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2018-07-31 18:37:58 UTC

> implying

2018-07-31 20:24:20 UTC

"Gets catcalled" a woman once called me sugar tits

2018-07-31 20:33:17 UTC


2018-07-31 20:58:37 UTC

i once called a woman sugar tits

2018-07-31 20:58:41 UTC

i am now in jail

2018-07-31 21:03:06 UTC

I once spoke to a women

2018-07-31 21:22:32 UTC

fake and gay @grapes

2018-07-31 21:30:11 UTC

Stfu i did it

2018-07-31 21:34:05 UTC

i love tape

2018-07-31 21:34:08 UTC

and seal

2018-07-31 21:34:15 UTC

them my feels

2018-07-31 21:34:16 UTC


2018-07-31 21:34:25 UTC


2018-07-31 21:34:42 UTC

now i feels for genocide

2018-07-31 21:34:45 UTC

tfw no flex gf

2018-08-01 01:46:45 UTC

@PHIL SWIFT can you fix the emptiness i feel inside?

2018-08-01 02:39:30 UTC

something something dick

2018-08-01 05:25:27 UTC


2018-08-01 05:25:44 UTC

Love only costs 90$ thanks youtube

2018-08-01 09:56:05 UTC

>5 comments down

2018-08-01 09:56:08 UTC

Delete Tinder, buy chloroform.

2018-08-01 17:32:06 UTC

Would not suggest a inflateable for a beginner you will pop it in no time trust me

2018-08-01 17:32:23 UTC

Just save up buy a used 130 poly

2018-08-01 18:10:44 UTC


2018-08-01 18:10:49 UTC


2018-08-02 03:12:52 UTC

love it

2018-08-02 21:06:32 UTC


2018-08-02 21:09:37 UTC


2018-08-02 21:09:51 UTC

youtube isnt about you

2018-08-02 21:10:51 UTC

india big corp is going to over take pewdiepie and reach 100,000,000 subs first and its only been gaining speed

2018-08-02 21:11:33 UTC

Im guessing they're just some trash bollywood company that's advertising it everywhere

2018-08-02 21:12:11 UTC

there like vevo+free bollywood movies unless

2018-08-02 21:12:36 UTC

its like an idian verson of sony pictures and vevo teaming up

2018-08-02 21:13:11 UTC

Ah so basically they're irrelevant and maybe ten anglophones will actually care

2018-08-02 21:15:32 UTC

i feel sad youtube used to be the wild west

2018-08-02 21:15:44 UTC

now its corporate shit

2018-08-02 21:16:54 UTC

As soon as there was any competition for whoever had the most subs it was inevitable

2018-08-02 21:17:29 UTC

Yeah, but the question remains, will we recognize these fags as actual youtubers?

2018-08-02 21:18:00 UTC

Because from what i've read, is that they're making more uploads each day than Pewdiepie does in a few weeks.

2018-08-02 21:18:34 UTC

they make like 5 a day

2018-08-02 21:19:54 UTC

Yeah so it's literally got a team of people as opposed to a single person. Literally entrepreneur versus corporation

2018-08-02 21:20:28 UTC


2018-08-02 21:20:33 UTC

It's pretty crippling. But hey, I won't recognize them as Youtube's top dog anyhow.

2018-08-02 21:20:37 UTC

it all corprit shit now

2018-08-02 21:21:06 UTC

But Youtube will love them for it. Because as long as they get views and subs, Youtube will make money.

2018-08-02 21:21:15 UTC


2018-08-02 21:21:20 UTC

inb4 2020 consists of Indian Propaganda

2018-08-02 21:21:32 UTC

youtube rewind will just be in hindi

2018-08-02 21:21:39 UTC

wOW guys Look at this! India will be a superpower by 2020! Streetshitter is hate speech!

2018-08-02 21:21:42 UTC


2018-08-02 21:22:21 UTC

But yeah. That's a thing. Don't really care too much because it won't affect me.

2018-08-02 21:22:22 UTC

@WTRP the who county is a trash pit

2018-08-02 21:22:42 UTC

half the homes in inda have phones but no a toilet

2018-08-02 21:23:15 UTC

honestly they are a 3rd world county trying to moderize but is doing shit at it

2018-08-02 21:23:57 UTC

Actually there's a UN mission to essentially potty train the population

2018-08-02 21:24:15 UTC

And the indian government has been working on getting toilets in more regions

2018-08-04 05:21:42 UTC

im a dad this is my baby roblox serever https://discord.gg/DwZpD4 do it

2018-08-06 02:40:34 UTC

you know when people criticise your waifus but theirs are basic as fuck?

2018-08-06 07:20:16 UTC

You know when you have an actual girlfriend instead of a degenerate asian porn cartoon one?

2018-08-06 19:27:33 UTC

happy that minecraft has been over taken


2018-08-08 23:21:35 UTC

@KhromosomeKing oh when I said waifu I just use the word because it's what all the other autists use

2018-08-08 23:22:27 UTC

all my waifus are just celebrity crushes because the lord was merciful and *at least* made my sexuality vanilla as shit whilst leaving the rest of me a broken husk

2018-08-09 01:47:14 UTC

>be me in class, yesterday

2018-08-09 01:47:18 UTC

>walk to seat

2018-08-09 01:47:31 UTC

>classmate stops me

2018-08-09 01:47:39 UTC

> "Hey Anon, have you lost weight?"

2018-08-09 01:47:51 UTC

> "Yeah I have"

2018-08-09 01:47:56 UTC

> "You look good man"

2018-08-09 01:48:17 UTC

>Mfw that is the nicest thing anyone has said to me in years

2018-08-09 01:51:42 UTC


2018-08-10 22:16:57 UTC

lucky dude

2018-08-11 03:34:22 UTC
2018-08-11 03:35:33 UTC

>be me
>at yearly school height and weight
>5'10 120 lb
>told to eat ice cream
>lactose intalerat

2018-08-11 21:34:10 UTC

>be me
>in another discord server
>there's a channel where you post pictures of women you find attractive
>think it's a bit autistic but fuck it rating women is entertaining enough
>everyone calls my waifus traps and ugly

this has filled me with a burning hatred and yearning for revenge against humanity.

2018-08-11 21:37:13 UTC


2018-08-11 21:37:30 UTC

I'm sorry bud but I don't exact;y share your sympathy

2018-08-11 21:39:52 UTC

they're not traps

2018-08-11 21:40:51 UTC

they're real women too

2018-08-11 21:41:13 UTC

it's not my fault the internet is autistic and got these terms in my brain

2018-08-11 23:23:00 UTC

Communist women make me hard

2018-08-11 23:23:20 UTC

Waifus are for the disgusting weebs

2018-08-11 23:25:11 UTC

how do you tell if theyโ€™re a communist or not

2018-08-12 00:57:21 UTC

Weebs cannot be communists

2018-08-12 00:58:39 UTC

i donโ€™t like weebs

2018-08-12 01:19:53 UTC


2018-08-12 05:37:40 UTC

I want to tie down some communist thot and then whip out a can of gasoline and light the godless whore on fire to punish her for supporting such a shitty system

2018-08-12 06:34:21 UTC

You're a smol boi so shut up

2018-08-12 06:36:22 UTC

I wanna tie down a capitalist pig thot then whip out a funnel and funnel pure fat down the fatass whore's throat and punish her for supporting such a shitty system

2018-08-12 21:56:33 UTC


2018-08-13 10:35:00 UTC


2018-08-13 13:57:50 UTC

Oh that's sad as fuck dude

2018-08-13 18:45:58 UTC


2018-08-13 18:46:34 UTC

>ex talked to me for like 2-3 hours yesterday and the day before

2018-08-13 18:46:42 UTC

>get this message

42,086 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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