
Discord ID: 285347429182603264

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join voice comrade's

wtf this is a nazi chat??


REAL communism hasn't been tried

racist nazi trump supporter

stop being so antisemitic

don't you know 10million Jews were holocausted with that kind of thinking

it was actually over 10 million

being Jewish myself, I'm quite offended

my grandma was gassed twice

she was a tough girl

wtf I wanted a socialist discord not one filled with nazis

It hasn't been tried uet

Stfu ponyfag

@Kazimir Malevich "Nazis were created by the Jews so that Jews would actually have an opposition.
Because otherwise they would be too well-liked."


that's fake news

@Deleted User illegal to criticise Nazis? The fuck lmao

The holocaust didn't happen

if so, provide proof

>Jews constantly revising the death toll and means of killings


How about we debate this in vc

mate even in America the boycott of Israeli goods will cost you your job and has just recently been criminalised

>being facetious


>when you think being a facetious, ironic contrarian substitutes as trolling


>1/3rd of the Jew population apparently got SHOAH'd

>lmao jk Jewish population grew


Lolocaust pushers eternally btfo


Source: world almanac 1933 and world almanac 1948 "religious populations of the world"

You don't even have an argument lmao

you just bog down the discussion with claims of no source when it's right in the scan

>T-that source doesn't count because I SAY SO!



"y-your source doesn't count, but this blogger with no esteem is a secret magic science man who will btfo your arguments!"

how pathetic

You mean my 3rd party, verified American publishing isn't better than a literal internet blogger? Kekekekekekk

The cope!

Number of debates won about how the holocaust is fake:


I'm not American but yeah, I'd say their sources are pretty spot on

They have more reason to jack the population figures to fit the lolocaust narrative, than to not do so. But guess what? The "Holocaust" was only really a narrative pushed in the late 60's/ early 70's

Yeah great argument cunt lmao

Call me American, that sure shatters my worldview

Why don't you read sources?

Is that why you still believe the lolocaust?

Because you can't read?

I'm trying to understand what you're saying, but your sentences are structured so poorly, you're clearly some mestizo goblin

So I'll go easy on you lulz

I'm from Northern Ireland tho

>implying I'd live in a second tier shithole

97% white, top tier scenery, clean air, good food, no mosques

What's not to love?

Kek the police here are more armed than your military

There are literally no mosques built in Northern Ireland

Yeah, no argument

Stay mad, shitskin


it's not even a mosque

it's a fucking house

Check my post and read it again, little man

>there are no mosques built in Northern Ireland

And you literally just proved my point

Yeah, notice how you said house and not mosque kek

It's a house

>no mosque has been built in Northern Ireland

And I was right

Hope you learned something, sport

>having to shout your already dismantled argument because you can't understand basic English


>moving goal posts because you know you're wrong

I think we're done here ๐Ÿ˜

You 10 minutes ago: "You really think I'll waste my time on you?"


too stupid to remember 10 minutes in the past, no wonder your arguments are so shit

Is that why you're scared to say your shithole country? Kek, I guarantee mine has raped yours in the past

"y-you're a cuck but I'm going to hide behind the banner of anonimity"

Nah, you aren't really worth it

Some shithole slav country maybe

You get your bread ration yet? is that why you're so moody?

Maybe the gallons of that turkic semen isn't keeping you full



How many times has your country been TURK'D or MONGOL'D? Be honest

You're a mongol rape baby, your ancestors were too weak, no wonder you fell so easily susceptible to communism

Kek paramilitary? You mean the IRA? There's a reason they don't exist anymore

They got BTFO

As all marxist fucks should

You seen the Republic of Ireland? It's a shithole lmao, "freedom" to become a blacked shit state like the south? No ty

You have no idea what you're talking about, you're embarrassing yourself lmao

"gdp groth" kek, for one per capita GDP is higher in NI, two, if you think the Republic is "freer" than The North then you're fucking retarded

Typical capitalist mindset

"muh gdp growth!"

Yeah fuck culture, blood and nation n shieeet it doesn't make money!

>Northern ireland has no kulchiur!!

>oh you mean those thousands of years of traditions/religion dating back to the neolithic? T-THAT DOESN'T COUNT!

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