
Discord ID: 372507611284766722

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2018-07-02 06:10:32 UTC

in every new restaurant i visit

2018-07-02 06:10:46 UTC


2018-07-02 06:11:08 UTC

you know, it's been awhile since i polished me deck

2018-07-02 06:11:12 UTC

**Ithroch#7293** was cleansed from the server.

2018-07-02 06:11:21 UTC

i really do enjoy polishing me deck

2018-07-02 06:11:33 UTC

i get that really good deck polish and i just go to town

2018-07-02 06:11:47 UTC

i like to have a nice polished deck for when my family comes over

2018-07-02 06:11:56 UTC


2018-07-02 06:11:57 UTC

it's a nice big deck that fits the whole family

2018-07-02 06:11:59 UTC


2018-07-02 06:12:16 UTC

backyard poarch right?

2018-07-02 06:12:51 UTC


2018-07-02 06:13:38 UTC

"I used to never let children near my deck, it was not safe for cods to play on"

2018-07-02 06:13:50 UTC

"But they've all had a good time"

2018-07-02 06:14:20 UTC

huh, apparently first wave feminists were terrorists

2018-07-02 06:14:27 UTC

i mean

2018-07-02 06:14:29 UTC

"i've been amazed by how many things you can fix by just shoving caulk into them

2018-07-02 06:14:33 UTC

according to that time frame

2018-07-02 06:14:42 UTC

they still are

2018-07-02 06:14:44 UTC

No, like literal terrorists.

2018-07-02 06:14:47 UTC

they always have been

2018-07-02 06:14:53 UTC

not near IRA levels tho

2018-07-02 06:14:55 UTC

They tried to assasinate people

2018-07-02 06:14:58 UTC

probably weak sauce

2018-07-02 06:15:04 UTC

and bombed buildings

2018-07-02 06:15:08 UTC

IRA are terrorist scum

2018-07-02 06:15:34 UTC

falkin coont

2018-07-02 06:15:36 UTC


2018-07-02 06:16:11 UTC

aight, i got work in 6 hours, ciao mates

2018-07-02 06:16:18 UTC

Ciao faggot

2018-07-02 06:16:30 UTC

stop appropriating my culture

2018-07-02 06:16:31 UTC

<:hboxKrey:284209069517045760> <:gay:382982146249326612>

2018-07-02 06:17:07 UTC

2018-07-02 06:17:36 UTC

i that a AR mag?

2018-07-02 06:17:42 UTC

Fucking pasta eaters

2018-07-02 06:17:51 UTC

lol rip italian roulette

2018-07-02 06:18:05 UTC

of course the russians do it better

2018-07-02 06:18:10 UTC

are they even people?

2018-07-02 06:20:27 UTC

They arenโ€™t white

2018-07-02 06:20:38 UTC

it's goddamn impossible to find a good quality download of Kubo and the Two Strings

2018-07-02 06:20:50 UTC

it's constantly grainy

2018-07-02 06:21:42 UTC

Is that a movie?

2018-07-02 06:21:50 UTC

even the fucking netflix version was grainy

2018-07-02 06:21:57 UTC


2018-07-02 06:22:17 UTC

Good morning oppressive east European mod @franti

2018-07-02 06:22:28 UTC

>give a discord rank as reward on patreon
>get almost 2k+ increase in money in a week

2018-07-02 06:23:01 UTC


2018-07-02 06:23:02 UTC

and here we are like a bunch of fucking mooks

2018-07-02 06:25:48 UTC


2018-07-02 06:25:50 UTC

We cool

2018-07-02 06:27:59 UTC

this is the nega-discord server now

2018-07-02 06:29:17 UTC

Every Athens needs their Thebes and Sparta

2018-07-02 06:30:30 UTC

**ireviewchairs#6202** was cleansed from the server.

2018-07-02 06:30:39 UTC

Sparta was known for their women Corinth was known for there solders

2018-07-02 06:35:29 UTC

>pay to get direct access

2018-07-02 06:35:47 UTC

There's something dystopian about that...

2018-07-02 06:39:34 UTC


2018-07-02 06:45:26 UTC


2018-07-02 06:52:14 UTC

Awoos get skinned

2018-07-02 06:59:26 UTC

<:no_anime:382980749785169940> '

2018-07-02 07:04:29 UTC

@radeon you still up?

2018-07-02 07:06:50 UTC

Cease thy faggotry

2018-07-02 07:20:51 UTC

Dredd is a good film.

2018-07-02 07:21:41 UTC

Even with the studio undoubtably forcing the whole 'woah it's slo-mo *and* in 3D' angle they still crafted a good narrative, introducted the characters well, gave them depth, gave them development through the film, and provided sensible juxtaposition for the story

2018-07-02 07:22:40 UTC

I didn't even know the movie happened lol.

2018-07-02 07:22:51 UTC

I only watched it about six months back myself

2018-07-02 07:23:00 UTC

damn shame more people didn't see it, because... yeah. good.

2018-07-02 07:23:09 UTC

I'm sitting here thinking "where was I in 2012" I'll have to check it out.

2018-07-02 07:23:17 UTC

Also humoured me to see the same actor who plays Cersei Lannister is the main antagonist in this too

2018-07-02 07:23:27 UTC

yeah, also hard to believe this came out in 2012

2018-07-02 07:23:47 UTC

Guess it was a little ahead of itself, considering the whole neo-noir nostalgia thing going on for the last few years

2018-07-02 07:25:28 UTC

**omyyer#2185** was cleansed from the server.

2018-07-02 07:25:40 UTC

Yeah, a small part of modern cinema that isn't completely garbage. haha

2018-07-02 07:29:30 UTC

and just found out my TV uses linux and my NAS uses android ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2018-07-02 07:29:38 UTC

they don't talk to each other very well.

2018-07-02 07:42:22 UTC

So, I'm a displaced Kekistani. What should I do, goy?

2018-07-02 07:42:47 UTC

ask for donations

2018-07-02 07:43:04 UTC

What are donations?

2018-07-02 07:43:18 UTC

come my man

2018-07-02 07:43:20 UTC

Do you mean shekels?

2018-07-02 07:43:23 UTC


2018-07-02 07:43:32 UTC

donations u see

2018-07-02 07:43:47 UTC

are things people give u when ur in times of nee

2018-07-02 07:44:03 UTC

if you're lucky you will get by with it

2018-07-02 07:44:05 UTC


2018-07-02 07:44:06 UTC


2018-07-02 07:44:12 UTC


2018-07-02 07:45:19 UTC

oi, vey. Can we have a channel about what we wish to do to B sexually?

2018-07-02 07:45:58 UTC

**Lord_Munt#4631** was cleansed from the server.

2018-07-02 07:46:01 UTC

oi vey, I have my lioscence, sah

2018-07-02 07:46:05 UTC

@Reaps In a way I really hope this guy turns out to be a Mexican FDR.

2018-07-02 07:46:58 UTC

Fuck that. I'll be at the border laying the first brick

2018-07-02 07:47:25 UTC

You guys in Europe can keep your Merkels

2018-07-02 07:49:52 UTC

With love, from AZ

Get this Patriot a BRICK!

2018-07-02 07:53:01 UTC

89735897398578935 light years to andromeda, sah

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