
Discord ID: 404970589187473409

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@Samaritan Why though? This is fun

So catch and release?

Did they do it on your face?

Sometimes my keyboard types like Mike Tyson speaks

14 year Olds steal though

Okay that one's a little fucked

No, kick his ass

That's how you stop them

Worked for me

It's better your brother beat the shit out of you than some random guy put a bullet in your head

I've been had!

2019-09-06 23:24:17 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

>You fucking horse fucking faggot fucker
I feel like I missed someing fun

They even edited the Shadow


@Ayylmao Can I have a refund?

Sorry wrong chat

Yes? Or do you thunk these things cannot cause the downfall of Europe?

Does. This dude not understand what a census is

Yes they were always "catching up" becusse they took the old ones while. The new ones were being made

Idk why he thinks socialism did that instead of mechanization, and didn't compare socialism to every other structure and compare the improvements to other countries that had to make similar improvements at the same time

>Red Army

Imagine being so retarded that someone who doesn't agree with you has to think the Germans were right

Yes they do, after breeding and training them to survive and get the job done

Not, for instance, sending them unarmed to run into machine gun fire to draw attention so those with guns can move up

>moon rune keys

Baba can you say something that isn't a childish insult for once?

@BabaBooey sick burn bro, maybe if I was under 12 I'd be offended

Idiots don't tend to run multi billion dollar companies for decades

That kind of job tend to weed out incompotents

@Arthur Grayborn It would be pretty much guaranteed actually

Britain was far from fine

Well yeah Weez that's why he said if the didn't join they'd probably lose

I don't think you understand what a trust fund kid is

They might not have, but it would have been a lot closer

There's more to a war than boots on the ground and full bellies

They still pretty much dominated the air and had a solid push into Eastern Europe that could have gone either way without American supplies

In Europe they could expand their production base, fend off the Russians and get some less shitty oil to extend deployment

I never played hearts of Iron

@BabaBooey What are you even talking about at this point?

@Weez I wouldn't say they couldn't, I would say they failed to

This conversation literally turned into stop liking what I don't like

People in Nazi Germany said they preferred living in Nazi Germany

A lot of people would prefer living in the times they had before simply because it was the times they had before

It's just nostalgia

@Gear Because I can disagree with a position without automatically thinking the other side isn't brain dead retarded

Okay, now this is plain retarded

I always hate when people post that particular thing because you don't get to decide what the improvements are on your own, not everyone will agree that your improvements are even improvements

Yes, imagine someone having a different opinion than you

It's almost like people can have different opinions on the same thing

@BabaBooey You keep saying that as if getting punched in the face suddenly granted you political insight unbeknownst to the uninitiated

@BabaBooey I don't see many conservative pundits arguing for the benefits of socialism

Well there's Bernie, Yang, the one that blew out Tulsi

Not really Yang but he said he doesn't mind it

@Yeggsy Not Tulsi, the one who got blown the fuck out BY Tulsi, I just can't remember her name
And I agree with Yang, but Bernie? Nah, Bernie is full socialist

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck No not her either, someone much smaller

Was it? I'll go look it up

Yeah, how dare the people who live under the policies decide the policies they live under? It should just be done by all the smart people

@dichloroarsine Funny how you say that but when the right wingers call leftists commie scum you have a problem with that

How about we don't think that it's still WWII and decide that the person you disagree with is just wrong?

Like doing it on voice chat is somehow different than doing it here

If I say you're retarded on voice chat, is it different from me typing you're retarded here?

What are you going to say on voice that you're not going to say here?

And why?

Thg heel contest was te fucking worst

Wha the fuck is Boris reallyb


Boris pls

Boris this reality can only. Handle so much


Jeremy wasn't born old?

What do commies get on these servers, bois?
๐Ÿš ๐Ÿš ๐Ÿš ๐Ÿš ๐Ÿš ๐Ÿš

This isn't Danks server

Stp with the poop

Count Dankula

>memeball profile trying to say anything about an anime profile

There are non-retarded tinder profiles?

Idk man, that sounds pretty gay

It's gay prolific though

He didn't say exclusive

@HunDread you gotta lick it before you stick it

That can't be true

Uh, no it isn't, its a right

It's a right of you're a citizen

Where do you not have the right to vote for your ow government?

How in the fuck is it a privilege in the US

All you have to do is be a citizen

The draft is still around? I thought they got rid of it when women were having a whinge on being included

Well then I guess you could say it isn't a right if you have to

Well I think of felonies as violating your contract with the state for your basic rights

Because you basically said fuck the rules and the rules said well fuck you

Yo what the fuck

Oh I saw those recently, hold on

It sounds like someone doesn't know how a census works or what averages are

Also the figure is NOT 100 million, it's 40-100 million

But after the first 10 million, don't you think you made your point?

Dude, according to your own census data that's 60 million people in 30 years

Did no one die? Was it sorcery?

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