Message from @ThatSpecificGentleman

Discord ID: 541652166239322122

2019-02-03 16:08:12 UTC  

They have more reason to jack the population figures to fit the lolocaust narrative, than to not do so. But guess what? The "Holocaust" was only really a narrative pushed in the late 60's/ early 70's

2019-02-03 16:08:19 UTC  

"U-uhm not an Americurn, but I argue exactly like an American and am as stupid as an American"

2019-02-03 16:08:26 UTC  

Whatever you say Muttie

2019-02-03 16:08:33 UTC  

Yeah great argument cunt lmao

2019-02-03 16:08:43 UTC  

Call me American, that sure shatters my worldview

2019-02-03 16:08:51 UTC  

>Not reading the sources
>Expecting an argument

2019-02-03 16:09:01 UTC  

Why don't you read sources?

2019-02-03 16:09:04 UTC  

You really think I'll waste my time on you?

2019-02-03 16:09:07 UTC  

Is that why you still believe the lolocaust?

2019-02-03 16:09:11 UTC  

Because you can't read?

2019-02-03 16:09:15 UTC  

"N-no u!!!"

2019-02-03 16:09:21 UTC  

Stupid mutt

2019-02-03 16:09:48 UTC  

I'm trying to understand what you're saying, but your sentences are structured so poorly, you're clearly some mestizo goblin

2019-02-03 16:09:53 UTC  

So I'll go easy on you lulz

2019-02-03 16:10:11 UTC  

My sentences are literally so simple only an American wouldn't understand them.

2019-02-03 16:10:21 UTC  

Good job blowing your cover, lard eater.

2019-02-03 16:10:56 UTC  

I'm from Northern Ireland tho

2019-02-03 16:11:28 UTC  

>implying I'd live in a second tier shithole

2019-02-03 16:11:55 UTC  

>living in UK
>thinking it's not a craphole

2019-02-03 16:12:16 UTC  

97% white, top tier scenery, clean air, good food, no mosques

2019-02-03 16:12:19 UTC  

What's not to love?

2019-02-03 16:12:21 UTC  

I'll just wait until your police puts you in jail for carrying a butterknife, loser.

2019-02-03 16:12:30 UTC  

>no mosques

2019-02-03 16:12:34 UTC  

Ok Muhammad

2019-02-03 16:12:34 UTC  

Kek the police here are more armed than your military

2019-02-03 16:12:45 UTC  

There are literally no mosques built in Northern Ireland

2019-02-03 16:12:59 UTC  

Whatever you say buddy

2019-02-03 16:13:01 UTC

2019-02-03 16:13:06 UTC  

Yeah, no argument

2019-02-03 16:13:11 UTC  

Stay mad, shitskin

2019-02-03 16:13:47 UTC  

Google, what's Dunmury Mosque?

2019-02-03 16:13:50 UTC  


2019-02-03 16:14:34 UTC  

Just proves that deniers are unable to double-check basic facts.

2019-02-03 16:14:45 UTC  


2019-02-03 16:14:49 UTC  

it's not even a mosque

2019-02-03 16:14:54 UTC  

it's a fucking house

2019-02-03 16:15:15 UTC  

>Thinking that a place of worship needs to look like an Orient house

2019-02-03 16:15:23 UTC  

Does it hurt being so dumb?

2019-02-03 16:15:36 UTC  

Or is it a normal thing for Plastic Paddies?

2019-02-03 16:15:45 UTC  

Check my post and read it again, little man

>there are no mosques built in Northern Ireland

And you literally just proved my point

2019-02-03 16:16:12 UTC  

That house was built in Northern Ireland.