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2019-11-03 18:55:22 UTC

Actually more sad than funny at this point

2019-11-03 18:55:59 UTC

Biden is basically Ginsberg at this point

2019-11-03 19:04:45 UTC

it's (((Vindman))) btw. Extraordinary privilege he experiences.

2019-11-03 19:13:07 UTC

nothing wrong with dual loyalties, like how WaPo is loyal to both the CIA and bezos's scrooge-looking ass

2019-11-03 19:14:09 UTC

2019-11-03 19:14:18 UTC

Just in case anyone had any doubts about Trump

2019-11-03 19:19:56 UTC

Surely itโ€™s over for Drumpf this time

2019-11-03 20:04:49 UTC

No Federal Dollars for the Wildfires for the Wildfires

2019-11-03 20:07:29 UTC

the fire rises

2019-11-03 20:49:39 UTC

First world problems

2019-11-03 20:50:30 UTC

If someone makes the thing you need to soothe your mental illness, you're probably gonna have to reconcile sucking their dick with your other beliefs, to some extent

2019-11-03 21:10:49 UTC

2019-11-03 21:36:12 UTC

Wow, I thought Norway wasn't quite as bad as Sweden, but now I'm having doubt

2019-11-03 21:40:03 UTC

as usual, Banjod does nothing to help <:virgin:396572545610022914>

2019-11-03 21:40:53 UTC

no liberation effort, no legal defense fundraising

2019-11-03 21:41:18 UTC


2019-11-03 21:42:27 UTC

The only good I can see coming out of this is if there able to set some sort of legal precedence in the system to prevent this clown world crap

2019-11-03 21:43:06 UTC

yeah, hopefully. that'd be swell.

2019-11-03 21:43:22 UTC

unlikely though, my confidence is low <:black_pill:565703068478341151>

2019-11-03 21:52:03 UTC

why is he extradited to hungary btw

2019-11-03 21:52:13 UTC

next conference?

2019-11-03 22:31:08 UTC

2019-11-04 00:05:18 UTC

@Deleted User Haha this is a northern european country, there will be no legal consequences

2019-11-04 00:05:30 UTC

World's lowest corruption goy

2019-11-04 00:05:51 UTC

And by that we mean "no only us politicians and police get to be corrupt here, not you voters"

2019-11-04 00:33:42 UTC

Did she make her cause look good..or bad?

2019-11-04 00:37:35 UTC

idk, but she definitely makes single mothers look bad

2019-11-04 00:43:02 UTC

i don't think there's anyway this looks good for anything

2019-11-04 00:50:54 UTC

*Ashley Auzenne, 39, was known to have been battling depression and anxiety in addition to physical ailments such as arthritis and lupus at the time of her death, which was ruled as a suicide by a self-inflicted gunshot wound.*

2019-11-04 00:51:07 UTC

yet she apparently had main custody of the children.

2019-11-04 00:51:25 UTC

is the father that bad, or............?

2019-11-04 01:03:16 UTC

The Justice System so crap...

2019-11-04 01:03:43 UTC

its seems like its almost impossible to get the custody from the woman, especially in the US for some insane reason

2019-11-04 01:20:56 UTC


2019-11-04 01:47:23 UTC

*dunt dunt dunt, another one bites the dust*

2019-11-04 01:47:38 UTC


2019-11-04 01:48:26 UTC

rest in piss, ya bitch

2019-11-04 01:48:57 UTC

It ain't over (yet)!

2019-11-04 01:49:09 UTC

when will joe biden drop out

2019-11-04 01:52:24 UTC

Joe probably doesnt even know he's running

2019-11-04 02:11:39 UTC

Good Sargoy video.

2019-11-04 02:16:43 UTC

I actually watch a lot of Sargon videos

2019-11-04 02:17:02 UTC

Heโ€™s take on the groypers was retarded

2019-11-04 02:18:38 UTC

2019-11-04 02:18:57 UTC

unit 8200

2019-11-04 02:19:15 UTC

hope you weren't expecting any Veritas vids inside the ADL or SPLC

2019-11-04 02:21:32 UTC


2019-11-04 02:39:09 UTC

Yeah Sargon dislikes a binding collectivization of white Europeans because itโ€™s a very diverse place. Which heโ€™s not wrong but there is commonality between white Europeans that other civilizations donโ€™t have. Also in this particular case of the Holocaust heโ€™s absolutely correct, I mean are white Europeans as a whole going to be blamed for german supremacists? Even poles who fell victim to it?

2019-11-04 02:40:09 UTC

*Stanford professor who changed America with just one study was also a liar*

2019-11-04 02:42:17 UTC

[Autism funding intensifies]

2019-11-04 03:57:28 UTC

autism has become an epidemic

2019-11-04 04:00:10 UTC

Another bullshit academic psychologist bites the dust. SMH. I used to work at a state mental hospital, and while it wasn't a resort or any place you'd necessarily choose to live, it was a refuge for people who had no one else to care for them, severely mentally impaired people and even a whole floor for treating addicts. Without a doubt it saved many lives and alleviated a lot of suffering. @Str3tch

2019-11-04 04:00:38 UTC


2019-11-04 04:01:57 UTC

look at the tent cities on the west coast......

2019-11-04 04:03:14 UTC

Local Democrat leaders want to insist it's about shortage of affordable housing, in the hopes that bugman pods can be built by a politically-connected contractor (kickbacks involved)

2019-11-04 04:03:28 UTC

but everyone knows that alot of homeless are whacked out

2019-11-04 04:03:44 UTC

or prefer to be on the street

2019-11-04 04:05:08 UTC

2019-11-04 04:50:28 UTC

Adding it to my books list. We also have these people to thank for implicit/unconscious bias bullshit, pathologizing masculinity, transgenderism, and much more besides for which we'll be experiencing the negative effects for decades.

2019-11-04 05:49:21 UTC

@DKshadow Trump funding his own elite 4chan secret intelligence agency.

2019-11-04 05:55:05 UTC


2019-11-04 12:55:45 UTC

International Aid agencies raping vulnerable people is not news unfortunately. Another thing most people just ignore about the establishment

2019-11-04 12:55:56 UTC

it's been public knowledge for years really

2019-11-04 12:57:25 UTC

1 pedo is an outrage 6 million pedophiles is a statistic

2019-11-04 14:55:50 UTC

Not good optics.

2019-11-04 15:18:58 UTC

2019-11-04 15:22:08 UTC

I donโ€™t mind Spencer but he needs to keep his ego in check. I think it was understandable given the circumstance but still very bad optics

2019-11-04 15:22:20 UTC

Shows a poor quality leader imo

2019-11-04 15:23:01 UTC

One of the many reasons i never saw him as a leader

2019-11-04 16:16:15 UTC

How do these churches keep catching fire?

2019-11-04 16:17:09 UTC

Muslim with the Russian Cocktails?

2019-11-04 16:17:25 UTC

2019-11-04 16:17:33 UTC

Was a beautiful church

2019-11-04 16:26:57 UTC

it's a sign of the end-times bois

2019-11-04 16:27:13 UTC


2019-11-04 16:38:36 UTC

Slippery slope is a fallacy they said....

2019-11-04 16:51:24 UTC

2019-11-04 16:52:31 UTC


2019-11-04 16:58:40 UTC
2019-11-04 16:59:25 UTC

@Str3tch math and computer science have quite a few Jews in them ill admit

2019-11-04 17:00:54 UTC

No body knows my daily struggle of working on (((software))) and the big compiler and scheme language books were both co-written by jews.

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