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2018-03-27 20:30:59 UTC

134k people are going to have a bad time.

2018-03-27 20:36:46 UTC

TFW these demogogues realize that amending the constitution would require an uncharacteristically large display of unity in the federal houses of congress plus the approval of 38 states of the union

2018-03-27 20:36:56 UTC

36 of which were Red States in the 2016 election

2018-03-27 20:38:35 UTC

So David Hogg seems to have really let his newfound fame go to his head.

2018-03-27 20:41:41 UTC

Between the number of friends his sister has lost to that one shooting on any given day and blaming white privilege, I'd say yes

2018-03-27 20:41:59 UTC

He's said 2, 3, and 4 in separate interviews

2018-03-27 20:46:47 UTC

So, when's the climax of this story?

2018-03-27 22:00:20 UTC

So a retired SCOTUS judge decided to propose repealing the 2nd

2018-03-27 22:00:35 UTC

And people point out he's a Republican, appointed by a Republican....

2018-03-27 22:00:54 UTC

But former Justice Stevens sure wasn't presiding as a conservative on that bench

2018-03-27 22:14:56 UTC

@Legiondude that makes it worse

2018-03-27 23:27:44 UTC

2018-03-28 00:24:27 UTC

If you really want Republican voters to get off of the couch and vote in the mid-term elections, then hold rallies talking about 'revolution' and how you're going to make gun control your main issue for those elections

2018-03-28 00:25:23 UTC


2018-03-28 00:25:25 UTC

speaking of which,

2018-03-28 00:54:02 UTC

I saw Shapiro say that earlier on his show.

2018-03-28 00:54:24 UTC

That march couldn't have been better for republicans.

2018-03-28 21:55:40 UTC

Every gun video i watch on youtube has a vox antigun video in the chute. What the fuck

2018-03-28 22:09:54 UTC

๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿ”ซ<:think_hang:378717098903470080>

2018-03-29 00:59:27 UTC

This is awesome

2018-03-29 01:30:52 UTC

Let's hope he doesn't jump with it like an idiot:

2018-03-29 03:11:37 UTC

So about that Livestream today....

Anyone else tired of Veeh?

2018-03-29 03:24:47 UTC

Are you saying that we should โ€œkick veeโ€ ?

2018-03-29 03:29:29 UTC


2018-03-29 03:29:32 UTC


2018-03-29 03:29:45 UTC

It's like he's constantly 10min behind everyone else

2018-03-29 03:31:37 UTC

lol "My backpack rights!!"

Kid, you literally don't have rights. That's why you're in school.

I'll have to give it listen as a half and half Brit, American

but he's got more books than you VEEEEEEE

I truly hate talking to Euros about guns though

2018-03-29 03:43:00 UTC

Talk to guns with people that care about guns, no reason to talk about guns to people that don't care about it

2018-03-29 03:47:27 UTC

>I truly hate talking to Euros about guns though

2018-03-29 04:25:44 UTC

I love the argument 'What's your gun going to do aganist a tank?"

lol, my gun is meant to SUPPLEMENT that tank. Whoever said I was on the opposite side?

2018-03-29 04:40:09 UTC

The gun? Nothing
The stuff I have on my kitchen will fuck him up

2018-03-29 04:42:50 UTC

Ahh, kitchen chemistry. ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-03-29 04:44:47 UTC

Not as good as bathroom chemistry

2018-03-29 04:47:37 UTC

Or fast food chem

2018-03-29 04:48:26 UTC

tl;dr you can make meth in a water bottle while waiting for your order.

2018-03-29 05:26:45 UTC

my kinda channel

2018-03-29 07:17:02 UTC

The thing to point out, when discussing guns with people, is how quick they are to sacrifice a right they're not exercising. "I'm willing to make a sacrifice and never carry guns again", "bitch, you never had a gun your whole life".

2018-03-29 07:25:00 UTC


2018-03-29 07:25:01 UTC


2018-03-29 07:26:06 UTC

Was thinking about this other day while watching something

2018-03-29 07:26:25 UTC

People who are taught to respect guns are completely different from those whom are raised to fear them

2018-03-29 07:27:06 UTC

And it's usually the people in the latter category whom are also more willing to use them in a criminal fashion, because they consider the firearm to be something that other peple are afraid of in the first place, thus giving them power

2018-03-29 07:49:42 UTC


2018-03-29 07:50:16 UTC

And I've found that people who were not taught to be afraid of them are more malleable to firearm rights

2018-03-29 07:50:26 UTC

in fact, every one I've exposed has totally jumped into it

2018-03-29 13:50:50 UTC

"last week we had eight murders, all under the age of 17, all knives"

2018-03-29 14:12:21 UTC

A holder of a Concealable Firearms Licence, who is a member of an approved shooting club, must not use a weapon that:

Has a calibre greater than .38 inch (except for black-powder pistols) unless they have applied for and been approved to use 'high calibre weapons'

***Is semi automatic*** and has a barrel length of less than 120mm unless it has an overall length of at least 250mm measured parallel to the barrel

2018-03-29 14:12:24 UTC

fucking wot

2018-03-29 14:12:38 UTC

what other type of fucking pistol is there nowadays?

2018-03-29 14:13:45 UTC

not another fucking Taurus

2018-03-29 14:13:46 UTC

go away

2018-03-29 14:14:12 UTC

I was about to say "unless they're saying that I have to use a manual-action revolver"

2018-03-29 14:15:19 UTC

I suppose a Chiappa .22 would qualify

2018-03-29 14:15:33 UTC

seems to defeat the point of conceal carry though

2018-03-29 14:17:12 UTC

At least I could pretend to own a Colt .45 then

The whole point is that you can't hide it in your trousers

is that a firearm or are you just REALLY pleased to see me?

2018-03-29 14:19:34 UTC

I imagine the second requirement is to not let it be as concealable.

2018-03-29 14:21:05 UTC

bonus irony is any video I've seen on CC is like "first off, don't make it fucking obvious that you're carrying, otherwise you're defeating the whole point of CC"

isn't that called Gridding?

the only way to have guns in the UK would have to be open carry

CC wouldn't work here

2018-03-29 14:25:10 UTC

People freak out more about open carry

2018-03-29 14:25:14 UTC

Which is also kind of dumb

2018-03-29 14:25:17 UTC

but.. anyway..

2018-03-29 14:25:28 UTC

chicks with guns.

so few people would actually buy a gun

I think OC is the only way to go

but I'm just a ignorant BritBong

I understand the point of CC but in the UK you I think you would have to OC

2018-03-29 14:34:22 UTC

OG wit da OC in da UK

In Brit Culture it's just easier for me to be upfront and honest

Yes I have a gun, yes it licenced, I'm trained in to how to use it, it's there on my hip you can see it

that will scare some people

the idea that you might just have a gun in your bag is worse

2018-03-29 14:56:44 UTC

The problem I keep running into are #Repeal nuts from Canuckland

2018-03-29 15:04:05 UTC

That they're tired of hearing about these shootings and they just want it to end

They want #NeverAgain to be true

2018-03-29 15:04:18 UTC

And that we shouldn't be pussyfooting about the issue and just confiscate all the guns

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