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2018-06-14 04:24:49 UTC

Adultery in their laws don't have to include sex, i guess

2018-06-14 04:24:52 UTC

Some people try to do that with a one handed sword, though

2018-06-14 04:24:55 UTC

Never ends well

2018-06-14 04:25:00 UTC

VERY unprofessional

2018-06-14 04:25:14 UTC

better than a rusty box cutter

2018-06-14 04:25:43 UTC

those cartels don't mess around

2018-06-14 04:25:46 UTC

I'd rather bleed out after getting shanked by a methhead than have some incompetent try to behead me

2018-06-14 04:25:47 UTC


2018-06-14 04:26:14 UTC

wish the god emperor would come about now and destroy religion

2018-06-14 04:26:26 UTC

Any day now

2018-06-14 04:26:32 UTC

easy there bigots

2018-06-14 04:26:57 UTC

He becomes god in the end

2018-06-14 04:27:07 UTC

It don't exactly solve the problem

2018-06-14 04:27:09 UTC


2018-06-14 04:27:17 UTC


2018-06-14 04:27:23 UTC

atleast he is a REAL god

2018-06-14 04:27:30 UTC

not these, Allahapallah fuckfaces

2018-06-14 04:28:11 UTC


2018-06-14 04:28:15 UTC

He's legit

2018-06-14 04:28:24 UTC

God, allah, Tor, Ra, and every other god

2018-06-14 04:28:25 UTC

He's also just a really big person

2018-06-14 04:28:30 UTC

just imaginary friends

2018-06-14 04:28:34 UTC

Which is ideal diety status

2018-06-14 04:28:53 UTC

that's satan talking, read the bible

2018-06-14 04:29:07 UTC

Being half animal is for bitches, real gods are just REALLY big

2018-06-14 04:29:09 UTC

fuck satan

2018-06-14 04:29:22 UTC

half animal?

2018-06-14 04:29:39 UTC

Most of the egyptian ones had animal heads or some shit

2018-06-14 04:29:56 UTC

2018-06-14 04:30:12 UTC

I get why they did it, but the ultimate god for humans to worship is another human

2018-06-14 04:30:28 UTC

@EmEm begone thot

2018-06-14 04:30:30 UTC

Preferably one who has the power to deserve that worship

2018-06-14 04:30:41 UTC


2018-06-14 04:30:44 UTC

you don't get it

2018-06-14 04:30:53 UTC

2018-06-14 04:30:54 UTC

No, you don't

2018-06-14 04:31:00 UTC

no u

2018-06-14 04:31:08 UTC

What better god for humans than one of their own?

2018-06-14 04:31:19 UTC

you don't understand religious language, i can tell

2018-06-14 04:31:39 UTC

I'm unimpressed by many people's devotion to nothing

2018-06-14 04:31:50 UTC

that's ignorant

2018-06-14 04:31:58 UTC

like i said, you don't get it

2018-06-14 04:32:21 UTC

Some people devote themselves to tasks in the name of a god, and that's respectable, but just blaming/thanking god for EVERYTHING is largely pointless

2018-06-14 04:33:00 UTC

there are arguments for most practices

2018-06-14 04:33:08 UTC

Practices are fine

2018-06-14 04:33:26 UTC

But just monotheism-ing all over the place is lame

2018-06-14 04:33:36 UTC

religion is a mostly psychological exercise

2018-06-14 04:33:39 UTC

It's not interesting to do or look at

2018-06-14 04:33:46 UTC

it's about growth

2018-06-14 04:33:54 UTC

some people take it too far

2018-06-14 04:34:10 UTC

Yes, and I can think of no exercise less effective than having one explanation for everything

2018-06-14 04:34:32 UTC

people don't leave it there though

2018-06-14 04:34:50 UTC

At least pantheons provide some explanation for why things work against each other, monotheism as it is today is a lame cop out

2018-06-14 04:34:59 UTC

it's a continuous process of learning and self improvement

2018-06-14 04:35:17 UTC

It's childish "my all powerful diety is better than your all powerful diety!"

2018-06-14 04:35:29 UTC

I see no self improvement in that

2018-06-14 04:35:47 UTC

Just repetition of the same rituals and regurgitation of script

2018-06-14 04:36:11 UTC

And script is fine, but it loses its value if it is used too often

2018-06-14 04:36:17 UTC

there is a cultural aspect to religion, that is different

2018-06-14 04:36:29 UTC

That shit is usually lame too

2018-06-14 04:37:12 UTC

what i'm saying is, that i think you need separate that from the religion itself

2018-06-14 04:37:18 UTC

Maybe it's better in other countries, but I can't imagine attending any of the shit-tier protestant churches here or any other stupid shit people come up with in their spare time

2018-06-14 04:37:23 UTC

No, it's a full package

2018-06-14 04:37:34 UTC

i disagree

2018-06-14 04:37:55 UTC

If there are enough good parts I'll put up with some stuff I don't like, but there's nothing alluring about american Christianity

2018-06-14 04:38:13 UTC

because it's mostly cultural

2018-06-14 04:38:31 UTC

By which I mean protestantism in all its forms, catholicism requires more belief than I have to give

2018-06-14 04:38:46 UTC

people who would call themselves christian might not have any real interest in it

2018-06-14 04:39:23 UTC

Yes and that makes me not take the religion seriously

2018-06-14 04:39:31 UTC


2018-06-14 04:39:42 UTC

I know nothing about Sikhism but they all take it seriously, so I also take it seriously

2018-06-14 04:40:10 UTC

i don't get that logic

2018-06-14 04:40:19 UTC

or whatever it is

2018-06-14 04:40:24 UTC

Well you were talking about the cultural aspect

2018-06-14 04:40:56 UTC

If the practitioners of a religion visibly care about it consistently, that gives them credibility

2018-06-14 04:41:13 UTC

If they only pull it out of their ass when its convenient I think they're liars

2018-06-14 04:41:54 UTC

and that is why i'm saying you need to separate the teachings from the followers

2018-06-14 04:42:12 UTC

No, the two of them are the package

2018-06-14 04:42:18 UTC

you are criticizing people

2018-06-14 04:42:31 UTC

The religion as it is is the sum total of the written beliefs and actual practices

2018-06-14 04:43:43 UTC


2018-06-14 04:43:44 UTC

but you said you will judge the religion based on the practitioners, if you include people who arent serious, then that isnt an accurate assessment

2018-06-14 04:44:17 UTC

If the practitioners are not serious than they do not take the religion seriously

2018-06-14 04:44:37 UTC

If nobody involved in the religion takes it seriously why should I?

2018-06-14 04:45:04 UTC

Right, that's why I just take the average

2018-06-14 04:45:06 UTC


2018-06-14 04:45:12 UTC

i didnt say no one, I'm trying to make a point about painting with a broad brush

2018-06-14 04:45:12 UTC

By subgroup, of course

2018-06-14 04:45:53 UTC

Well I have my own beliefs about divinity and all that but I'm not about to found my own religion. You can't define religion person by person

2018-06-14 04:46:44 UTC

For me a religion is like a big shared thought

2018-06-14 04:46:56 UTC

If nobody can agree on it it's not much of anything

2018-06-14 04:47:17 UTC

i disagree

2018-06-14 04:47:51 UTC

I'm not particularly religious though, I'm just not an atheist

2018-06-14 04:47:57 UTC

Neither am I

2018-06-14 04:48:30 UTC

i think your statements are a big faulty

2018-06-14 04:48:35 UTC


2018-06-14 04:48:36 UTC


2018-06-14 04:49:28 UTC

you are making an assumption that it's all or nothing with some of this stuff, which doesn't make sense to me

2018-06-14 04:50:01 UTC

Could you be more specific?

2018-06-14 04:50:09 UTC


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