PPMD KreyGasm

Discord ID: 458767774500519937

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Got yeeted in August or something

RIP Fuzzy <:why:462286147473637407>

Imagine thinking Fuzzy was sensible @livid_scrooge

I know you've listened to Fuzzy sperging in voice

Always a good thing to read after work

But I went to school with a Jesus <:thunk:462282216467333140>

No way that the UK is as degenerate as the US (I hope)

Because depression is all we have <:why:462286147473637407>

But remember, when bots showed that black americans were more likely to be racist that white it was because the bot was racist @Redxl


Why get a girl when you can become one instead <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

All we need now is @Nat

Ever noticed the ones who suicide themselves are the ones who don't put any effort into passing? @Krisemann

@๐ŸŒˆ Discord Thanosโšง Physically Weak, Mentally Retarded, Fascist and Faggot perfect words for me <:comfort:592107824826417204>

I don't want jack to get a hard on for it @๐ŸŒˆ Discord Thanosโšง

Imagine not liking Chicks With Dicks

90% of Athenians are faggots

Ofc you don't dotty

We all know that already tho

Imagine thinking Soygon's server is wholesome <:disgusteng:595338918044500041>

F's in the chat for Dotty

Just like my real dad


Sending an @ everyone message to tell them to block dotty lmao

Unblock dotty for the start of a new decade

And block him again right after

Sorry I need my mommies permission to send nudes cause I'm only 9

Well in some places thats legal

Oh, so getting Mike Penced?

Is BaBaBootlicker still here?


Sounds like a bunch of <:npc:502497359419408384>

@Jack of Trades The right to chop off the cock

There is less than 0% girl in that picture @Uksio

I love girls with no hairline

You say that like most trannies look feminine <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

Girls with unshaven legs <:zfgNoDude:477614982482100224>

Arm hair isn't really bad imo, but leg hair is bleh

tfw the other tranny at my school wears skirts without shaving their legs and it makes me want to puke

I mean if you put effort into your appearance you should look significantly better than a Caitlyn Jenner for example

Yeah but many don't which grosses me out


I mean a lot of people don't get a psych eval

I saw a psych for almost a year

A lot of places you can walk in and they give you shit

Because people are scared if you tell someone they don't have gender dysphoria you are going to get mobbed

Hate mobs kind of made this a problem

Well if you tell the wrong person they have say Autism or bi-polar instead and it goes on twitter

Your life is going to be ruined by the left

The first psych I met said she diagnosed me after the intake and I knew that was some pandering bullshit

Yeah, I'm like afraid to call out the other person at my school cause

He wears skirts and dresses and shit but doesn't shave the armpits and legs and everything

But I don't want him to spaz at me again

He melted down when I did a speech on why free speech was important so ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

The hotty ones are in taiwan



Tbh we should just bring back the Mongols

They at least succeeded

they should let fuzzy back

Hey, some people think food is meme worthy

No judge

"It only counts if I see it" I guess we can also assume space doesn't exist with that logic

I think he dropped?

Like last Wednesday?

She got like 6 delegates in NH so

She probably stays unless she flops tomorrow

Imagine memes in the meme channel

The normal nighttime degen pony shit

Imagine NOT shaving them

Idk sounds fun to me

As long as you don't look like big mike you're all good

Traps aren't gay

Secretly fuzzy 2.0

tbh seeing people sperg is pretty fun

Although the ponies <:zfgNoDude:477614982482100224>

Were you around back when <:FuzzyPeach:583773935385182231> was here

Cause that was always fun

FuzzyPeach would sperg in general

Fun times

Look at me, the only people I have blocked have pronouns in their discord names <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

Great entertainment once I got back from work tbh

That would be asking for too much tbh

With how trash discord api is I doubt their backend is any better

Just come back in an hour when the ponies start

What if I don't have the big tism tho

Is it gay to like traps

Well it depends what it is tbh

I'm not gay tho <:thunk:462282216467333140>

Better than ponies tbh

I mean I don't get why the lgbt's make such a big deal about being oppressed and acting all faggoty lmao

Just be normal people

Imagine commies lying

Mind blown

<p text-color="green"> >"""(((girl)))""" </p>

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