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2017-09-01 22:44:55 UTC


2017-09-01 22:45:18 UTC


2017-09-01 22:47:56 UTC

Though I guess I should expect it, seeing how this is a commie server, after all.

2017-09-01 22:48:24 UTC

@Deleted User You mean the Discord chat or the board?

Also, it's not a commie server.

2017-09-01 22:49:36 UTC

@National Trotskyist *Discord chat
I keep getting the word mixxed up with server.

2017-09-01 22:49:54 UTC

I would say a 4th are commie and a 4th of the people here are far right. The rest of shades inbetween

2017-09-01 22:50:42 UTC

@National Trotskyist And who are you to say that this is not a commie server?

2017-09-01 22:56:49 UTC

@Deleted User If you see people here saying "bash the fash" they're mostly ironic lol.

Leftypol is a place for various leftist politics, not just communists. In fact the purest communists are shunned upon and dubbed "tankies". This should apply to the server too, if not for the fact that it's entryist - Has been pretty much infiltrated by /pol/yps, who make at least 50% of it.

@Valtiel Yeah true.

2017-09-01 22:57:23 UTC

On the board itself Antifa is seem similarly how the opponents of it see it, as a psyop, likely fund by Soros and similar people.

2017-09-01 23:02:38 UTC

@National Trotskyist And again, I have to ask, why would people shun the purest beliefs in the movement?
And also, isn't tankie a term for people who are pro-ussr? As in people who believed in stalin who was the person who killed trotsky who was supposed to be lenin's successor?

2017-09-01 23:03:47 UTC

Well tbh after Charlottesville a good portion of /pol/ was up in arms against neonazis.

2017-09-01 23:04:51 UTC

It's was pretty hilarious watching the cognitive dissonance among these right wing tards

2017-09-01 23:05:34 UTC

So I'm guessing the same also applies to the left to can extent

2017-09-01 23:06:04 UTC

@Deleted User The term tankie originally meant revisionists, ie people who supported the tanked invasion on Czechoslovakia and Hungary, someone Hoxha opposed.
But due to the anarchist I think shitposting on the board all of the purest/hardline communists have been dubbed "tankies" and constantly made fun of. This refers to those like the Stalinists, Maoists, Hoxhaists, Juche, etc.

As for the Trotsky he wasn't even a likely successor of Lenin, Bukharin even had more chances for this.

2017-09-01 23:06:11 UTC

@Valtiel A good portion of 4/pol/ are also conservacucks, libertarians, and ancaps. AKA people who have beliefs and idea's far, far, from what people like IE and VA believed when they were battling in charlottesville.

2017-09-01 23:07:53 UTC

@Deleted User true. I've been on /pol/ since it was created and I can say at least 25% are some form of moderates.

2017-09-01 23:08:25 UTC

@National Trotskyist I have met a lot of trotskyists and globalists, and I can say they would disagree with you on your statement about him being unlikely to succeed lenin.

2017-09-01 23:10:06 UTC

@Valtiel And there is also people from r/thedonald, which are hated by most people on /pol/, and are often regarded as the most retarded and backwards group of people on /pol/.

2017-09-01 23:10:13 UTC

Alexander Bogdanov should have been made premierew

2017-09-01 23:10:17 UTC

His exile was bullshit

2017-09-01 23:10:34 UTC

Who DOESN'T want a blood sucking Ukrainian as the leader of blood sucking communists?

2017-09-01 23:11:13 UTC

>A good portion was _____
>I've been there since it was a thing

2017-09-01 23:11:21 UTC

Yeah I've been on /pol/ since '95

2017-09-01 23:11:27 UTC

Nice to meet a fellow EPIC OLDFAG

2017-09-01 23:11:32 UTC

Totally telling the truth

2017-09-01 23:11:37 UTC

@Deleted User sorry i meant is. It stays consistent

2017-09-01 23:11:48 UTC

Which is surprising somewhat.

2017-09-01 23:12:00 UTC

I'm been there since 1969

2017-09-01 23:12:08 UTC

90% of the "muh stormfags" posting are trolls and the other 10% are leftover JIDF

2017-09-01 23:12:22 UTC

I think I've only seen Simon Wiesenthal Center shilling as of late

2017-09-01 23:12:34 UTC

But I'm sure whoever pays them pays someone else to ya know?

2017-09-01 23:12:39 UTC


2017-09-01 23:13:06 UTC

Wasn't /pol/ centrist and slightly leftist up until 2015.

2017-09-01 23:13:14 UTC
2017-09-01 23:13:18 UTC

It was never anything

2017-09-01 23:13:22 UTC

It was always a clusterfuck

2017-09-01 23:13:30 UTC

No, it wa always right wing

2017-09-01 23:13:39 UTC

No matter how much shills/trolls spam it the board will always be non-aligned

2017-09-01 23:13:54 UTC

With varying majorities in terms of posts

2017-09-01 23:14:36 UTC

Hell, /new/ was nothing but Jews this Jews that for a little bit

2017-09-01 23:14:37 UTC

Of course since Trump has been elected it's been much more. But the stormfags have been there since day 1

2017-09-01 23:14:47 UTC

Got good enough for Moot to get annoyed and delete the board

2017-09-01 23:15:04 UTC

Lol I actually mostly posted on /new/ and when it moved on to 4chon /new/.

2017-09-01 23:15:08 UTC

@Valtiel Stormfags are like bigfoot

2017-09-01 23:15:13 UTC

Never was active on 4chan's /pol/.

2017-09-01 23:15:15 UTC

You can say they populate the board

2017-09-01 23:15:26 UTC

But there hasn't been a stormnigger invasion since many many years ago

2017-09-01 23:15:34 UTC

And even then we're talking like 2011

2017-09-01 23:16:06 UTC

No their population has remained consistent. They still make up about a fourth or 3rd of the board

2017-09-01 23:16:20 UTC

>fourth or 3rd

2017-09-01 23:16:22 UTC

Lol newfag

2017-09-01 23:16:42 UTC

Did someone show you the pasta from 2013 where the sad JIDF dude blamed all the anti-semitism on Stormfront

2017-09-01 23:16:46 UTC

I remember that thread too

2017-09-01 23:16:48 UTC

Getting spammed

2017-09-01 23:17:06 UTC

No. They have always been there. A lot of libertarians went to bring full nazis

2017-09-01 23:17:18 UTC


2017-09-01 23:17:24 UTC

More like faggots

2017-09-01 23:17:48 UTC

I regard them pretty much the same. Samr with other white nationalists

2017-09-01 23:17:57 UTC

Muh huwhite state

2017-09-01 23:18:05 UTC

Degeneracy is cool as long as we're doing it

2017-09-01 23:18:47 UTC

Let's racemix with other white skinned peoples based magapede!

2017-09-01 23:19:06 UTC

I asked my natsi friend and member of Nordic Resistance Movement about his experience on posting on Stormfront.

"It was shit
Just middle-aged Americans talking about swastika christmas tree decorations"

2017-09-01 23:19:30 UTC

That and complaining about niggers all day

2017-09-01 23:19:30 UTC

And that's why every natsoc makes fun of those fags

2017-09-01 23:19:43 UTC

They're all autists and boomers larping about stupid shit

2017-09-01 23:19:48 UTC

With no real doctrine and no real drive

2017-09-01 23:20:05 UTC

Pretend they're representative of the 'movement' when they're not really in any particular movement

2017-09-01 23:20:06 UTC

Most likely receive welfare themselves

2017-09-01 23:20:27 UTC

Oh yeah the NEETs are fucking awful

2017-09-01 23:21:20 UTC

They complain about lazy niggers and then talk about the NEET lifestyle and blame women on various things.

2017-09-01 23:21:31 UTC

It's pretty hilarious

2017-09-01 23:23:04 UTC

Then they say that the white race is dying. When it's only the fact that women don't them.

2017-09-01 23:23:14 UTC


2017-09-01 23:23:56 UTC

99+% of people who are involved with serious discussion on politics on the internet are LARPers though. Even people who are apart of Parties and Groups and are 'activists' are LARPers, because their theory sucks and I think it is even worse because they live in a fantasy world were nothing they say will ever come to fruition on a large scale.

2017-09-01 23:24:14 UTC

Pretty much

2017-09-01 23:24:40 UTC

@Deleted User Describing yourself too you know

2017-09-01 23:26:00 UTC

I'm an individualist and anarchist, my politic view is not dependent on others or how effectively it describes the future. It is the most cynical view I know of. It is consciously cynical, and radically so.

2017-09-01 23:26:36 UTC

Sounds 2edgy

2017-09-01 23:26:40 UTC

But sure. I wouldn't know this if this too did not also effect me.

2017-09-01 23:26:42 UTC

@Deleted User

2017-09-01 23:26:48 UTC

Lol I kid

2017-09-01 23:29:35 UTC

Yes, that's what I said. But also an individualist kind. Hierarchy, dominance and cruelty in the world might always exist, but I will not be ever be, at least philosophically, under the boot of another. This may all just be a coping mechanism, after experiencing the crushing futility of post-modern politics.

2017-09-01 23:32:10 UTC

I am not even *that* principled, as to not also be controlled by principals. Like I said, it's radically cynical.

2017-09-01 23:33:37 UTC

@Deleted User if you stay anarchist chances are you will always remain under the boot of more organized. True anarchy is possible only after communism.

2017-09-01 23:35:18 UTC

@Firefly#9983 That's food for thought.

2017-09-01 23:35:33 UTC

@Deleted User So you're an anarcho-individualist, like Stirner?

2017-09-01 23:35:47 UTC

Yes. But not exactly a Stirnite, but close.

2017-09-01 23:36:09 UTC

My ideas constantly evolve.

2017-09-01 23:36:45 UTC

@Deleted User did your read Hegel, Marx?

2017-09-01 23:37:41 UTC

I am aware of the critique. I blocked it out. <:troll_king:312064227542040576>

2017-09-01 23:38:15 UTC

This is enough for me to think about.

2017-09-01 23:38:22 UTC

@Firefly#9983 Communism will only be practical if their revolution succeeds throughout the world.

2017-09-01 23:40:59 UTC

Otherwise, only very specific forms of socialism in small communities will work for now.

2017-09-01 23:41:32 UTC

Yeah that was main reason for socialism in one country.

2017-09-01 23:41:50 UTC

Individualism is another kind of idealism, because it causes me to block out everything that I don't like (muh Ego). It's an emotional crutch for sure. It is like morphine though. Completely numbs you the existential and practical problems. It's very seductive.

2017-09-01 23:44:06 UTC

In the end you just give up all goals and convince yourself this is what you really wanted. In this Egoist safespace, the spooks can't get you.

2017-09-01 23:44:30 UTC

@Deleted User what critic of Hegel are you familiar with?

2017-09-01 23:45:17 UTC

Critique of Pure Reason, although I can't say I fully understand every part of it.

2017-09-01 23:46:07 UTC

@Deleted User what is this critic about?

2017-09-01 23:46:10 UTC

@olev Welcome to Leftypol Internationle

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