Message from @ThatSpecificGentleman

Discord ID: 541649621408284673

2019-02-03 15:56:40 UTC  

I was talking about normal, non-subhuman countries @ThatSpecificGentleman

2019-02-03 15:56:50 UTC  

America does not fall into that category.

2019-02-03 15:56:54 UTC  

>being facetious

2019-02-03 15:56:56 UTC  


2019-02-03 15:57:04 UTC

2019-02-03 15:57:10 UTC  

smh kek lmao shadilay

2019-02-03 15:57:19 UTC  

we did it Reddit

2019-02-03 15:57:44 UTC  

>when you think being a facetious, ironic contrarian substitutes as trolling

2019-02-03 15:58:55 UTC  

When you think Nazi memes and Reddit plebspeak counts as an invitation to debate

2019-02-03 15:59:15 UTC

2019-02-03 15:59:16 UTC

2019-02-03 15:59:20 UTC  


2019-02-03 15:59:49 UTC  

Explain what.

2019-02-03 15:59:58 UTC  

Infographics from the 19th century?

2019-02-03 16:00:13 UTC  

>1/3rd of the Jew population apparently got SHOAH'd

>lmao jk Jewish population grew

2019-02-03 16:00:17 UTC  


2019-02-03 16:00:26 UTC  

Lolocaust pushers eternally btfo

2019-02-03 16:01:16 UTC  


2019-02-03 16:01:28 UTC  

>Provide a stupid infographic without context or sources
>"lmao Reddit we did it there is no other explanation for this but a grand conspiracy!"

Get a life

2019-02-03 16:01:54 UTC  

Source: world almanac 1933 and world almanac 1948 "religious populations of the world"

2019-02-03 16:02:13 UTC  

You don't even have an argument lmao

2019-02-03 16:02:26 UTC  

you just bog down the discussion with claims of no source when it's right in the scan

2019-02-03 16:02:40 UTC  

>Trusing outdated sources over modern research

2019-02-03 16:03:10 UTC  

Hey guys I am an anti-vaxxer BECAUSE the 1765 biology study says drugs are from the Devil.

2019-02-03 16:03:20 UTC  

>T-that source doesn't count because I SAY SO!

2019-02-03 16:03:35 UTC  

Kazimir and Crono are crypto-trolls

2019-02-03 16:04:17 UTC  

I'm sure you'll be able to find what you're looking for on this website.

2019-02-03 16:04:21 UTC  


2019-02-03 16:04:26 UTC  


2019-02-03 16:04:26 UTC  

I have no interest in debating brainlets.

2019-02-03 16:04:54 UTC  

"y-your source doesn't count, but this blogger with no esteem is a secret magic science man who will btfo your arguments!"

2019-02-03 16:05:05 UTC  

how pathetic

2019-02-03 16:06:05 UTC  

"My outdated sources are better than a multitude of sources and authors provided in one place!"

2019-02-03 16:06:13 UTC  

You're a closet homosexual.

2019-02-03 16:06:38 UTC  

You mean my 3rd party, verified American publishing isn't better than a literal internet blogger? Kekekekekekk

2019-02-03 16:06:40 UTC  

The cope!

2019-02-03 16:06:41 UTC  

@Bearer Of The Curse If you disagree with me you are a crypto troll.

2019-02-03 16:06:59 UTC  

>verified "americuck" publishing

2019-02-03 16:07:02 UTC  

Number of debates won about how the holocaust is fake:


2019-02-03 16:07:07 UTC  

>trusting Amerimutts