Message from @grapes
Discord ID: 474688436532412422
there like vevo+free bollywood movies unless
its like an idian verson of sony pictures and vevo teaming up
Ah so basically they're irrelevant and maybe ten anglophones will actually care
i feel sad youtube used to be the wild west
now its corporate shit
As soon as there was any competition for whoever had the most subs it was inevitable
Yeah, but the question remains, will we recognize these fags as actual youtubers?
Because from what i've read, is that they're making more uploads each day than Pewdiepie does in a few weeks.
they make like 5 a day
Yeah so it's literally got a team of people as opposed to a single person. Literally entrepreneur versus corporation
It's pretty crippling. But hey, I won't recognize them as Youtube's top dog anyhow.
it all corprit shit now
But Youtube will love them for it. Because as long as they get views and subs, Youtube will make money.
inb4 2020 consists of Indian Propaganda
youtube rewind will just be in hindi
wOW guys Look at this! India will be a superpower by 2020! Streetshitter is hate speech!
But yeah. That's a thing. Don't really care too much because it won't affect me.
half the homes in inda have phones but no a toilet
honestly they are a 3rd world county trying to moderize but is doing shit at it
Actually there's a UN mission to essentially potty train the population
And the indian government has been working on getting toilets in more regions
im a dad this is my baby roblox serever do it
you know when people criticise your waifus but theirs are basic as fuck?
You know when you have an actual girlfriend instead of a degenerate asian porn cartoon one?
happy that minecraft has been over taken
@KhromosomeKing oh when I said waifu I just use the word because it's what all the other autists use
all my waifus are just celebrity crushes because the lord was merciful and *at least* made my sexuality vanilla as shit whilst leaving the rest of me a broken husk
>be me in class, yesterday
>walk to seat
>classmate stops me
> "Hey Anon, have you lost weight?"
> "Yeah I have"
> "You look good man"
>Mfw that is the nicest thing anyone has said to me in years
lucky dude
Good job