Burnt Marshmallow

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Looking forward to trading with The UK once they leave the EU [Evil Union]

Such Garbage.. Its not Thor unless its a Male Viking Gawd . If they want to roll up some female God then make a new IP and story, not cannibalize the mythos set down over 50 years or so in pop culture.

Then they should get them selves sterilized. They are part of the problem.

2019-07-30 19:30:16 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

I'm surprised that in this cruel world.. That they wouldn't expect to just be gunned down at the border when they try to claim Asylum. Oh Wait that is because they aren't all trying to flee to China or some other Third World nation of Tyranny. They are running to one of the last Bastions of non-Orwellian statehood.. Atlest while Trump is still alive. ๐Ÿคก

2019-08-01 17:15:06 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

@Wild Dog If someone pissed me off enough to take it to the courts I could see giving the public attorney more than half the payout on a win on some moral grounds of just ensuing someone wont get away with out right theft and such.

Never Buy Epic Shame Store..

what good is free games now when they will kill the market and censor everything in the next few years. accepting free games from Epic is like Judas selling out Christ for a bag of silver coins.

I refuse to support a platform that exists on Exclusivity.

if steam went the way of EPIC SHAME store I would drop them as well :/

the whole google gaming platform looks shady as hell. can't even promise that you can play the games you buy on it.. lol its like the Twilight of Gaming is upon us.

Google has seem to lean towards a pro-authoritarian socialist government stance over the years..

I always felt it was a vehicle for destroying family values and dividing people up and making them hate each other so they can not unify against a true threat.

Thats because dead people attract attention .. and well dead people dont make money.

These Gang Bangers have no honor and have no roots in any system of loyaty

they are basically a cult with out faith. only care about short term gains


I suspect ms -13 received funding from the democrats.. its been shown that want more smuggling and weak borders to increase crime and help aid the Cartels with more American guns.

meh workhouses are a type of slavery and prisons are much patterned over them.. many criminals would be poor and homeless

alot of homeless suffer from mental illness..

thats a core reason they are homeless. no one wants them, and there is no money in dealing with insane people.

they aren't useless , just folks dont want to invest in them.. they would rather they die and shit in the streets.

its Selfishness combined with Apathy and Pride.

Death Happens.

IT is goign to happen alot more often in these coming years

sounds like sub -humans being sub humans.

@Ayylmao It Just Works ? RIght ?

Democrats increase violence, they back social media and enable mentally weak people to burden overs.

There is slavery going on right now across the world even in countries where they say its illegal. Rich elite don't want to lose their slaves so human trafficking exists. Its so bad there is a Hot Line in the United States about human trafficking.

Catholic Church did that back in the Children's Crusades.. where they teamed up with the merchants of Venice to sell a Generation of German Children into Slavery and Blame it on the Turks. Why you think the Germans were so Quick to Convert to Lutherism

@Gservator is right , Crimes against human life were done.

but don't think they are worse than China

China are masters in the art of killing unarmed civilians and genocide of their own subjects

Honk Kong Square Massacre 2.0

Anyone else waiting to see pictures of of the PLA killing unarmed Hong Kong civilians , while laughing and looting their homes.

I don't think Canada has anything to apologize for?

Well the USA did it on purpose.. someone had to give Hilter an idea how to run concentration camps.

Disney has EAed The Starwars Franchise

now its just SJW Propaganda

meh more people still die form flu.. than gun violence in non socialist countries

actually on the list more people die from self wank strangulation than in mass shootings.

anyone that is for gun control is pro-slavery and pro authoritarian control in the hands of a few born elite.

You can find Oil in Canada...

whats a SpEd.. the Canada Term for a SJW?

oh. I think that is wrong to have such a thing.. All it does in reinforce "normal" kids its okay to treat "special" kids as less than human and to attack them

then they are encouraged to do such things. they must have SJW teachers that preach violence?

@Gservator Yes they are in the United States Government

@Gservator I'm being seriously, look at AOC.. there are mental ill people in political positions in America.

@Gservator AOC isnt a Functionally Retarded Child?

aww the troll was too much

okay I'll leave ya alone

@Inkogni then Tries to pass a bill for gun control.

its just useless space trash..

Imagine how bent they would be if someone Blew it up..

Hate crimes are not real

there is no such thing

@Gservator is correct , they killed all the people there before and took it by force.

I don't like nearly all religions. but some deserve more disfavor than others :/

Then when they have zero oil.. they can be left useless with out fuel in the sand..

I thought the EU got oil by Rendering the fat of its Real citizens while replacing them with Islamic "refugees"

Yup oli should be used only for plastics and not fuel

Hey They declared war and wanted to kill all of my people before I was born... Just giving them back the hostility

meh they are a secondary problem to Authoritarian agendas and Orwellian Globalism..

+1 EarthStar Project

@livid_scrooge your very lucky.. stay there

Why would you want slug people.. :/ thats an odd fetish

Humans are an animal hybrid. we are made up of millions of little living cells.. and share DNA with just about anything on earth thanks to being carbon based

@Bones I saw Japan was trying to make Cat Girls

thats a real thing?

I think Tywin is in Denial of being A furry. so much Displacement

@N Word what type of furry are you? how many posters are in your closet ?

ouch who would do that


Humans are animals though..

we are hardly evolved as well

Someone is getting too edge lord with his 40k .. lol

Too much primer fumes

hahha crazy clown people.

There is no Pony emote I noticed

never knew this bootlet.. is it a horrible story?

hrm never heard of those people..

guess I'm not "in" the culture

There goes my "Man of Culture " Achievement

lyra is that pony that dreams of being a human ? yus?

I would think Tywin would be more of a Gryphon

its stupid.. like they have no contact with the real world..

is that pony flossing ?

@Muten we talking about Nestle Corp.. evil shitbags?

Pakistan Cares about India.. the want to commit genocide there

Nestle did some shady shit in the US in commifornia

People always think I'm a jew..

Yet my name is Basque

And no one in my Family is jewish

you can make a desalinization plant in like a year.

you can do it small scale with garbage bags.. its not rocket science

Then sell water to Nestle during a drought..

The same people are now leaving Commiefornia and heading to nearby states and trying to repeat the same things.. they are like a plague we need a wall at the Commiefornia border.

There are tons of immigrant commies from Cali in Idaho, Nevada, Utah..

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