
Discord ID: 496515828372602890

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2018-10-04 20:52:57 UTC

ls there pretty much a nonstop 24/7 protest outside of the White House

2018-10-04 20:53:04 UTC

there always is

2018-10-04 20:53:08 UTC

The senate

2018-10-04 20:53:09 UTC

it was like that under obama too

2018-10-04 20:53:15 UTC

I bet they go thatto far

2018-10-04 20:53:18 UTC

Like ever since Trump got in office

2018-10-04 20:53:19 UTC

there's one person who's been protesting for decades or something like that

2018-10-04 20:53:24 UTC


2018-10-04 20:53:43 UTC

ls it someone from TRS?

2018-10-04 20:53:46 UTC

l bet it is

2018-10-04 20:53:50 UTC

All those people need to get a job

2018-10-04 20:53:57 UTC

Oh wait

2018-10-04 20:54:10 UTC

They cant, with their gender studies bs diplomas

2018-10-04 20:54:13 UTC

2018-10-04 20:54:14 UTC

this guy for 37 years

2018-10-04 20:54:27 UTC


2018-10-04 20:54:52 UTC

there's also this

2018-10-04 20:54:59 UTC


2018-10-04 20:55:02 UTC

Bombs are gud

2018-10-04 20:55:05 UTC

why do these idiots bother?

2018-10-04 20:55:12 UTC

Who knows

2018-10-04 20:55:23 UTC

symbolic gestures are not wins

2018-10-04 20:55:27 UTC

when will people learn this

2018-10-04 20:55:30 UTC

Those two girls who harassed that guy were Jews.

2018-10-04 20:55:44 UTC

of course

2018-10-04 20:55:44 UTC

Supposedly that other accuser was a Jew hired by Soros.

2018-10-04 20:55:52 UTC

Wouldn't surprise me tbh

2018-10-04 20:55:54 UTC

Soros is targeted by Israelis

2018-10-04 20:55:59 UTC

because he wants open borders for Israel

2018-10-04 20:56:02 UTC

while he is a problem for whites too

2018-10-04 20:56:10 UTC

he is prob the least hypocritical jew alive ironically

2018-10-04 20:56:25 UTC


2018-10-04 20:56:29 UTC


2018-10-04 20:56:32 UTC

Also most of these groups are backed by the fbi and cia

2018-10-04 20:56:34 UTC

BenI shapiro is jewish

2018-10-04 20:56:37 UTC

that protest kavanaugh

2018-10-04 20:56:38 UTC

and others

2018-10-04 20:56:46 UTC

it's directly funded through US intelligence

2018-10-04 20:56:48 UTC

who here wants to write my research paper on AI

2018-10-04 20:56:52 UTC

like the orange revolution protestors

2018-10-04 20:56:53 UTC


2018-10-04 20:57:14 UTC

@Mord actually or are you just memeing me lol

2018-10-04 20:57:34 UTC

@Mord do you have sources

2018-10-04 20:57:46 UTC

I gotta write a few essays myself.

2018-10-04 20:57:46 UTC


2018-10-04 20:58:03 UTC

@Thule-Gesellschaft [โ˜ฉ] @agag l have to write a paper on a new/upcoming technology, as well as why l think it will be succesful and back it all up with sources.

2018-10-04 20:58:10 UTC

l picked AI like a week ago

2018-10-04 20:58:31 UTC

Robots will destroy humanity

2018-10-04 20:58:55 UTC

Technology is destroying mankind tho

2018-10-04 20:59:04 UTC

Especially if they are programmed to be liberals

2018-10-04 20:59:10 UTC


2018-10-04 20:59:42 UTC

ai needs to be controlled by white people

2018-10-04 20:59:59 UTC

else we risk jews controlling a superintelligent ai

2018-10-04 21:00:02 UTC

and that would be very very bad

2018-10-04 21:00:24 UTC

and they could theoretically do it, Israel is pretty advanced in comp sci

2018-10-04 21:00:28 UTC

google could do it too

2018-10-04 21:00:49 UTC


2018-10-04 21:01:00 UTC

Jews will be first to inhabit mars

2018-10-04 21:01:01 UTC

>Tfw people creating things that can kill everyone "for keks"

2018-10-04 21:01:47 UTC

But thank god trump added space force

2018-10-04 21:02:55 UTC

We need the space force to fight off the space Jews.

2018-10-04 21:02:58 UTC


2018-10-04 21:03:12 UTC


2018-10-04 21:04:01 UTC

thank God trump created a meme to get low IQ people excited for

2018-10-04 21:04:17 UTC

space force was brilliant propaganda

2018-10-04 21:04:22 UTC

but wont amount to anything imo

2018-10-04 21:04:57 UTC

Lol no one thinks it will benifit anything anyways

2018-10-04 21:17:02 UTC

I will break your neck

2018-10-04 21:17:27 UTC

yo even if kavanaugh is completely innocent he acted like a little cuck tbh

2018-10-04 21:17:31 UTC

unfit for the court

2018-10-04 21:18:04 UTC

tbh if he was guilty but had better composure that wouldโ€™ve looked better than the other way around

2018-10-04 21:19:35 UTC

I don't like this gun

2018-10-04 21:19:37 UTC

It has alien

2018-10-04 21:19:41 UTC

I do not like aliens

2018-10-04 21:26:22 UTC

Did you guys know Google automatically runs OCR on photos in your GMail to allow them to be searched?

2018-10-04 21:28:25 UTC

I use Gmail at work and I just noticed searching for a serial number brings up a photo of that serial number

2018-10-04 21:36:30 UTC

Hello gamers

hey you fuckheads wanna see my new website

2018-10-04 21:38:48 UTC


2018-10-04 21:39:16 UTC

Ip logger? <:FeelsSmugMan:356316580143169536>

probably, no idea if iis does that by default

2018-10-04 21:41:14 UTC

hey guys check out the screenshot from my new website, totally original 100%

2018-10-04 21:45:36 UTC

thanks discord

2018-10-04 21:47:01 UTC


2018-10-04 21:47:11 UTC

Best thing ever

2018-10-04 21:47:12 UTC

hello foreigners

2018-10-04 21:47:24 UTC

Oh, hello, stranger

2018-10-04 21:51:25 UTC

Welp, am going to bed.

158,305 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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