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2019-04-30 07:01:41 UTC

I mean, many have tried, but we still stand

2019-04-30 07:01:44 UTC

Iโ€™m not a weak libertarian so that wonโ€™t be happening anytime soon

2019-04-30 07:02:07 UTC

I have no idea where I lie on the political scale

2019-04-30 07:02:09 UTC

If someone shoes up with a tank and imperializes your home/property tf you gonna do about it? Its dominated.

2019-04-30 07:02:14 UTC

Its theirs now.

2019-04-30 07:02:19 UTC

As per your suggestion.

2019-04-30 07:02:35 UTC

You can contest territory you utter sperg

2019-04-30 07:02:44 UTC

I mean, yea, it pretty much would be. My moral arguments wouldn't do much against a several ton military vehicle

2019-04-30 07:02:52 UTC

So native americans did or didn't contest america?

2019-04-30 07:03:18 UTC

They did, but the whites shot them to pieces and here we are crying about it today

2019-04-30 07:03:55 UTC

To be fair 90% were wiped out by disease before we placed a cabin anywhere

2019-04-30 07:03:55 UTC

Interesting, so we must murder them all to uncontest the land?

2019-04-30 07:04:06 UTC

And make it ours officially?

2019-04-30 07:04:10 UTC

When did I say that?

2019-04-30 07:04:33 UTC

Fetty, when all you can do is knock down an argument you created, then are you really even debating us?

2019-04-30 07:04:41 UTC

Thatโ€™s a ridiculous extrapolation and you know that

2019-04-30 07:04:44 UTC

Well they previously contested the land as you just said, up until we "shot them to pieces." But last I recall there are natives still in town so now we gotta murder them all

2019-04-30 07:04:51 UTC

In order to reclaim our country and uncontest the nation

2019-04-30 07:05:23 UTC

Native Americans are not a threat to the racial sovereignty of the United States though.

2019-04-30 07:05:31 UTC

I'm stating that living in and developing a land for hundreds of years makes it your homeland. It's the land where you were born, raised, contributed to, where your fathers died, where your children will be born.

2019-04-30 07:05:32 UTC

So they can't contest because they pose no threat?

2019-04-30 07:06:06 UTC

So you don't pose a threat to the tank on your property, so you can't contest it. Its dominated.

2019-04-30 07:06:53 UTC

I don't even have a problem with those from other countries coming here, legally, and making a life by contributing to the society. I wouldn't go to Nigeria and impose my values

2019-04-30 07:07:09 UTC

Full disclosure, its late and I'm tired so I have resorted to bullshitting for petty entertainment as you should have hopefully observed. I would love to continue this topic when I'm well rested and not fatigued mentally. @Billcat

2019-04-30 07:07:35 UTC

Reading your arguments is actually a struggle because of how tired I am. But I'm an optimistic guy, I think its important.

2019-04-30 07:07:42 UTC

I'd rather not speak to somebody who just bullshits and uses their mental status as an excuse, but if we cross paths again we can speak

2019-04-30 07:07:49 UTC

Have a good night

2019-04-30 07:08:27 UTC

If youโ€™re going to argue in bad faith, why should I argue with you?

2019-04-30 07:08:27 UTC

Rest assured we will. And we can continue our epic debate.

2019-04-30 07:08:34 UTC

Why have you?

2019-04-30 07:08:58 UTC

Why are you continuing to respond to an opponent who hath laid the grounds of mud?

2019-04-30 07:09:03 UTC

You knowingly wasted our time by bullshiting. That is acting in bad faith.

2019-04-30 07:09:20 UTC

I treated you as a good faith actor

2019-04-30 07:09:44 UTC

I regret that decision.

2019-04-30 07:10:00 UTC

Well of course, because my blasphemous arguments were somehow in good faith.

2019-04-30 07:10:10 UTC


2019-04-30 07:10:23 UTC

That doesnโ€™t make any sense,

2019-04-30 07:10:30 UTC

Fuck off and go to sleep.

2019-04-30 07:10:34 UTC

Thats because logic is out the window. We are in the matrix my nigga.

2019-04-30 07:54:00 UTC

2019-04-30 07:54:22 UTC

2019-04-30 23:35:39 UTC

2019-05-01 00:56:43 UTC


2019-05-01 00:58:12 UTC

Trump 2020

2019-05-01 01:09:53 UTC

2019-05-01 01:10:22 UTC

One of the most liberal president in our millenia

2019-05-01 01:10:25 UTC

absolutely based

2019-05-01 06:16:59 UTC

drumpf btfo

2019-05-01 06:17:03 UTC

how will he ever cope

2019-05-02 00:58:22 UTC

He's ok

2019-05-02 00:58:41 UTC

But still fucking terrible

2019-05-02 00:58:47 UTC

Just like Hillary

2019-05-02 00:59:22 UTC

Ahhhh the day's before the 2016 election

2019-05-02 00:59:49 UTC

the days before 2016 election was a terrible day

2019-05-02 00:59:56 UTC

when the white man was in the white house

2019-05-02 01:00:03 UTC

Well yes because of Obama

2019-05-02 01:00:17 UTC

I thought we were supposed to be progressive after 1996's victory in electing our 2nd black president

2019-05-02 01:00:23 UTC

all of a sudden we had a white backlash in 2008?

2019-05-02 01:00:24 UTC


2019-05-02 01:00:31 UTC

Who cares

2019-05-02 01:00:48 UTC

Also what does race have to do with it?

2019-05-02 01:00:59 UTC

the white president only serves his corporate interest

2019-05-02 01:01:06 UTC

like obama sucking the military industrial's dick

2019-05-02 01:01:14 UTC

he cant get enough of it

2019-05-02 01:01:21 UTC

then he stopped the banks and big pharmaceuticals

2019-05-02 01:01:25 UTC

That sounds pretty cancerous

2019-05-02 01:01:25 UTC

bad obama white man

2019-05-02 01:01:58 UTC

Ben Carson was good

2019-05-02 01:02:12 UTC

Maybe not good enough to be president

2019-05-02 01:02:13 UTC


2019-05-02 01:02:19 UTC

im glad we have a black president in our white house now

2019-05-02 01:02:30 UTC

16 years of white man president was bad already

2019-05-02 01:02:48 UTC


2019-05-02 01:04:42 UTC

You're lack of basic literacy in the English language confuses me deeply in that i would like to end this... whatever the fuck it is now.

2019-05-02 01:04:56 UTC


2019-05-02 01:05:04 UTC


2019-05-02 01:05:14 UTC


2019-05-02 01:05:18 UTC

It is just lecture

2019-05-02 01:05:24 UTC

Not really

2019-05-02 01:05:28 UTC

out of 45 presidents we only have 3 black presidents

2019-05-02 01:05:36 UTC

Is that

2019-05-02 01:05:42 UTC

Even true

2019-05-02 01:05:47 UTC

what the fuck

2019-05-02 01:05:55 UTC

What's the whole point of black history month

2019-05-02 01:05:59 UTC

if you don't know your 3 black presidents

2019-05-02 01:06:23 UTC

But there's more than 3

2019-05-02 01:06:27 UTC

Its like 7

2019-05-02 01:06:27 UTC


2019-05-02 01:06:35 UTC

I'd like to know those 7

2019-05-02 01:06:55 UTC

It's always good to expand our knowledge

2019-05-02 01:07:07 UTC


2019-05-02 01:13:14 UTC


2019-05-02 01:13:46 UTC

Andrew Jackson
Thomas Jefferson
Warren Harding
Dwight Eisenhower
Calvin Coolidge
Abraham Lincoln

2019-05-02 01:14:06 UTC

If we follow the one drop rule

2019-05-02 01:14:15 UTC

Or whatever the fuck its called

2019-05-02 01:14:33 UTC

These presidents would have been considered black

2019-05-02 01:24:42 UTC


2019-05-02 01:24:46 UTC

1 drop rule?

2019-05-02 01:24:47 UTC

wtf r u on

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