Sassy Undeniably

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2019-11-29 04:14:15 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Ego is a killer

2019-11-29 04:16:50 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Yeah and every time I reach a new level I am reminded real quick I haven't mastered it yet. I work on mines daily but it is a shame more don't. These keyboard gangsters wouldn't dare approach you in real life cause they know what would happen but somehow on line they are all puffed up with how they feel. Save your feelings I am trying to save lives.

2019-11-29 04:19:57 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-29 04:21:46 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

I am not worried about a couple of trolls who come in disrespectful and then act like victims.

2019-11-29 04:22:26 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

what vc room?

2019-11-29 20:10:36 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

can't use a theory no no no

2019-11-29 20:12:24 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

planes don't fly because of a unproven gravitational field. They fly because of aerodynamics

2019-11-29 20:15:00 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

if you can not explain you point without using a theory that has never been proven and is not needed and can be explained by known factors then you are willfully ignorant and must concede your arguments.

2019-11-29 20:16:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

planets have never been proven to be anything other than indistinguishable luminaires

2019-11-29 20:17:48 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

I know that the rover from what i can see does not hold up to the weight of the exertion of a vacuum It has no independent power source nor ability to create any.

2019-11-29 20:19:21 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

No sorry it doesn't show how close or how far only that it is omitting light.

2019-11-29 20:20:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

On an elliptical that has been going for 100 of years since recorded history unchanged I might add.

2019-11-29 20:22:14 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

We don't actually know how it functions but we do have a good ideal as to how we think it functions and there are various things we subscribe to from electromagnetism to torra it depends on who you talk to about it.

2019-11-29 20:23:15 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

allegory at best sprinkled with some truths and a whole lot of bs

2019-11-29 20:25:44 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

No flaws mutations self inflicted and The source can't be spoken for only attested to

2019-11-29 20:27:42 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

Can't blame the source for mans choices

2019-11-29 20:28:31 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

that is bs religion

2019-11-29 20:28:44 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

That is if you believe in the bible which I do not

2019-11-29 20:29:01 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

The bible is created by men so it is faulty and unreliable

2019-11-29 20:29:30 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

no sorry can't agree with that my friend that is a personal belief

2019-11-29 20:29:48 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

no sorry

2019-11-29 20:31:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

sorry there is no proof of it and if you look up the origins of the bible itself there is history there and none of those said prophet wrote any part in it. It does state that the authors are unknown but some believe it was written by the flavs. History written by conquers and liars can not be taken seriously. I used to be a Christian so I know this from researching and apologetics.

2019-11-29 20:33:01 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

I do know that their is a source

2019-11-29 20:33:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

sorry been their done that

2019-11-29 20:34:07 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

I do agree no one can take away another's right to practice whatever religion they so choose to partake in.

2019-11-29 21:10:52 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

Are you really obama

2019-11-29 21:11:11 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

okay then that is a no

2019-11-29 23:01:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  


2019-11-29 23:03:32 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

what are your mods called?

2019-11-29 23:03:55 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-29 23:04:27 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

you have to app for any of those roles right?

2019-11-29 23:05:00 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

that bot is viscous

2019-11-29 23:30:20 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  


This why I'm hot

2019-11-30 14:00:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

LOL assumptions don't make for evidence and having no evidence of a spherical earth that has had years on there side to solidify and only has theory, expensive cgi, fake launches that go down range and censorship to back up their claims makes for a very well behaved slave.

2019-11-30 15:04:26 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

No flat earth is not religion it is Truth has nothing to do with a religious belief. Why it matters what shape of the earth is @ImJustKawaii is because you are born here and don't know where you live because you have been deceived and made a slave since before you were born and every being born on this earth has the innate inherent right to be born free and know where they live. Because of this deception the world has been lead astray and you have no clue about who you are or where you live.

2019-11-30 15:07:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

@Deleted User the flat plain to which we live is a realm we know little about accept that the only way to enter is birth through a women and the only way to leave is through death or giving up your vessel. It is flat as far as we know and not moving and the lunar bodies movie around of on an elliptical that is predictable at all times.

2019-11-30 15:09:10 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

@greenbean I have never seen anything documenting that. If you could provide a source for that I would be happy to look at it. I do have documents that you can look up that show when and who implemented the deception of a spherical earth and it comes from the very individuals who initiated it.

2019-11-30 15:16:09 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

1. Observation in all known dimensions 2. Self testing and repeatable proving 3. Process of elimination based on the evidence presented and compared to the true scientific method omitting theoreticals. 4. Self evidence 4. Spiritual Truth and discernment

2019-11-30 15:17:13 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Independent of what?

2019-11-30 15:18:18 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Yes that is what true scientific method omitting theoreticals means

2019-11-30 15:23:09 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

I live in Texas and I have driven over 1000 miles in 4 directions and have recorded some of my observations. There are hardly any obstructions visually for miles between where I live and the oil fields I traveled. I first started my observation on a hill from a totally different city then the one I live in now so it is about 3 years of observation through travel by line of sight measurements. As far as my confidence I would say confidence over conviction is faulty. I know the earth is flat so I am sure not confident.

2019-11-30 15:25:26 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

That is the thing @Deleted User as a Flat earther we aren't saying that we are 100 about the shape we know that it is not a sphere and subscribe to the model that best describes what we observe and think.

2019-11-30 15:27:06 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

@greenbean If they conducted the same test they would have a mental break and not be able to ignore it. If they said they came up with complete opposite I would know that they are a liar and in need of mental health at least

2019-11-30 15:30:57 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

@Deleted User I have heard many oral histories over the years even before I was woke and always wondered what they were talking about but I was sleep at the time and didn't know what I was looking at or hearing. Now I do. The other side will have many interpretations and only they can describe what they mean by other side. I subscribe to the electromagnetic earth so the torus model so it could be that as above so below or a whole other realm.

2019-11-30 15:32:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

@greenbean yes of course

2019-11-30 16:51:49 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

@Jondar02 1. Name one that is your own personal observation without it being supported by an agency or theory 2. An unproven theory is not evidence of anything but a good imagination and you are taking the world of lab coats and aren't able to test it for yourself so nothing empirical about that. Consensus is not science and it doesn't hold up to actual observations or true scientific method through proof. 3. There are no photos and if they are up high enough or have left lower earth orbit they should have the capabilities to be able to take a real photo or live view not cgi of the earth in its entirety or the dark side of the moon should not be a mystery or see through for that matter. 4. Your choosing to think that and planes don't go straight up and then down range to enter an orbit they go at an angel. You would first have to solve the issue of the van Allen belt and state how the materials to withstand the pressure of a vacuum have been overcome and get them to take back the fact that they have stated they have never gone past lower earth orbit. You also would have to show how said vehical had solved the issue of carrying enough thrust to be able to overcome such pressure and slow down and speed up differentials to enter other orbits and return to our atmosphere without being imploded or torn apart. How are they able to see at those speeds to know where they are going and when they should stop? 5. If you think this is freedom of speech you clearly don't know what that is. 6. Keep your feet and hands inside your ride at all times or you might wake the f up.

2019-11-30 17:27:14 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

@Jondar02 1. lunar eclipse is not and evidence of a moving of a spherical earth. Looking at lunar bodies from a fixed point does not tell you anything about the ground beneath your feet and how you know it is moving based on science. A moving cars acceleration is an example and meets the criteria for movement felt, experienced and known mechanics and natural law. It can be discussed. 2. you said empirical so you would have to concede all points on the matter concerning said presented evidence there of. Give personal proofs then to back up your claims that aren't theoretical in nature. We both can explore that and draw conclusions by testing them together. No outside sources need at that point or taking of another's word. 3. When you say Apollo program it calls into question what you really know or understand about the technology at that time. You should look into what they were actually capable of in those days compared to popular opinion and several involved in that program have recanted and and admitted to having never gone to the moon and I assure you would recant and reframe from using that as a proof

2019-11-30 17:27:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

. 4. I am very learned about aerodynamics of flight and rocket propoltion so no need to regurgitate those things to me. I am well educated about the subjects I entertain. You nor I have been outside a cruising altitude but i am sure we have felt what it is like to get up to one. So how do you reconcile that they have done so at 67k mph in the apparatus you mentioned of those mentions and thn lost the tec and ability to go back but assume they have sats and other devices that do? Have you really thought about what you believe? Have you seen test done by individuals or even said organization of simulated vacuums and observed how the body and other objects respond in those environments? I have which aloud me to rule out those mission based off of the materials and capability presented as evidence of that time period and today. What I have made clear is that they have not overcome those obstacles and instead resort to deception and lying about why they can't so you must concede that argument as proof as well. 5. Yes we do receive push back all the time through censorship and being put in various jails because of it. There have been laws created to do just that and they are ramping it up but the truth can not be silenced.

2019-11-30 17:52:37 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

@Jondar02 Never moved the goal post you just don't know what you are talking about and I do so hard for us to have a proper discussion because you are at a disadvantage. Kiddo you should research more and assume less. If you don't want the heat stay out of the kitchen. Know what it is you believe and back it up. If you need help doing so I would be happy to help (ie know your model )you but if you challenge what we believe do not waver and waffle around and claim age as an issue or you won't be taken seriously and dismissed. You have chosen to enter the discussion so always be ready with an answer or you will get eaten alive. Research, research everything you can find out about what you are saying you believe in or say you know. Can never do enough of that. I can't make up your mind for you but show you where you can find things. Stick around and observe conversation. You just might learn something.

2019-11-30 17:55:34 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

Emphatically no

2019-11-30 18:13:08 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

@Deleted User show evidence of capabilities at that time

2019-11-30 18:16:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

@Deleted User your mistake the claim that is was spherical was made by you all and before the ushering in of the heliocentric model all societies new it was flat so burden of proof has always laid with you so knock yourself out. You either don't want to examine your evidence for being shown to be a wrong or you have none so you know you are wrong either way go for it. I know your evidence better then you.

2019-11-30 18:17:15 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

copy that

2019-11-30 18:37:37 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

@Jondar02 You can't say I moved the goal post when you brought lunar eclipses in and didn't say you are limiting it to only proving it to be a sphere based off of? Something you didn't state. Secondly I responded with something that is also stated about eclipses because I know what is said about that argument so no fallacy there. I didn't present any evidence but asked for evidence to support your claim that that it is proof of a spherical earth. You presented none or made clarification that you were limiting the discussion so move to strike that statement of goal moving since the error and clarification lies with you and I can concede that I jumped the gun with interjecting more information based of of your none clarification or lack of presentation of evidence to prove your point that you left open for interpretation and I assumed the discussion would be all encompassing. My bad

2019-11-30 18:46:34 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

@Deleted User again not going with what was said back then but rather what evidence we can look at jointly about technological capabilities. We can start there and then move to what reasons each side presented and why they just don't add up to a spherical earth. I do mean every aspect. Either way if you are unwilling to go there then please reframe from evoking my name for me to conversate about things you really don't want to know or look at. I am about getting right down to the evidence not hearsay of lying governing bodies. Especially when the Russians became the Americans who ushered in the heliocentric model. So that is just a contradiction you might want to explore before interjecting with that again.

2019-12-01 22:55:29 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  


2019-12-02 00:43:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Yeah they want us to believe in theocraticals and call our truth a theory and don't have a single peice of evidence to back up anything they say other than lab coat jargon and mathematical nonsensical bs. Then when you press them on what they actually know about their model they resort to name calling and go silent and pout

2019-12-02 00:50:54 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

But it shouldn't always point at us if it is in fact moving slower then the earth turns and at a different speed that is slower then our rotation at said tilt so that is an impossibility that it just always faces us.

2019-12-02 00:51:29 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

It is either rotating or not

2019-12-02 00:51:32 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

I say not

2019-12-02 01:05:24 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Your ignorance is going to have you with cogdiss in a second. lol did you look at what you posted or are you going to regurgitate the same thing we all learned. In order to wake up and understand why we have and issue with what they have said you have to first start with a blank slate and stop believing blindly what you were told. Let me rip apart what that said and what it really means then we will see if you are ready to understand that they get caught in their own lies by the statements they have made. First off tidal look is a phenomena which means it is a special occurrence that breaks all rational and logical rules to be believed by those who subscribe to it. That is where you first go wrong. second off The moon takes 27 days to rotate once and we should see all sides off it if it is spinning so slow that it takes that long to spin. But here again there is another hidden truth to that lie in that it can't be synchronous to us if we spin faster then it. Thirdly You have to ignore the fact that a rotation means just that that something is rotating independently so we should never see one side we should see 27 different frames every night as it rotates. Think okay

2019-12-02 01:07:45 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Some people just need to pick apart what they believe and then that will help them see clearer

2019-12-02 01:08:45 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Hell leave believes all together. Phenomena lol like if i put my hand in this fire a phenomena will occur and I won't get burned cause i said so.

2019-12-02 01:10:52 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

noun: phenomenon; plural noun: phenomena
a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question. This means it doesn't happen naturally so saying it occurs is like saying the tooth fairy took my tooth and left me some money

2019-12-02 01:11:19 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

That is in question meaning it is not a constant and can't be proven

2019-12-02 01:12:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Yeah phenomenon is something that occurs that you just use as a scape goat when you can't prove it happens in any other scenario in other words it does not repeat.

2019-12-02 01:13:49 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

It is not a phenomena it does not meat the criterion it is known repetitive and observable so miss me with that.

2019-12-02 01:14:15 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Yes it is known the cause of lightning

2019-12-02 01:14:38 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

What you guys are trying to do is ignore the fact that if something rotates it rotates and the moon doesn't

2019-12-02 01:15:04 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

27 days of the moon revealing it's dark side is what should happen

2019-12-02 01:15:43 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Different slice every night should occur my good sirs. the fact that it doesn't shows you like to ignore it

2019-12-02 01:16:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

But you guys will go giggle giggle it doesn't cause it has this phenomena of not moving for 27 days

2019-12-02 01:16:43 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

even though we move faster and it slower

2019-12-02 01:20:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

you know what I am saying You need to critically think and make yourself a visual with some potatoes. You can use any balls you might have in your home to put it to the test and see if you are just being fooled by them or them and your self. Put the potatoes on the table and spin one really fast while spinning the other slow and get to its' level and tell me does it not move to where you can see the slow moving ones different areas of it. I don't know how simple You need it put buddy.

2019-12-02 01:21:52 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

No theoretical unproven bs either like gravity looks it in place so we only see one side so gone on with that fairytale

2019-12-02 01:22:44 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Tidal lock ask yourself it is rotating or not.

2019-12-02 01:24:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

No it is not it is rotating at slow speed and take a full 27 days to complete so you shouldn't see the same side every night

2019-12-02 01:28:49 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth] This is what i mean by it should't see the same side it spins just like we do as it goes around us so we should never have a one sided moon seen.

2019-12-02 01:32:01 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

either way you have to ignore the fact that if it takes 27 days to go around us and 27 days to spin on it's own access at one point do you realize it should be different on each of the 27 days?

2019-12-02 01:32:37 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

It moves slow enough for us to see it different every night

2019-12-02 01:32:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

So is it spinning or not?

2019-12-02 01:34:16 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Why would that make any since day one it makes a slight change it should be noticeable that it is making its rotation because it is moving slower then us so we should see this change.

2019-12-02 01:35:53 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

On day 2 we should see a little more cause guess what it moves slow

2019-12-02 01:37:43 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

No not really why don't you get two marbles and move them with your hand maybe then you can understand it better because you can actually do the rotations and marbles have different marbalization so you can see what I am saying.

2019-12-02 01:38:46 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

We rotate 1 time every 24 hours bud

2019-12-02 01:38:48 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-12-02 01:38:50 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

that means

2019-12-02 01:39:07 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

we would be back around to see a different sliver of its rotation

2019-12-02 01:39:19 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

all 27 days

2019-12-02 01:39:43 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

before the face makes its way back to us. draw a face on one side then do it

2019-12-02 01:39:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

a happy face on one side leave the other side blank

2019-12-02 01:40:28 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-12-02 01:40:46 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

wait what kind of call

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