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2017-05-25 01:55:13 UTC

That's taking the whole thing way too personally and forgetting the phenomenological framework in which I speak.

2017-05-25 01:55:22 UTC

This is marx' poison at work.

2017-05-25 01:55:30 UTC

Pure ideology.

2017-05-25 01:56:00 UTC

"You have Satan inside you, we must cast him out!"

2017-05-25 01:56:07 UTC


2017-05-25 01:56:17 UTC

Feel free to start arguing at any time.

2017-05-25 01:56:39 UTC

There is no argument. I am smugly confident in this matter, you are the one with difficulties.

2017-05-25 01:56:57 UTC

I'll remember that.

2017-05-25 01:58:09 UTC

For funsies, grab yourself some dick.

2017-05-25 01:58:14 UTC

PK Dick that is.

2017-05-25 01:58:41 UTC

Valis is a great first pass at getting to GNO the universe inside.

2017-05-25 02:02:39 UTC

Nigger please. I've been using logical fallacy as a bingo card this whole time.

2017-05-25 02:03:05 UTC

Good catch tho

2017-05-25 02:09:03 UTC

sooooo what exactly is wrong with a white european ethnostate?

2017-05-25 02:15:44 UTC

a. the fact that it requires ethnic cleansing to recognize and b. the entire idea is spooked as fuck and leads to violence

2017-05-25 02:17:16 UTC

your avatar suggests, and the guy you were talking to suggests, that you have absolutely no problem with violence...

2017-05-25 02:18:39 UTC

and the idea that a white ethnostate leads to violence is not necessarily true

2017-05-25 02:18:42 UTC

don't be a dipshit

2017-05-25 02:19:04 UTC

my avatar is an aesthetic that does not necessarily reflect my ideology

2017-05-25 02:20:28 UTC

I don't have a problem with violence to reverse class domination and eventually abolish it, but I do have a problem with random violence stirred up by hate that ethnostates inevitably lead to

2017-05-25 02:20:51 UTC

oh okay, yeah that's why I carefully said it "suggests" that you're okay with violence. As opposed to....

"I don't have a problem with violence " nevermind lol

2017-05-25 02:22:12 UTC

racial superiority is a tool to divide the proletariat in order to serve porky's needs. in neighboring ethnostates, class divisions would go on ignored, and workers' resentments would just be directed towards their neighbors

2017-05-25 02:24:50 UTC

first off - nationalism and superiority are different things. I disagree with the spook "supremacy", on what grounds could you measure it? But nationalism does not require "better or worse" to be involved...

2017-05-25 02:25:16 UTC

well then why the separatism?

2017-05-25 02:25:33 UTC

isnt the whole point of ethnostates that you don't intermix with lesser races?

2017-05-25 02:25:41 UTC


2017-05-25 02:25:56 UTC

keep cultures unique

2017-05-25 02:26:26 UTC

cultures are always changing by way of contact and integration

2017-05-25 02:26:49 UTC

forced mass immigration to serve the needs of capital is going to have some undesirable cultural results

2017-05-25 02:27:13 UTC

but general contact with other peoples is not threatening to civilization or otherwise bad in any way

2017-05-25 02:27:57 UTC

so mass immigration "changes" culture -- which is to say it removes the original culture.

2017-05-25 02:28:21 UTC

not really

2017-05-25 02:28:34 UTC

I don't know what you mean by "contact", but of course it's fine to have "contact" and acknowledge the other cultures.

2017-05-25 02:28:51 UTC

I mean would you say the hellenistic kingdoms of asia were completely deprived of their cultures via alexander?

2017-05-25 02:29:11 UTC

I just mean exchange of people, ideas, and customs

2017-05-25 02:30:28 UTC

well I wasn't there in the during the times of the hellenistic kingdoms of asia so I cannot say with pure confidence how exactly it affected their culture.

2017-05-25 02:31:00 UTC

yes learning from and borrowing from other cultures is not impossible in a world with segregation.

2017-05-25 02:31:28 UTC

okay but you haven't explained why the segregation is necessary in the first place

2017-05-25 02:31:28 UTC

in fact it's very possible, and should be totally allowed and even encouraged. markets should and could exist between states

2017-05-25 02:31:44 UTC

preservation of culture and history

2017-05-25 02:31:44 UTC

"to preserve culture" is vague

2017-05-25 02:32:10 UTC

but if you're promoting cultural exchange anyway, what's the difference?

2017-05-25 02:32:19 UTC

well, for example, in the south right now, they are removing and banning symbols of the confederate. if the left had their way, then these symbols would be totally wiped from the slate of history.

2017-05-25 02:32:52 UTC

I'm certainly not a southerner, nor am I defending their culture. But that is how culture and history gets destroyed.

2017-05-25 02:32:53 UTC

there was literally a thread in leftypol last week about how we should keep the confederate flag and use it to rally southern leftists

2017-05-25 02:33:08 UTC

what is this "left" you're talking about

2017-05-25 02:33:27 UTC

egalitarians, primarily.

2017-05-25 02:33:34 UTC

I suppose is their driving philosphy.

2017-05-25 02:33:43 UTC

anyway, the confederate flag is a special case

2017-05-25 02:34:03 UTC

not really.

2017-05-25 02:34:25 UTC

everything will be a special case in its own unique way if you go that route.

2017-05-25 02:34:28 UTC

because it was pretty limited in its importance before the 1950's and 60's when it was used as an anti-school integration symbol

2017-05-25 02:35:48 UTC

ok well if you wanna wholeheartedly defend a symbol coddled to represent white supremacy that's your call. there's plenty of southern symbols and points of national pride that aren't specifically designed to represent rejection of integrated academia

2017-05-25 02:36:22 UTC

I said ''I'm certainly not a southerner, nor am I defending their culture. But that is how culture and history gets destroyed."

2017-05-25 02:36:40 UTC

I was just using it as a relevant, modern example, of how culture gets destroyed.

2017-05-25 02:36:52 UTC

Since you seem to deny that

2017-05-25 02:36:58 UTC

if you rehabilitate a cultural artifact to make a contemporary political statement then that artifact has grounds to be destroyed

2017-05-25 02:37:00 UTC

that's how it works

2017-05-25 02:37:17 UTC

says who?

2017-05-25 02:37:40 UTC

that's how society has tended in most cases I can think of

2017-05-25 02:37:47 UTC

the swastika was left alone until hitler used it

2017-05-25 02:38:27 UTC

sounds like a pretty spooky belief to me

2017-05-25 02:38:49 UTC

I suggest you think that one out.

2017-05-25 02:39:52 UTC

no whats spooky is thinking that shitting on a political symbol is literally cultural erasure

2017-05-25 02:40:09 UTC

"shitting on"?

2017-05-25 02:40:22 UTC

it's banned, they are removing statues of slave owners.

2017-05-25 02:40:50 UTC

its not banned you dumb cunt, they literally fly it everywhere

2017-05-25 02:40:56 UTC

of course anderson cooper was supported by slavery inheritance, but they don't seem to care about that.

2017-05-25 02:42:15 UTC

banning the sale of the symbol is a lighter form of an outright ban, sure. but it has the same effect in the long term.

2017-05-25 02:42:57 UTC

if it's illegal to sell, then producers will not make them. then they dwindle away

2017-05-25 02:43:00 UTC

yeah again this really is just not even close to the cultural erasure you're pretending it is

2017-05-25 02:43:28 UTC

the flag was barely in use after the civil war anyway until it became a symbol of pro-segregation and anti-integration

2017-05-25 02:44:10 UTC

okay yeah the confederate flag has absolutely nothing to do with culture, you're right. it actually has much more to do with space aliens and gardening.

2017-05-25 02:44:26 UTC

no it actually has to do with opposition to school integration

2017-05-25 02:44:28 UTC

are you retarded?

2017-05-25 02:44:33 UTC

I'm not making this up

2017-05-25 02:44:34 UTC

google it

2017-05-25 02:45:11 UTC

that's what YOU want to make it about. it's a symbol, which means it's open for interpretation. but what isn't debatable is that it's a symbol of a culture.

2017-05-25 02:45:37 UTC

what do you think the swastika is a symbol of (hitler's swastika)?

2017-05-25 02:46:21 UTC


2017-05-25 02:46:29 UTC

its actually what the south wanted to make it about

2017-05-25 02:46:47 UTC

because they flew it at george wallace rallies, ant-integration rallies, etc

2017-05-25 02:48:02 UTC

and your avatar is a communist flag being hoisted after conquering and murdering the germans ???? is that what communism is about?

2017-05-25 02:48:38 UTC

hammer and sickle was around and was/has been used by communist groups around the world

2017-05-25 02:48:42 UTC

the soviet union was one of them

2017-05-25 02:49:00 UTC

the confederate flag is actually used all around the world, believe it or not.

2017-05-25 02:49:04 UTC

that's not the same as taking an old cultural artifact and rehabilitating it in the shape of your ideology

2017-05-25 02:49:27 UTC

you seem to have some very different standards for "things you like" versus "things you don't like"

2017-05-25 02:49:36 UTC

violence is okay if my side does it!

2017-05-25 02:50:08 UTC

symbols linked to genocide are okay as long as they're my side's symbols!

2017-05-25 02:51:16 UTC

the hammer and sickle was created and used for all of its entire existence to stand for worker/peasant solidarity and the overthrow of capitalism

2017-05-25 02:51:42 UTC

the rebel flag was originally created as a flag for the southern army, then was later made into a symbol of anti-integration

2017-05-25 02:51:44 UTC


2017-05-25 02:52:02 UTC

and the swastika had a more peaceful original meaning as well!

2017-05-25 02:52:07 UTC

you're proving my point.

2017-05-25 02:52:41 UTC

How many of you care about the Seth Rich assassination and ensuing investigation?

2017-05-25 02:52:59 UTC

the swastika is literally still used in eastern religion

2017-05-25 02:53:02 UTC

lol Seth Green

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