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2019-10-27 04:57:43 UTC

No, we're trying to remind you subtly that Bavaria isn't real.

2019-10-27 06:47:09 UTC

Existence is a Jewish conspiracy

2019-10-27 07:02:12 UTC

i actually live in Bavaria, so it either exists or you can never find me

2019-10-27 07:22:17 UTC

Or, and I'm just trying to expose you for what you are, nothing deeply personal: You're a liar.

2019-10-27 07:22:49 UTC

If Bavaria exists then why can't anyone point to it on a map?

2019-10-27 07:22:52 UTC


2019-10-27 09:47:17 UTC

If you live in Bavaria, then you must not be alive

2019-10-27 09:47:26 UTC

the most obvious conclusion

2019-10-27 10:07:44 UTC

When all your female followers on twitter show up in your notifications again, when you tweet about women. ๐Ÿค”

2019-10-27 10:10:40 UTC

Women also don't exist.

2019-10-27 13:45:42 UTC

on the internet they don't, everything else would be a breech of regulations

2019-10-27 14:25:32 UTC

@Ethaneth Women just lurk

2019-10-27 14:26:05 UTC

Women can be quite active, but not in the spotlight

2019-10-27 14:26:21 UTC

Like on twitter, they seem to mostly retweet and like other stuff and rarely directly reply to people.

2019-10-27 14:26:24 UTC

As is their nature

2019-10-27 14:26:42 UTC

t. hobby psychologist who knows women

2019-10-27 14:32:48 UTC

That's so sexist and misogynist
I like it

2019-10-28 02:22:54 UTC

Trout does a lot better job of explaining why China is bad than explaining why orange man bad

2019-10-28 02:27:31 UTC

I talked to Kraut after that vid and he more or less agrees that Trump is a symptom not the cause re; China. Kraut's not perfect but he is better than most of his detractors.

2019-10-28 02:42:31 UTC

he's really good at doing long form videos but he seems to be blinded sometimes

2019-10-28 05:31:18 UTC

I enjoyed the analysis of China. Made me rethink how much of a paper dragon China really is, considering how much of a foothold they have on most political institutions.

2019-10-28 19:38:58 UTC

Any thoughts on my thought?

2019-10-28 22:02:30 UTC

Yet, democracy is not bound to be the result.

2019-10-29 02:41:35 UTC

think of every middle eastern country ever lol

2019-10-29 04:30:05 UTC

@Fuksias Oppress people long enough and harsh enough and some form of Mob Rule (e.g. Democracy) is bound on rising amongst them.

2019-10-29 10:07:46 UTC


2019-10-29 12:02:07 UTC

Nah. It's more that democracy is simply better at eliminating various inefficiencies and has lower enforcement costs.

2019-10-29 12:04:55 UTC

Not _all_ inefficiencies that is, as there are some that representative democracy exacerbates, but the net effect seems to be positive.

2019-10-29 16:23:27 UTC

๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ท <:ThisIsFine:601865762524626944> ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ท

2019-10-29 18:46:19 UTC

This would so much deserve a good debunk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P55t6eryY3g

2019-10-29 18:46:28 UTC

It has it all:
centrists and non-SJW liberals are pathway to Alt-Right (includes even "I denounce skepticism" Thunderf00t)
"AR" attracts people just by saying it's OK to be white/male/"allosexual"/etc. and have intrinsic value as a human simply for existing
AR hijacks forums (yeah, instead of SJWs doing it, and it also ignores that the mods are on SJW side so driving a wedge would only cause more people getting banned as a collateral rather than "AR" winning)
Ethnonationalism is seen as apolitical and is thus totally permitted everywhere
You are a virgin loser if you aren't SJW
It's not feminism hurting men but gender roles imposed by The Patriarchy.

2019-10-29 18:55:44 UTC

Obviously also blaming for all the violence in Charlottesville, ignoring Antifa.
Blaming liberal establishment (I guess that is Trump) for not destroying AR and taking away their constitutional rights to 1st Amendment free speech. Breadtube (communist Youtubers would undoubtedly crack down on 1st A).
It's essential to accept that as a white male, you don't need to be listened to. Do de-radicalize, though.

2019-10-29 19:01:29 UTC

Don't debate them, facts don't care about their feelings. (This one is actually true with actual AR. Not so for just normie people who resist communism.)
A good pathway to deradicalization is being arrested or being hospitalized. (wink wink, not breaching YT TOS by encouraging Antifa to do anything to them.)

2019-10-29 20:13:09 UTC

It would actually be nice if people in the center started to debunk and react to Breadtube insanity. Because they aren't the bedroom feminists with good cameras but no script and no direction. They are creating the narratives rather than following them. And quite many of them are hundreds of thousand subs large hubs of propaganda.

Back in the day, the narrative creators were corporations pandering to the left, and the followers were fragile bedroom feminists. And both of them were debunked. Now the woke corporations are pretty much marginalized. They are a joke, hold no narrative power. The narrative power has been shifted to actual socialists and communists who aren't just pandering to the left. They are the left.

And only ones I see countering the Breadtube seems to be people like DoctorRandomercam and via his collabs Honeybadgerradio. Everyone else is still beating dead horses like The Young Turks. Heck, not even those that much. The entire scene of anti-leftism has been derailed by Trump, Brexit and Metokurian anti-anti-SJW clown pill. And Alt-Right wanting to sabotage center-right so that far right is the only alternative to communism.

2019-10-29 20:15:30 UTC

Speaking of HBR, they're taking on one of the Breadtubers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdX7Ufb2nDo
Haven't watched yet. Will hit โ–ถ now.

2019-10-29 21:04:58 UTC

the radicalized normies video is so bad I wouldn't even respond to it if I were an active tuber

2019-10-29 21:18:55 UTC

Well, it's worth a laugh or cringe. The real problem is the fucking length of that nonstop idiocy.

2019-10-29 21:19:43 UTC

It would take someone like PSA Sitch and Adam Friended to debunk that. They make 15 minute videos into 5 hour debunk streams, so they'll probably be digging to it two weeks without sleep.

2019-10-29 21:20:23 UTC

Friended is also not the brightest guy

2019-10-29 21:21:34 UTC

What irks me is this really consistent theme that almost every channel wants to push their own narrative in every single video they make, as if they had the truth for breakfast or something

2019-10-29 21:23:32 UTC

But it doesn't surprise me since so much common knowledge is no longer considered common, or knowledge

2019-10-29 21:24:06 UTC

Thus making people fight over the most basic things, which ends up making them defend their most controversial views equally hard as their most basic ones

2019-10-29 21:25:43 UTC

So obviously everything has become about owning the other rather than finding common ground, because there is so little common ground anymore, so we define ourselves by our opposition to others, as it becomes increasingly more existential to do so

2019-10-29 21:26:52 UTC

If people can't even agree anymore that children are off limits, then what do people even agree on

2019-10-29 21:27:23 UTC

So we all breathe and eat and sleep and shit and that's it or what

2019-10-29 21:27:46 UTC

What a mess

2019-10-30 05:28:04 UTC

@whiic my friend, what you have to realize is that these leftists have different values than you, what you see as morally wrong they see as right. and that is something very difficult to change, I suppose you can target their audience but thats it.

2019-10-30 09:44:09 UTC

the distributist addresses breadtube quite a bit

2019-10-30 09:44:15 UTC

but he's not much of a centrist

Dave is on hiatus next year

2019-10-30 19:46:30 UTC

Full on reactionary
>not much of a centrist

2019-11-01 16:01:35 UTC

Never saw that cartoon before, pretty awesome

2019-11-01 18:26:45 UTC

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gmo-7Zbq_Gk Captain Swiss and I went over the Swiss elections first round results

2019-11-01 20:06:05 UTC

@Object of Hate I enjoyed the detailed analysis of the swiss election,have not been able to find many recently

2019-11-01 22:06:40 UTC

The Jew fears the Samurai

2019-11-01 22:08:40 UTC


2019-11-01 22:09:27 UTC

All I can say is, Japan has no time for some Britbong's opinion barfing regarding their flag. They just don't give a shit.

2019-11-01 22:24:17 UTC

thanks @Nightranger732 ! We'll be back when the Federal Assembly (re)elects the Federal Council (government) on December 11th

2019-11-01 22:28:18 UTC

The Jews fear the Samurai

2019-11-02 00:08:41 UTC

The Jews fear the Samurai

2019-11-02 01:39:48 UTC

Japan will do as Japan wants to do. They are more than happy to burn relations with buying countries, as they understand from a business perspective certain products they have will only be made there. Any burnt relations on one side will not be burnt for long.

2019-11-02 12:09:09 UTC

the kike fears the samurai

2019-11-02 13:01:59 UTC

the only drugs which should be legalised is DMT and weed

2019-11-03 02:05:11 UTC

Slippery slope.

2019-11-03 07:55:44 UTC

dude weed lmao

2019-11-03 07:55:48 UTC

it cures cancer bro

2019-11-03 08:00:31 UTC

Yeah bro it's just a plant bro you can drive on it bro operate machinery bro all plants are good for you bro bro cmon bro

2019-11-03 15:38:32 UTC

i mean weed's effects are minimal

2019-11-03 15:42:05 UTC

No bro they're not, but alcohol's is
Alcohol is just a drink bro you can drive on it bro o,perate machinery bro all alcohol is good your bro bro cmon bro

2019-11-04 02:35:19 UTC

Louis Le Vau telling it like it is. Not mincing any words.

2019-11-04 02:35:43 UTC

no clue in which channel this should go because the video covers several topics

2019-11-04 02:36:09 UTC

Mostly mass immigration and the job market

2019-11-04 04:57:50 UTC

Not just dmt and weed all โ€œhallucinogenicsโ€ and weed in all forms

2019-11-04 06:24:32 UTC


2019-11-04 06:25:07 UTC


2019-11-04 06:26:20 UTC


2019-11-04 06:28:02 UTC


2019-11-04 06:29:06 UTC

Well, clownworld of clownworld always makes sense.. right?

2019-11-04 06:29:45 UTC


2019-11-04 06:31:23 UTC

clown world never makes sense

2019-11-04 06:32:21 UTC

doubling the worlds is like smashing two turds together as hard as you can.

2019-11-04 06:35:39 UTC

Ah, but the abyss stares back.

2019-11-04 06:37:27 UTC

Not sure where this conversation is going right now.

2019-11-04 06:38:05 UTC

Sooo... yeah ๐Ÿ˜ถ

2019-11-04 06:38:09 UTC

The whole point of clown world is that itโ€™s a joke

2019-11-04 06:38:20 UTC

yes it is a joke

2019-11-04 06:38:30 UTC

A bad joke

2019-11-04 06:38:50 UTC

No no. Clown world means joke as well

2019-11-04 06:38:57 UTC

Well, basically, if you laugh too much at the clownworld- you, yourself, shall become the clown.

2019-11-04 06:39:21 UTC

You shall find yourself being the very thing you sought out to destroy

2019-11-04 06:39:39 UTC

<:thinking_clown:590855640268668928> ๐Ÿคก

2019-11-04 06:39:45 UTC

I don't seek to destroy anything.

2019-11-04 06:40:00 UTC

Are you sure about that

2019-11-04 06:40:30 UTC

Yes.. O.o

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