Discord ID: 191852925637754881
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Urm, what happened to the old CC?
why is it dead and gone
Was there like some power struggle.
@king Yo, so what's up. What happened to CC?
I am le sad
Welp I'm out for a bit, hopefully wehn I am back the gayness will have calmed down <:FeelsNeatMan:356316908171034626>
FB is prompting me to follow Cuckerberg - what for - 2020 propaganda amirite?
@futurestorms Yup it is. But unfortuately I have to use it for - work things. <:PepeSpecial:356316713429499905>
@mew is not illegal You was cuck before, right?
@fr ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I just woke up, came on, soar message, and thought... oh a new server for right wing stuff (still thinking CC was there) but alas it was gone.
2020 - where America could become - AmericaBook
I WANT MY MONKA GIGA BACK <@&350739960602689547>
I can't tag mods, booo
they all offline
Man I don't get what happened to CC.
was it taken down by admins? Discrd?
MAN it was a place where we didn;'t have little bitches who got offended easily.
@Fusion Man if the server collapsed over that shit then that is pretty pathetic imo. Looks weak.
CAN'T LET THIS LITTLE DOZY LEAK OUT. We'd become a laughing stock if we get downed by something as simple as a freaking furry channel.
Well CC was meant to be for America, it was pro-Trump server, wtf did you expect man.
oh well past is the past. Let's not think back on it all the time like lefties do.
oh well, shit happens I guess.
I mean Empires just was not going to last, too much land to keep hold on, too many differing cultures and ethnicities, too many different languages and traditions etc, etc, etc.
It's slowly sllloowwwlly ssllllooowllllyyyy fracuturing.
They can't ignore the rise of populist parties forever.
Now now. Not too far out into our waters.
We might have to write a strong letter of condemnation.
The day the EU collapses is the day I have a gigantic party. And laugh as everyone loses their shit.
@Scary_Clown Man fuck that. I'm gonna die in my country as a true patriot while communism devours us all.
yes it was some very gay ass drama
Some petty shit over a furry channel opening up splintered the admins and caused the whole server to collapse.
Strong and stable boys.
If something like that can take the whole server down then that is some weak shit.
@shumagram No it cannot my boy.
Unless we want to face another possible collapse.
I mean we have to admit, furries litrally took down CC without even having to raise anything.
Sad days boys, sad days.
Cuase one of the admins wanted a furry channrl
no, just one admin
Then when that admin refused to give up the server it all went to shit.
And this place was born. If it was not already here that is.
Can't make any promises lmao
after that shit went down
It happened litrally overnight, just came on and see the channel gone, puff. And an invite here.
I mean tbh this place has a bit of gayness but I'm sure with time everything will flatten out.
Welp, I'm out. Having a pot noodle then going to the cinema. Hopefully this place will still be here when I'm back <:Thonk:362811285869559808>
https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/72xc0y/how_do_you_feel_about_getting_rid_of_the_national/ - thread of cucks who hate their country.
12 more days in till the next end of the world!
Wake up you YANKS
On the event of weed being legal I always imagine big weed bars on the corner of streets. <:Thonk:362811285869559808>
Here is one of the hardest riddles in the world, apparently only a select amount have EVER got it, here it is - If I smoke 3 joints, buy the milk on Tuesdays and smell the Roses at night, how old is my friend Stacey who's car is parked at the local liquor store. Keeping in mind there are two seperate entities in this and that also at this time there happens to be a lunar eclipse and the new year will be 2073 with the problem within a problem if Stacey is even at the store or somewhere else. Good luck boys.
Guys I was at a cinema yesterday and an ad came on telling us to come out for LGBT.
ooohhhh shit, BTFO ANTIFA: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/09/30/trump-administration-demands-facebook-surrender-information/
So what are all you Mongols up to on this FINE weekend.
Lot's of retarded O Mongoloids moaning on FB about the Trump admin looking into anti-Trumpers. But the only Anti-Trumpers that need to be afraid are the ones who participated in riots or liked pages that organized them.
Cuase you may get a knock knock at the door. BITCH
@アライグマ <:Thonk:362811285869559808>
oy vey goyim
What did who mean by what.
you some kind of noob nibba
Man I added some retards as friends on FB.
Wow, two terror attacks today, one in Canada and one in France.
I mean we gonna have to face it in the end, we all know Catalonia is going to secede at some point.
These things don't just clear up by themselves and rarely without the people getting what they want.
@StevePines -WA What in the fuck.
That is some random shit right there.
Anyone want to go bowling?
My score - <:PepeSmug:356316580143169536>
So, anyone ever been to Bhutan.
@๖̶̶̶ζ͜͡Professor Egg Chums? What are you some kind of Brit-fag
@๖̶̶̶ζ͜͡Professor Egg GO BACK TO ETON.
Welp you can't be real British if you don't even know about Eton
Guys - Sour cream and onion pringles WITH sour cream and chives dip..... WHHHATTTT!
(britain!) 😬
Not long till Trumps one year anniversary <:PepeSmug:356316580143169536> gone quick. <:TrumpSmile:356316463490924561>
Oh wiat a min
I mean that's on the 20th next year lol
Not long till Trump was pres elect
Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont says region has won right to independence after Sunday's contentious referendum - SHIT MIGHT BE GOING DOWN.
People are dead for sure
no doubt about it
They sound like very heavy machine guns
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