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2017-05-13 03:45:35 UTC

the gustloff vg1-5

2017-05-13 03:45:44 UTC

is the one im thinking of

2017-05-13 03:45:58 UTC

StG is awesome too though

2017-05-13 03:46:31 UTC

the gustloff varients are so cool

2017-05-13 03:48:00 UTC

Oh yeah. Simplicity is functional and aesthetic. No frills.

2017-05-13 03:49:19 UTC

so you said the StG didnt inspire the AK?

2017-05-13 03:49:43 UTC

It may have but the firing mechanism is different.

2017-05-13 03:50:01 UTC

yeah thats true

2017-05-13 03:51:10 UTC

Only the layout is the same.

2017-05-13 03:52:17 UTC

the AK is like a PPSH and a StG having a baby

2017-05-13 03:52:48 UTC

@Deleted User you study Marxism.

2017-05-13 04:05:22 UTC

@Firefly What is the role of environmentalism in the Left?

2017-05-13 04:07:06 UTC

that's a necessity

2017-05-13 04:08:00 UTC

@Deleted User a problem on a side.

2017-05-13 04:08:49 UTC

Right, the effects of exploitation but not the cause.

2017-05-13 04:09:43 UTC

Nazis say its the jews. Feminists say it is the patriarchy. But really it is the capitalists.

2017-05-13 04:10:04 UTC

Welcome to /leftypol/ a low-moderation channel. Feel yourself free here.

2017-05-13 04:11:59 UTC

Greens movement is basically the ass wiper of the capitalists. They take a shit and greens try to clean it up. They never question their role.

2017-05-13 04:13:16 UTC

The earth will never been clean while the ruling class is in charge.

2017-05-13 04:16:48 UTC

Agree. The pursuit of profit by an anglo-saxon imperialism is highly destructive to the environment.

2017-05-13 05:22:02 UTC

@Firefly "Funny to watch how the gay guy is criticizing SJW"
SJW just claim to stand up for minorities but whenever a member of a minority dares to voice another opinion, that person gets violently attacked. SJW do not accept any opposition.

2017-05-13 05:22:23 UTC

Iโ€™m also gay, by the way.

2017-05-13 05:23:38 UTC

@Tenta didn't know that. You are still very very welcome here.

2017-05-13 05:24:35 UTC

How should you. I usually donโ€™t bring it up because it doesnโ€™t matter.

2017-05-13 05:24:35 UTC

@Tenta did you read the red phoenix?

2017-05-13 05:25:39 UTC

No, just clicked it.

2017-05-13 05:26:07 UTC

It feels hopeless in the USA. The USA is so right-wing that even Sanders seemed like a socialist, even though he is like Merkel.

2017-05-13 05:26:25 UTC

Enjoy, they are very good. For an American

2017-05-13 05:43:13 UTC

Plenty of gays voted for Le Pen, in case you didnโ€™t know that.

2017-05-13 05:56:27 UTC

@Tenta Le Pen is French after all, French nationalists could be gay. French cuckold traditions confuse people.

2017-05-13 05:57:09 UTC

Gayness can be a traditional thing of French.

2017-05-13 05:57:31 UTC

No, she promised to protect people from the fascist ideology of Islam, and Macron wants lots of "refugees" because they are supposed to become cheap work slaves in Europe which doesnโ€™t work at all.

2017-05-13 05:57:52 UTC

Muslim based immigrants have the lowest rate of integration, and they are usually the ones that cause problems.

2017-05-13 05:58:24 UTC

Being gay is not a political agenda.

2017-05-13 05:59:20 UTC

There are even several gay German neo Nazi groups on Facebook. Michael Kรผhnen who built up the Nazi network in East Germany after the annexation was also gay.

2017-05-13 05:59:59 UTC

Still most important Nazi and far-right leaders in Germany originally stem from West Germany.

2017-05-13 06:05:44 UTC

It's hard not to like Hugo Boss.

2017-05-13 06:06:17 UTC

Way more stylish than Muslim male dress things they wear.

2017-05-13 06:07:12 UTC

La Pen is about as Zionist as they come. Hitler was a Zionist.

2017-05-13 06:07:39 UTC

>muh ebil Islam

2017-05-13 06:08:05 UTC

We need to use more bombs.

2017-05-13 06:10:04 UTC

So they say

2017-05-13 06:11:17 UTC

@Tenta Are you apart of gay culture and if so how consumerist is it?

2017-05-13 06:12:48 UTC

Being gay means you like men, if you are a guy. It has absolutely nothing to do with neither politics nor looks.

2017-05-13 06:13:01 UTC


2017-05-13 06:13:11 UTC

I donโ€™t have any idea about neither fashion nor pop music, nor am I interested in female clothing.

2017-05-13 06:13:38 UTC

And certainly not in such "gay parades" which are an excuse for alcohol and drug abuse.

2017-05-13 06:14:25 UTC

Do you think there is an interest for the capitalist establishment, then, to market and promote 'gay culture'?

2017-05-13 06:15:31 UTC

There an interest in dividing people into as many tiny fringe groups as possible: divide and conquer.

2017-05-13 06:15:36 UTC

There is no unified "gay culture".

2017-05-13 06:16:14 UTC

By the way, SJW are now going after white gays. They claim white gays are even more misogynist than straight guys.

2017-05-13 06:16:41 UTC

Do SJWs even read Marx?

2017-05-13 06:17:11 UTC

They donโ€™t have anything to do with Marx.

2017-05-13 06:17:44 UTC

According to their definition, Marx is a "class reductionist" because he sees the root of almost all problems in class struggle.

2017-05-13 06:18:08 UTC

But that's the correct analysis, not one based on feelings.

2017-05-13 06:18:10 UTC

SJW, on the other hand, believe that white people invented class struggle to distract from issues non-whites face.

2017-05-13 06:18:22 UTC

Jesus Christ.

2017-05-13 06:18:51 UTC

Whenever you bring up class war in such groups, you get kicked out immediately, unless you repent.

2017-05-13 06:19:02 UTC

Itโ€™s a fanatic religious cult.

2017-05-13 06:19:40 UTC

I have met a lot of 'white male' reactionaries because of this.

2017-05-13 06:20:27 UTC

I wouldnโ€™t call myself a reactionary but I realise that, when Iโ€™m pissed, I resemble more a tankie than a moderate.

2017-05-13 06:21:23 UTC

Statistically, there is a subsection of white males who are oppressed too, but because they do not have a convenient social marker like skin colour or sex they get ignored.

2017-05-13 06:21:52 UTC

I have also met some MGTOW like this. Who on all objective measures have got a really bad deal from society.

2017-05-13 06:22:01 UTC

Such US people have absolutely no idea about the tribal nature of Europe, Africa, and Asia.

2017-05-13 06:22:40 UTC

There is no white unity in Europe, there is no black unity in Africa, and there is certainly not an Asian unity in Asia, the most diverse continents.

2017-05-13 06:23:10 UTC

Race seems mainly an US phenomena.

2017-05-13 06:23:20 UTC

Germans, for example, first identify with their local area, then the state, then somewhere the country.

2017-05-13 06:23:48 UTC

Americanism and Americocentrism is a disease. No offense.

2017-05-13 06:24:24 UTC

The Great Satan.

2017-05-13 06:24:48 UTC

Iโ€™m an East Berliner, then a Berliner, than an East German, and then German. And as long as Germany has discriminatory laws and regulations against people living in East Germany including East Berlin, I wonโ€™t feel like an equal German. Additionally, any article that somehow mentions the East is filled with hateful comments against Easterners. This is actual systemic discrimination, but it doesnโ€™t count because most of us are white.

2017-05-13 06:25:22 UTC

Due to the newly arrivals, we have been lowered to 3rd class citizens.

2017-05-13 06:25:30 UTC

I acknoledge tribalism comes naturally. I was a big advocate. But what comes naturally isn't always the best way, nor ought to be encouraged. That's the naturalistic fallacy.

2017-05-13 06:25:33 UTC

Not surprising that East Germany is resisting the most.

2017-05-13 06:26:08 UTC

Yeah I can see that happening.

2017-05-13 06:26:46 UTC

I was dreaming of moving to Poland which was the third most favourite destination before PiS, the far-right party, rose to power.

2017-05-13 06:27:03 UTC

The economical situation is bleak for ordinary Germans.

2017-05-13 06:28:12 UTC

It is. It is obvious to be a move supported by big finance. Import new workers to load up with more debt. Lower the standard of living. Then invest more capital and profit from the rebuilding projects.

2017-05-13 06:29:04 UTC

This is why I was a protectionist and a fascist.

2017-05-13 06:29:38 UTC

Little did I realise the greater picture at play. It can be difficult to see past your own problems.

2017-05-13 06:29:48 UTC

The graphic explained:
In 2010, German households had the lowest net median wealth of the Euro zone.
First section is about the distribution of wealth (in thousand euros per household): middle blue = average, red = median
Second section: light blue = amount of house owners
Third section is about the pre-tax income (in thousand euros per household): 1) median income, 2) average income

2017-05-13 06:30:21 UTC

Your name implies you read German but I suspect you donโ€™t. Fortunately, Facebook now has a search function for timelines.

2017-05-13 06:30:37 UTC

I read a little. I am trying to improve.

2017-05-13 06:31:03 UTC

The embarassment of a Wehrmacht fanboy.

2017-05-13 06:31:19 UTC

Foreigners always assume Germans are filthy rich. Some pseudo refugees already went back when they realised they donโ€™t get a house, a car, and a well paying job immediately.

2017-05-13 06:32:18 UTC

When right-wingers attack a refugee home, they do it before people move in to make sure nobody moves in.

2017-05-13 06:32:37 UTC

The median wealth in Germany is half that of the European average, am I reading that correctly?!

2017-05-13 06:33:04 UTC

Most attacks on refugee homes from the stats are in fact performed by refugees for various reasons, for example when the pudding isnโ€™t so tasty or the wifi signal is bad. Iโ€™m not kidding, in both cases the refugee homes were ruined.

2017-05-13 06:33:24 UTC

@Deleted User , in 2010. Itโ€™s getting worse and worse.

2017-05-13 06:33:59 UTC

What are your politics?

2017-05-13 06:34:03 UTC

Over a decade ago the so-called Social Democrats implemented their Agenda 2010 which could have been written by Margaret Thatcher.

2017-05-13 06:35:07 UTC

@Deleted User , you as in mine?

2017-05-13 06:35:23 UTC

Are you a Socialist?

2017-05-13 06:36:51 UTC

Iโ€™m a transhumanist communist: I want communism to reign over the whole planet, so that we wonโ€™t waste resources on superfluous struggles anymore and can put them all into scientific advancement.

2017-05-13 06:38:05 UTC

Why specificially transhumanism? Scientific Advancement can come from unexpected place

2017-05-13 06:38:07 UTC


2017-05-13 06:38:35 UTC

Iโ€™m particularly excited that progress is made in the field of computer tech which will, hopefully, eventually be made completely of biological compounds which will make it far easier to merge with technology.

2017-05-13 06:39:50 UTC

I agree that the human form is not sacred.

2017-05-13 06:41:26 UTC

Itโ€™s flawed on many levels.

2017-05-13 06:42:43 UTC

I read is historical materialism that "Social progress is driven by progress in the material, productive forces a society has at its disposal"

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