Message from @missliterallywho

Discord ID: 508848729584041984

2018-11-05 03:37:01 UTC  

You don’t have to go to mars or LARP.You would just need to be able to survive in a hostile desert. Which is technically possible if people had the will.

2018-11-05 03:37:19 UTC  

Real talk though, any area in the US that is now ~90% white *is* essentially an ethnostate

2018-11-05 03:37:36 UTC  

freedom isn't inherited at birth its fought for, that's why we always have to stand our ground, be smart and educate others on why to vote for freedom and how the MSM is manipulating them, in a smart politically correct peaceful way. its hard times for freedom of speech but cannot ever give it up. sorry for late reply my roommate spilled my coffee >: (

2018-11-05 03:38:37 UTC  

by being smart and educating people is how to show them the way

2018-11-05 03:38:48 UTC  

No ethnostate on Mars 😭

2018-11-05 03:39:11 UTC  

Yeah, well, the world is majority nonWhte both in territory and demographics. We MUST reclaim the White patrimony that existed a hundred years ago. That is not to much to insist upon. The feelings of our dusky brethren should be ignored as a minor irritation.

2018-11-05 03:39:19 UTC  

Small stated these days can’t exist outside of the context of empires: NATO, Russia, etc.

2018-11-05 03:39:58 UTC  

A White ethnostate would get dominated without the support of larger nations.

2018-11-05 03:40:10 UTC  

The system won’t just let you exit.

2018-11-05 03:40:10 UTC  

Jumping in late, but my personal philosophy to our situation is grounded in incrementalism. We found ourselves in this mess step, by baby step - and that's how we're going to pull ourselves out.

Be smarter, more patient, more cunning and disciplined than our foes.

2018-11-05 03:40:51 UTC  

@Reinhard Wolff is right. There are many ethnocentric communities in Russia. Like they have a Jewish community in the Siberia, that is heavily populated by Jews. It's basically an ethnostate.

2018-11-05 03:40:51 UTC  

Empires unravel. We're seeing that in our own era. The White American ethnostate should be the entirety of what is now the U.S.

2018-11-05 03:40:56 UTC  

The left have won by coupling an idealistic vanguard with hard headed politics, incrementally yes but never stepping away from the vanguard, at worst not commenting

2018-11-05 03:41:33 UTC  

An ethnostate is an ideal, it gives a sense of direction to what would be better or worse, more in that direction is better

2018-11-05 03:41:56 UTC  

I don’t know, it would seem really messed up for a country to attack a smaller nation outside its borders in the middle of a desert.

2018-11-05 03:42:02 UTC  

Sure, there’s no harm talking about it

2018-11-05 03:42:25 UTC  

My responses were more geared toward’s IE public positions

2018-11-05 03:42:47 UTC  

I'm telling you all. We need to go back to the attitudes and the taste for action that characterized our ancestors 100 years ago. They were right. They were in touch with a harsh, but undeniable reality.

2018-11-05 03:42:55 UTC  

We can let the bloggers and podcasters carve out an imaginary ethnostate

2018-11-05 03:43:10 UTC

2018-11-05 03:43:11 UTC  

As baby steps go, we are quickly headed towards "draw[ing] the line at Steve King and everyone to the left of him is a f--ing traitor to the country" <:whitepill:439924104406106113> <:whitepill:439924104406106113> <:whitepill:439924104406106113>

2018-11-05 03:43:12 UTC  

Yea obviously IE is not publicly planting ethnostates a or even privately, but we can dream.

2018-11-05 03:43:20 UTC  

I’m motivated by more achievable goals, but to each his own.

2018-11-05 03:43:22 UTC  

The moment we halt and then reverse demographic decline we will be unstoppable

2018-11-05 03:43:24 UTC  

No matter the end game, it requires mass awakening of white people thinking of themselves as white, being sympathetic and resilient support network- that's what I.E. is.

2018-11-05 03:43:32 UTC  

Right, I mean I joined this org because it's actually making a difference right now and empty larp doesn't cut it

2018-11-05 03:43:46 UTC  

@missliterallywho not quite there yet, but a good starting point

2018-11-05 03:44:09 UTC  

@Logan I meant to tell you that Rasmussan article is good news

2018-11-05 03:44:42 UTC  

@Papa Pizzagate Exactly, a sudden upheaval that would deport all non-whites from America would cause an extremely strong backlash, both domestically and internationally. Personally I would like to severely curb or end immigration, a rise in White birth rates and finally establish ethnic republics, like what the Russian Federation does

2018-11-05 03:45:16 UTC  

I guess I did put it in absolute terms which is why I got corrected, but all I wish to impress is that no one will stake out that lofty goal for us

2018-11-05 03:45:17 UTC  

@Virgil *Russian Empire

2018-11-05 03:45:39 UTC  

baby. steps.

2018-11-05 03:45:44 UTC  

And dreams are important, they inspire baby steps

2018-11-05 03:46:24 UTC  

>leftist attacks on whites force racial consciousness onto all whites
>military on the border, etc causes immigrants to self deport

2018-11-05 03:47:03 UTC  

Montana is whiter than Norway and the USA is more Norweigian than Norway.

2018-11-05 03:47:21 UTC  

yknow all this lofty talk about the future ethnostate. The ethnostate starts today. When you choose to protect your own race and identity by making white babies, by not being a NEET and contributing to white society, and by taking care of your kids instead of letting Uncle Sam handle his/her upbringing. Small steps, if we all do them, we would all be more virtuous than Sam Hyde himself.

2018-11-05 03:47:43 UTC  

Once the conflict has started, it will go where it goes as one thing leads to another. At this point all that matters is that you know which side you're on. There is no longer a middle ground. There is no compromising with the nonWhite Left. We've bent over backwards to acommodate nonWhtes, and they hate and despise more than ever. They realize they can never be us. And that is what they have historically dreamed of.

2018-11-05 03:48:10 UTC  

We'll just see how Tuesday night goes.

2018-11-05 03:48:23 UTC  

I am predicting a good-to-okay turn out

2018-11-05 03:49:05 UTC  

The moment we convince our people that they are a people and it's correct to defend themselves as such we will be unstoppable @TylerHess