Search: steve king

in Nice Respectable People Group

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As baby steps go, we are quickly headed towards "draw[ing] the line at Steve King and everyone to the left of him is a f--ing traitor to the country" <:whitepill:439924104406106113> <:whitepill:439924104406106113> <:whitepill:439924104406106113>

Delete if necessary (is there anywhere that "contact your rep" stuff can go?)

The Republican steering committee voted to strip Steve King of his committee memberships because of the fallout from his recent comments on white nationalism.

Here is the list of steering committee members if you want to contact them to complain. Not everyone will have a rep on the list but maybe some people will.

2019-01-15 10:28:29 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Disheartened this morning by the GOP's treatment of Steve King. Our ideas are certainly are a long ways away from being welcomed by the GOP with open arms. They're becoming way to similar to the Democrat party on social issues. (Not blackpilling here, we're still making great progress)

Attention @everyone:

Your task for today is to call Kevin McCarthyโ€™s office and let them know that you stand with Steve Kingโ€”that you take issue with McCarthyโ€™s kowtowing to the left.

Call both of these numbers: . (202) 225-2915 and (661) 327-3611

Letโ€™s get to work.

"The bill is co-sponsored by eleven Republican representatives: Kevin Brady (TX-8), Steve King (IA-4), Louie Gohmert (TX-1), Tom Garrett, Jr. (VA-5), Lamar S. Smith (TX-21), Walter B. Jones, Jr. (NC-3), Paul Gosar (AZ-4), Ron DeSantis (FL-6), Joe Wilson (SC-2), Gary Palmer (AL-6), and Kevin Cramer (ND-At-large)."

Lately the anti American internationalist media has been engaging in a slander & libel campaign against Steve King in an attempt to have him neuter himself & turn the left over rinos against him - if you have 5 minutes please give Mr Kings office a call & express your support for him & his work. Every call counts!

2018-11-02 18:51:54 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Lately the anti American internationalist media has been engaging in a slander & libel campaign against Steve King in an attempt to have him neuter himself & turn the left over rinos against him - if you have 5 minutes please give Mr Kings office a call & express your support for him & his work. Every call counts!

I could be wrong but I think younger people who weren't around for WN 1.0 don't associate the term with Jack boots and pinwheels. As "neo nazi" and "white supremacist" lose their flair, surely in part thanks to good optics, the left is trying to turn WN into the new n-word for whites. But when they call Trump and Steve King white nationalists, they hurt their own objective and the term loses power by their very use of it.

2018-11-07 18:53:40 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

It's important to take a nuanced view on things. The average civnat is probably slightly better than the average liberal. However, there are definitely some civnats who outright harm us more than they help us. If someone is saying things like, "I just want to end illegal immigration, I want *more* legal immigration", that person is actively working against me.

At the same time, there's guys like Tucker Carlson or Steve King that do much more good than the average civnat.

A thought I had continued from a conversation in <#359019439116648458> ...

The favorite slurs of the media for us are "neo-nazi" and "white supremacist." These evoke all that 1.0 baggage we want to shed-- which is why they roll off our backs like water off a duck since we look/sound/feel nothing like 1.0. Contrast this with the term "white nationalist." To some people *in* the movement this term evokes that 1.0 image, but I suspect to most people *outside* the movement it does not necessarily evoke this image, in large part because it is being juxtaposed with the aforementioned extreme terms, and because guys like Steve King are getting labeled "white nationalist" by the media. For this reason I think we are seeing a normalization of the term, as was pointed out recently on FTN. Not saying we should ditch "identitarian" right now, but it will be interesting to see how public opinion of these terms evolves in the coming years.

Look, it's true I'm strawmanning alot of the pathetic blackpiller's poorly thought out positions, Ultimately it's going to a tough road to...whatever and the solutions to our problems may not end up being entirely political (hence why we are a metapolitical org) -

Last night was supposed to be a massive win for the left and instead they got like 10% of what they were hoping for.

Feeling pretty good about things, as populism or at least anti-globalism is on the rise in a major way, these attitudes are absolutely going to continue to rise in this nation. Think about where you were 2 years ago. How quickly someone can get "redpilled", how explicit many politicians on the right have become, the rhetoric of some talking heads, pumping our ideas in the the living rooms of millions.

The left went full court press on "STEVE KING IS A WHITE NATIONALIST" and he still won.

If you don't see our ideas on the rise in this nation and globally, IDK what to tell you dude...

Trump's gonna get a second term - all bets are off what might happen then.

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