
Discord ID: 122132273502879749

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the ussr is not some infallible thing

all of us want to take what was done and trim the fat

no the ussr did not achieve communism

nor did it even achieve socialism probably.

(with my limited knowledge on the subject)

a core concept of it

is equality

but some of us like to think of it as equality of unique individuals


you wants some liberating shit

let me pull out the good stuff, one sec



fuck freedom

read up on ownness

define communism

if you would

no classes are abolished entirely

private property as we understand it would be abolished as it would not be needed, though this is distinct from person property.



it entirely is

it's a state it has to be authoritarian dinguses.

private property is not my property

but property given to me by the grace of law

a spook

progress and poverty rails on owning land and not developing it as exploitive very well if i'm correct


as mussolini undorstood it was basically corpratism

i should was is corpratism

did he get it?

fuck no

what did hitler get

put corpratists in high positions of power

such as the military industry

bud, you don't think we'll protect ourselves in our individualistic fashion?

we wont need your forms of government to protect ourselves

we'll arrange that.

don't about 4/5 business fail

you're kidding me

do you know how much fucking debt that causes

here's something i would highly reccomend to read


Man I'

You can make it one

like you do



sort of


i'll have to actually read post left stuff

i like anti- work stuff though


i'm willing to take this to voice despit how terrible mine is

let me grab a drink though

2017-05-29 07:42:20 UTC [/leftypol/ International #voice_text]  

"Stirner himself, however, has no truck with "higher beings." Indeed, with the aim of concerning himself purely with his own interests, he attacks all "higher beings," regarding them as a variety of what he calls "spooks," or ideas to which individuals sacrifice themselves and by which they are dominated. Among the "spooks" Stirner attacks are such notable aspects of capitalist life as private property, the division of labour, the state, religion, and society itself. We will discuss Stirner's critique of capitalism before moving onto his vision of an egoist society (and how it relates to social anarchism). "

>unironically being classcucked

you can't talk about values when you're speaking in moral terms



thousands of years of culture down the drain

just in one sentence

>having his political chart on hand

spooked BEYOND belief

you can't atribute politcal stances on a spectrum

it's frankly ridiculous

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