else. Yet, the bitching continues. He's working, even now, to mitigate the damage and maintain the highest level of attendance possible amongst those affected. So you have his apology, his digital scalp, and - still - his cooperation, yet are unsatisfied. What else is required/expected between grown men!? The only people who keep harping on even after they've been given everything that can be given are women, niggers, and kikes. On which group are you modeling your current behavior?

I'll tell you this: taking him off the field of play, so to speak, cripples - hell, all but virtually disbands - the South Carolina SBC.

"They've been able to cause holy hell for us the last few days. The last thing you should assume is that they're stupid"



2017-08-09 04:02:14 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #carolinas]  


@Wade Garrett

I didn't defend the act, but the man's character, which was/is under siege due to one honest mistake, which is ridiculous - indeed, it's Jewing of the first order.

Note that I'm not questioning your overall character, but simply saying that your present behavior is pernicious, and is not an honest mistake, a momentary lapse in judgment, or a single breach of protocol, but a sustained campaign of vilification against a solid member of this community.

You decry being compared with our enemies, but sit around talking shit "Oh, I've heard other bad things about him" like a bunch of sassy fat negresses at the salon. If you have evidence against the man apart from that single post, please present it. Good White men care about uncovering the truth. We don't operate on gossip and innuendo. You're pulling your best "internet tough guy" act from behind an avatar to literally threaten someone who's public (see photo) for questioning your digital lynching of a Kamerad. You bristle at being compared to the Jew when you've convened your own little Discord Sanhedrin.

Get a hold of yourself, for fuck's sake.

2017-08-09 04:41:21 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #carolinas]  

I'm a neophyte in terms of the Discord and I don't inhabit any forum with any real regularity. I drop a BBS comment on a Stormer article and move along, so I'm unfamiliar with just about everything outside of what's transpired here.

I haven't been blindly defending anyone, because until your last two posts, I haven't seen a prosecution, but a witch hunt. I was asking for a measured, reasoned, and evidence-based response to an extremely unfortunate happening. You have now provided that here, which I greatly appreciate.

I will say that while I'm no stranger to the Hitlerian worldview and struggle, I've always been a "lone wolf" (insert joke re: WN 1.0 LARPing) and had no formal involvement with the movement outside my public individual activism (even now, the majority of my time online outside of our articles and podcasts is causing brain aneurysms in my law school classmates on Faceberg) until the SBCs were formed.

I have no old beefs, but likewise no old information. I can only say that @SCNazi has never given me any reason to doubt his sincere commitment or his integrity, and I will look forward without prejudice to his answers to the above.

As I said, I strongly disagree with your characterization of him based on my experience, but I do sincerely appreciate your taking the time and effort to provide what I requested. Let's wait and see what he says.

2017-08-09 04:55:07 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #carolinas]  

I'll go read through that thread again. I was under the impression that, the moment the shit hit the fan, @SCNazi and @O.W. von Diez (the originator of the house idea, which I think is brilliant and was very excited about versus a run of the mill hotel/motel) immediately began a coordinated effort to stop the bleeding, identify the breach, and lash together a Plan B for the displaced, and so I thought anything @SCNazi was saying regarding the situation after the news broke was being said with the knowledge and blessing of @O.W. von Diez , whom - by tagging him here - I ask to correct me if that isn't the case, and he does indeed assert there has been patent finger-pointing on @SCNazi's part.

Thank you, @Wade Garrett

"Conspiracy", an HBO film from some time ago now. Claims to be an authentic (it isn't, of course - silly goyim) dramatic recreation of the Wannsee Conference. Kenneth Branagh as Heydrich, Stanley Tucci as Eichmann, and Firth as Stuckart (the clip above shows some of the best work this mega-star has ever done, and for which he'd otherwise have won several awards, but it's been memory-holed, I believe, because it hit a little too close to home - lol)

I believe it can be found buried in the recesses of the Amazon Prime streaming library.

Despite serious (((artistic liberties))) taken regarding the facts of the alleged Shoah, it's an outstanding film

I have the original DVD if you'd like me to bring it to Cville

Stop in Easton, PA and get some Weyerbacher! lel

I was thinking more I'd just pass it along and you could mail it back to me at your leisure

No worries, fam

2017-08-10 00:43:03 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

I found this one at target. All metal. Tiki brand. Accepts standard fuel. They call the style "genie", but without sand-nigger context, I find it just as evocative of classical Greece.


2017-08-10 01:31:17 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

@O.W. von Diez was able to tell us quite some time ago that a homemade torch - this was in the same context, with me deriding "tiki torch nationalism" and asking him, because he seemed like a man who would know (and he did) how the SA's torches were made - is in all likelihood going to find you having an unnecessary conversation with VA police (at best) regarding their laws prohibiting "uncontrolled flames". You want something that is contained, having a wick or the like.

I'm cutting my metal torch down with my Dremel, and finding a suitable material to wrap/beef up the handle, which is definitely a fair bit thinner than the "bamboo" ones. I just really don't like the Polynesian aesthetic.

2017-08-10 03:09:05 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  


More "right-wing violence", eh?

We'll have to make up a new KZ badge for "journalists". While they will downplay the bejeezus out of it, at least their need for ratings means they can't completely ignore incidents like this.

2017-08-10 03:53:56 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  

@Vanguard Where in PA are you? I'm originally from just outside Scranton. Also lived for a time in Center City Philadelphia, Bryn Mawr, and Danville.

2017-08-10 03:55:34 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  


2017-08-10 03:55:53 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  

Danville wasn't terribly cucky

2017-08-10 03:55:56 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  

But yes

2017-08-10 03:56:57 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  

I've been routinely shocked that I don't hear more out of PA

2017-08-10 03:57:31 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  

If you get them talking, a hell of a lot of people in PA are disgusted by the current state of affairs in this country

2017-08-10 03:59:35 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  

Last major thing I heard about was a few gatherings deep in enemy territory (Philly), of course Youcis, and before that it was a couple years back that the Keystone State Skins were leafleting around Wilkes-Barre

I'm wondering if a sound course of action - provided one isn't going to be part of an actual shield wall - is to fashion a shield small/light enough to prove an effective striking tool, should the need arise. Something smaller than a Norse round shield, or the typical kite and heater shields, but probably larger than a true buckler.

Then there's no question of offensive intent from the standpoint of a third party. You're just the "unfortunate" soul whose shield was too small and had to improvise. ๐Ÿ˜‰

2017-08-10 04:15:00 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

See? Narrative collapse! The attempt to deny us our civil rights had nothing to do with our presence or message on the merits, and everything to do with there being a full-on "kill Whitey" Negro in a seat of power - and at the right hand of a Jew. That's the simple message to our "non-racial" White brothers: battle lines are being drawn whether you like it or not, and you don't get to choose whether someone else considers you a target/enemy.

Oy vey, I'll just die if you don't make some bagels with lox, lady goy!

"We're inside you"?! Who the hell talks like that? Goddamn degenerates

"We're here" doesn't get the point across in the same way, apparently

2017-08-10 11:17:05 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  


Though the terms as we understand them didn't then exist, the government established under the Constitution of these United States, as originally written and intended, represented the fusion of Libertarianism and Racial Nationalism.

Point blank: "to ourselves and our posterity".

The first law governing immigration restricted the opportunity to come here to "free White men of good character".

It's only natural, then, that we Americans tend to arrive on the identitarian Right via Libertarianism. There is something of the nation's founding spirit that has, despite the efforts of (((the enemy))), leaked through to us uncorrupted.

Is anyone else laughing themselves silly at the one where the guy demanded that they send in "the UN SWAT team"?! ๐Ÿ˜‚


2017-08-11 05:02:14 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #voice_chat]  

I just added you. Thank you for the prompt confirmation!

2017-08-11 05:02:31 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #voice_chat]  

I'm really rather envious of anyone on that list.

2017-08-11 05:03:26 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #voice_chat]  

I've been open for a good while, and continually trigger kike former classmates, but so far no luck

@James_Coney - LA

God, do I know that feel... they won't even show up when I invite them to my home.

They didn't even send the shit in the mail they promised to prank me with



I'll have my gloves on, because it takes some time to get them on properly and we may need to respond to a very sudden attack, but plan to have my goggles, mouthguard, et al. stowed in my hydration pack.

Let the reds be seen as the ones who showed up looking to start a fight, as opposed to simply prepared for one

2017-08-11 07:30:19 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

August the twelfth shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he today who sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition;
And White men in America now asleep,
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whilst any speaks
Who fought with us 'neath the statue of Lee.

2017-08-11 07:38:22 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

"Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here." - Captain John Parker, commander of the militia at Lexington, April 19, 1775

"And yes, it will make the red terror look like a puppy play date."

2017-08-13 16:06:15 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  


We had just started for home (Columbia, South Carolina) when we heard about the press conference. We'd like to attend, but are wondering:

1) Location

2) Desired "optics"

3) For me personally, do you need additional bodies for security? On that front, would you like me to open carry, or just suit up in boots and gloves?


We had just started for home (Columbia, South Carolina) when we heard about the press conference. We'd like to attend, but are wondering:

1) Location

2) Desired "optics"

3) For me personally, do you need additional bodies for security? On that front, would you like me to open carry, or just suit up in boots and gloves?

2017-08-14 01:41:37 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  


Spencer said yesterday that we'd be back in Cville, but this would apply anywhere in VA and similar jurisdictions with prohibitions on masks. If the police again refuse to do anything about those wearing masks (a crime in progress) what are everyone's thoughts on subduing them and placing them in zip-ties as part of a declared citizen's arrest?

2017-08-14 01:53:46 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

Sounds good

2017-08-14 01:55:01 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

Who knows on what fields we will have to keep meeting these lunatics. I think any of us who are eligible to become a constable in their locale should do so!

2017-08-14 16:51:44 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

What is this "right side broadcasting network" and who is the fucking Jew Lookner?! They could project their broadcast on the right side of that ginormous fucking nose alone.

2017-08-14 17:05:34 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

Trump just sold us out.
By condemning "racists and racism" but then only naming our side, he has implicitly endorsed not only the "raysiss be ebil" line, but ALSO the latest lefty newspeak bullshit that ONLY White people are capable of being racist, because "muh institutional powah", etc.
Fuck this. Ourselves alone can save our Volk.

2017-12-16 17:32:17 UTC [The Silver Guild #general]  

@Sir Oswald Mosley#0439

I spent some of my youth in Philadelphia, first in Center City and then Bryn Mawr.

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