
Discord ID: 372513679964635138

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2018-11-01 20:11:02 UTC

Charlie may not surf

2018-11-01 20:11:13 UTC

But let's see if he can fly

Commies invading the Democrats. They get the ๐Ÿš

2018-11-01 20:15:53 UTC


2018-11-01 20:16:44 UTC

My Sides ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-11-01 20:16:55 UTC

>be african

2018-11-01 20:17:03 UTC

>be african

Look like all you guys are getting arrested!

2018-11-01 20:18:32 UTC

no u

2018-11-01 20:19:09 UTC

also i don't live in tanzania kek

2018-11-01 20:20:19 UTC

Oh Jesus

2018-11-01 20:20:27 UTC

das the one XD

2018-11-01 20:21:13 UTC


2018-11-01 20:22:39 UTC

I love how it says

2018-11-01 20:22:45 UTC

Obama Back off

2018-11-01 20:22:47 UTC

Obama, Bringer of eatin da poopoo

2018-11-01 22:26:14 UTC

https://www.politico.com/story/2018/11/01/trump-immigration-953569 trump is done with the kid gloves at the border as he did say: migrants throwing rocks will be treated as armed

2018-11-01 22:36:09 UTC

Looks like someone's been learning from the Israeli tactics

2018-11-01 22:40:22 UTC

Well Don grew up in the NYC area, and they've got weirdly broad definitions of what constitutes a weapon

Comparatively, I got told on Reddit about how New Jersey regulations classify a Slingshot as a firearm

2018-11-01 22:41:00 UTC

that wouldn't make sense, since no fire is used to propel the projectile

2018-11-01 22:41:42 UTC

firearm = "projectile weapon" in some places

2018-11-01 22:41:56 UTC

```"Firearm or firearms" means any handgun, rifle, shotgun, machine gun, assault firearm, automatic or semi-automatic rifle, or any gun, device or instrument in the nature of a weapon from which may be fired or ejected any solid projectile, ball, slug, pellet, missile or bullet, or any gas, vapor or other noxious thing, by means of a cartridge or shell or by the action of an explosive or the igniting of flammable or explosive substances. It shall also include, without limitation, any firearm which is in the nature of an air gun, spring gun or pistol or other weapon of a similar nature in which the propelling force is a spring, elastic band, carbon dioxide, compressed or other gas, or vapor, air or compressed air, or is ignited by compressed air, and ejecting a bullet or missile smaller than three-eighths of an inch in diameter, with sufficient force to injure a person.```

2018-11-01 22:41:59 UTC

Crossbows are the same way

2018-11-01 22:42:22 UTC

Ah I see

2018-11-01 22:42:30 UTC

That's quite stupid

2018-11-01 22:46:12 UTC

Throw rocks

2018-11-01 22:46:15 UTC

Get shocks

2018-11-01 22:46:38 UTC


2018-11-01 23:00:41 UTC

can I get some opinions on the brazilian president pls

2018-11-01 23:01:30 UTC

Anti Communist is about as far as I can reliably glean

2018-11-01 23:01:35 UTC

The rest is lost in media noise

2018-11-01 23:01:57 UTC

From what I've heard he's extremely homophobic

2018-11-01 23:02:17 UTC

Wouldn't be surprised

2018-11-01 23:02:21 UTC

dunno if its true tho

2018-11-01 23:02:36 UTC

But it would depend on who is definining "extremely" and "homophobic"

2018-11-01 23:03:06 UTC

As I said, I dont know. I'm asking for opinions from people who know better than I. So that I can form my own later.

2018-11-01 23:03:35 UTC

I'm 20 sec in and he seems like a pretty cool guy

2018-11-01 23:04:24 UTC

1:11 big thonk

2018-11-01 23:05:50 UTC

looks like the outcome of growing reactionism because of criminality. I'm not surprised.

2018-11-01 23:05:58 UTC

Hope this goes well for brazil.

2018-11-01 23:06:44 UTC

I just hope he doesnโ€™t start razing the amazon rainforest

2018-11-01 23:06:48 UTC

Looks like a chad to me.

2018-11-01 23:06:57 UTC

And doesnโ€™t make things worse than they already are

2018-11-01 23:07:07 UTC

He said he'd agree with the paris agreement I think @Deleted User

2018-11-01 23:07:29 UTC

so he might actually do something about the deforestation

2018-11-01 23:07:29 UTC

@MountainMan i thought he said he didnโ€™t give a fuck about climate regulations lol

2018-11-01 23:07:34 UTC

oh damn

2018-11-01 23:07:42 UTC

I think i need to check again

2018-11-01 23:07:47 UTC

Same here.

2018-11-01 23:07:52 UTC

Mind sending me what you find?

2018-11-01 23:07:56 UTC

Or if you find

2018-11-01 23:09:42 UTC

Got this from national geographic:

2018-11-01 23:09:53 UTC

oh damn

2018-11-01 23:10:39 UTC

Ny times

2018-11-01 23:10:57 UTC

So how much forest should be untouched?

2018-11-01 23:11:12 UTC

Thereโ€™s a couple more semi-reliable outlets but the overall majority is left-biased like the guardian

2018-11-01 23:11:25 UTC

I dunno. I'm not an ecology expert. @Fitzydog

2018-11-01 23:11:36 UTC

Reportedly bolsonaro has merged the agriculture and environment ministries

2018-11-01 23:11:51 UTC

That's a great idea

2018-11-01 23:12:23 UTC

Idk what it entails, Iโ€™m not well versed on Brazilian issues

2018-11-01 23:12:27 UTC

Having two sectors of your government diametrically opposed to each other's policies is ridiculous

2018-11-01 23:12:38 UTC

Just hope whatever he does doesnโ€™t fuck us over in the west

2018-11-01 23:12:49 UTC

Forcing them to come up with compromise internally seems more efficient

2018-11-01 23:30:34 UTC

well this looks super interesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFgD8os8VhU

2018-11-01 23:35:59 UTC

dat tomb raider shot ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-11-01 23:37:12 UTC

So @Broo TulsiGang 2024 ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ posted this already in <#372508286529961996> , but <:think_woke:378717098681171988> thought of the day: Is this the "Spiritual Whitness" Dick Spencer described? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXyvqWlvLl4

2018-11-02 02:08:35 UTC

@Durtle02 how biased is it?

2018-11-02 02:08:54 UTC

@galesteppes not bad actually

2018-11-02 02:41:07 UTC


2018-11-02 02:42:26 UTC

I'm kinda surprised that this flew under people's radar considering the size of the channel and the fact that the content is usually apolitical.

Too Long Didn't Watch: Chris Hadfield's son treats us to an interesting non-partisan discussion about how extremism is the enemy of civilized society. Then at the 12:30 mark he switches gears, redefines extremism as "Donald Trump" and proceeds to spend the rest of the video explaining how Bad Orange Man is the cause of all of the problems in the western hemisphere. (I'm not exaggerating this for humor, he literally blames the political divide in Europe on Trump)

2018-11-02 04:39:19 UTC

lol Trump effect may be reason for encouraging the rise of 'far right' politics

2018-11-02 04:39:24 UTC

but Soros

2018-11-02 04:39:51 UTC

far left politics enbolden some people to go far right

2018-11-02 04:40:10 UTC

and soros has been at it far longer than trump

2018-11-02 04:41:09 UTC

nobody say shit about that

2018-11-02 04:41:14 UTC

i wonder why


This is why Women shouldn't vote. ;D

2018-11-02 10:30:44 UTC

organising economic resistance

2018-11-02 10:33:17 UTC

I love how these things are phrased "as you may know" or "as you are no doubt aware"

2018-11-02 10:33:20 UTC

nigga pls I've never heard of you before

Otherwise known as back channel 'fundraising'

2018-11-02 10:33:39 UTC

I got a threat of legal action from telstra in Australia

2018-11-02 10:34:17 UTC

"as you are no doubt aware *Big Pond* is one of our primary trade marks"

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