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2018-03-30 16:48:27 UTC

What you have to do, is end this "you don't like then because the are brown" thing

2018-03-30 16:48:43 UTC

Search for chechens doing the same thing

2018-03-30 16:49:03 UTC

And you can say
"this is not about race, this is about Islam"

2018-03-30 16:51:16 UTC

In fairness

2018-03-30 16:51:27 UTC

Lauren *did* say

She's Chaos mate, I cannot make sense of her. I need to meet her

2018-03-30 16:52:11 UTC

Does Lauren live in the US? Or still in Canada?

2018-03-30 16:52:19 UTC


2018-03-30 16:52:22 UTC


2018-03-30 16:52:32 UTC

Which is the township next to mine

2018-03-30 16:52:49 UTC

Jah, like a 15 minute drive

2018-03-30 16:53:19 UTC

Incredibly nice actually

2018-03-30 16:53:29 UTC

It's like the country outskirts of the city

2018-03-30 16:53:34 UTC

Absolutely beautiful nature

2018-03-30 16:53:40 UTC

Lots of farms and stuff

2018-03-30 16:54:07 UTC

The video where she got piss thrown on her, I've stood in that exact spot so many times, and now I avoid walking on that part of the sidewalk

2018-03-30 16:54:20 UTC

It was right outside Granville station

Do you think that if Lauren had brown hair she would be the face of the Far-Right?

2018-03-30 16:54:46 UTC

I'm not sure

2018-03-30 16:55:00 UTC

But I thought for like 5 seconds that was a picture of me, that one posted above

2018-03-30 16:55:10 UTC

I'm not sure looks dictate your political positions

2018-03-30 16:55:35 UTC

We don't have similar faces, but that particular shot looked indistinguishable

I think Lauren gets a bad shake

2018-03-30 16:55:49 UTC

Yeah I got it from your insta <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506> @Chloรฉ Adsolution

2018-03-30 16:57:33 UTC

I don't have an insta or a snapchat

2018-03-30 16:57:42 UTC

I'll probably make one at some point

2018-03-30 16:59:07 UTC

Loading up the fact machine.

2018-03-30 16:59:48 UTC

Thats when you'll start getting messages from random guys asking if you sell nudes from what I've seen/heard from the girls I've been friends with @Chloรฉ Adsolution

2018-03-30 17:00:03 UTC

That sounds like dece money

2018-03-30 17:00:07 UTC


2018-03-30 17:00:35 UTC

below the neck snapchats are a thing

2018-03-30 17:00:54 UTC

"do u have a premium snap"

2018-03-30 17:01:11 UTC

Best snapchats are when the girls are posing hardk0re and the comments section is just full of guys talking about NFL or video games instead

2018-03-30 17:01:36 UTC

Ha i never seen that but it sounds funny

2018-03-30 17:02:27 UTC

ill jump on those cam girl popups and troll to see if it's actualy liive/ to get a reaction. is good fun.

2018-03-30 17:03:03 UTC

I saved a few but cbf trawling through folders to find them at the mo'

2018-03-30 17:03:07 UTC

just make the oddest non sexual request you can

2018-03-30 17:03:12 UTC

sure you do

2018-03-30 17:03:27 UTC

Got any statistics on crimes committed by Muslims in the UK?

2018-03-30 17:03:42 UTC

*s u d d en l y*

2018-03-30 17:04:08 UTC

like if theres a painting in the background and it not striaght demand it be striaghtend XD

2018-03-30 17:04:08 UTC

@Hyddraigon might have some somewhere on their website

2018-03-30 17:04:12 UTC

they have a lot of information

2018-03-30 17:05:05 UTC

holy shit that site real?

2018-03-30 17:05:37 UTC

i thought the terrorist attackes would have been way higher since 9/11

2018-03-30 17:06:43 UTC

Why? 32,825 sounds like a lot to me

2018-03-30 17:06:49 UTC

It is the number of attacks, not victims

2018-03-30 17:07:11 UTC

Often 1 attack can be 100+ people dead

2018-03-30 17:08:36 UTC

I looked at the international terrorist statistics a while back and Islamic terrorism is way beyond anything else by far.
Coming second is Communist terrorism (like in South America, India, etc)

2018-03-30 17:09:03 UTC

But the numbers between #1 and #2 were pretty far apart IIRC

2018-03-30 17:09:35 UTC

They're just committing petty crimes now, stay under the radar. Like rape, murder, etc.

2018-03-30 17:13:03 UTC

They actually know how to stay under the radar.

They never do a long streak of attacks, they do 1 or 2, wait for people to forget about the last one, and do another one

2018-03-30 17:13:25 UTC

I remember reading an article with a statement by the leader of al-qaeda or something similar a couple years ago telling people to stop committing violent terrorist attacks and focus on getting into european countries as refugees and outbreeding them instead.

2018-03-30 17:15:28 UTC

With how google algorithm is now it's harder to find these sorts of articles/information. Kind of gets buried under all the pro-Muslim refugee shit

2018-03-30 17:18:58 UTC

```"[Khalid Sheikh Mohammed] said the terror attacks were good, but the โ€œpracticalโ€ way to defeat America was through immigration and by outbreeding non-Muslims. He said jihadi-minded brothers would immigrate into the United States, taking advantage of the welfare system to support themselves while they spread their jihadi message. They will wrap themselves in Americaโ€™s rights and laws for protection, ratchet up acceptance of Sharia law, and then, only when they were strong enough, rise up and violently impose Sharia from within. He said the brothers would relentlessly continue their attacks and the American people eventually would become so tired, so frightened, and so weary of war that they would just want it to end.

โ€œEventually,โ€ KSM said, โ€œAmerica will expose her neck to us for slaughter.โ€```

```"KSM said, โ€œYour own government will turn on you. Your leaders will turn on you. They will turn on you to save themselves. It will play out in the media and strengthen the hearts of the brothers. It will recruit more to Allahโ€™s cause because the press coverage will make the U.S. look weak and divided.โ€"```

2018-03-30 17:21:27 UTC

2018-03-30 17:22:59 UTC

Fuck this guy

2018-03-30 17:25:20 UTC

There was a rather good website that appeared to track every single terrorist incident on the planet, month-by-month

2018-03-30 17:25:26 UTC

measured each attack in dots

2018-03-30 17:25:33 UTC

the bigger the dot, the more deaths the attack caused

2018-03-30 17:27:36 UTC


2018-03-30 17:27:46 UTC

pun not intended.

2018-03-30 17:28:29 UTC


2018-03-30 17:29:48 UTC

I posted it first, fag.

2018-03-30 17:30:00 UTC


2018-03-30 17:30:08 UTC


2018-03-30 17:30:18 UTC

mine was bookmarked from 2016, so suck my phatty

2018-03-30 17:30:45 UTC

not sure if action movie or gay pr0n

2018-03-30 17:32:00 UTC

2018-03-30 17:32:05 UTC

2018-03-30 17:32:07 UTC


2018-03-30 17:32:12 UTC

thereligionofpeace lists 479 islamic terror attacks in 2018, but that interactive maps says there were 358 attacks total (islamic and non-islamic.)

2018-03-30 17:32:38 UTC

Huffington post: There is no evidence to suggest the attacks in South Africa are racially motivated

2018-03-30 17:32:51 UTC


2018-03-30 17:33:06 UTC

Pretty sure Communists come in second place for terror attacks

2018-03-30 17:33:10 UTC

Tankies gotta lift their game.

2018-03-30 17:33:17 UTC

They do

2018-03-30 17:33:40 UTC

Last time I looked at the Global Terrorism Index that was the case

2018-03-30 17:33:54 UTC

2018-03-30 17:34:08 UTC

For 2017, one says there were 2040 islamic attacks, the other says 1320 in general.

2018-03-30 17:35:40 UTC

I'm pretty sure I remember in one of Krauts videos from like 2016 it showed the old version of the GTI and inadvertently showed that Communist terrorism was #2

2018-03-30 17:35:51 UTC

When he was showing Islamic terrorism

2018-03-30 17:36:51 UTC

"Why did you kill this country, Karl?"

2018-03-30 17:37:09 UTC


2018-03-30 17:43:32 UTC

Second answer is just as bad.

2018-03-30 17:43:45 UTC

>I realise all communist leaders up till now have been dictators, but this doesn't need to be the case. Communism and democracy can theoretically coexist in the same government.

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