Message from @Firefly
Discord ID: 312803139776413697
late nazi weapons are really cool
they made that automatic one that looked fucking awesome
it was a gewher variation i think
Yep, StG 44.
Despite it's looks, it is quite different mechanically than the AK47.
Stormfags like to say Kalashnikov stole the designs, but they are wrong.
the gustloff vg1-5
is the one im thinking of
StG is awesome too though
the gustloff varients are so cool
Oh yeah. Simplicity is functional and aesthetic. No frills.
so you said the StG didnt inspire the AK?
It may have but the firing mechanism is different.
yeah thats true
Only the layout is the same.
the AK is like a PPSH and a StG having a baby
@Deleted User you study Marxism.
@Firefly What is the role of environmentalism in the Left?
that's a necessity
Right, the effects of exploitation but not the cause.
Nazis say its the jews. Feminists say it is the patriarchy. But really it is the capitalists.
Welcome to /leftypol/ a low-moderation channel. Feel yourself free here.
Greens movement is basically the ass wiper of the capitalists. They take a shit and greens try to clean it up. They never question their role.
The earth will never been clean while the ruling class is in charge.
Agree. The pursuit of profit by an anglo-saxon imperialism is highly destructive to the environment.
@Firefly "Funny to watch how the gay guy is criticizing SJW"
SJW just claim to stand up for minorities but whenever a member of a minority dares to voice another opinion, that person gets violently attacked. SJW do not accept any opposition.
I’m also gay, by the way.
How should you. I usually don’t bring it up because it doesn’t matter.
No, just clicked it.
It feels hopeless in the USA. The USA is so right-wing that even Sanders seemed like a socialist, even though he is like Merkel.
Enjoy, they are very good. For an American
Plenty of gays voted for Le Pen, in case you didn’t know that.
@Tenta Le Pen is French after all, French nationalists could be gay. French cuckold traditions confuse people.
Gayness can be a traditional thing of French.
No, she promised to protect people from the fascist ideology of Islam, and Macron wants lots of "refugees" because they are supposed to become cheap work slaves in Europe which doesn’t work at all.
Muslim based immigrants have the lowest rate of integration, and they are usually the ones that cause problems.
Being gay is not a political agenda.