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2019-11-01 21:23:24 UTC

Jeremy has been getting on my nerves with the witcher

2019-11-01 21:24:01 UTC

He keeps framing it as "Hur dur they are making the show more like the books *instead of* the games reee"

2019-11-01 21:24:28 UTC

News flash, the story of the first game doesn't even begin until after the conclusion of the last book

2019-11-01 21:24:29 UTC

Jeremy is a political "anti-political" hack.

2019-11-01 21:25:29 UTC

I've got a pretty sensetive woke detector for trailers and I'm not even sensing much from the witcher trailers

2019-11-01 21:25:36 UTC

So maybe the show is going to go into the game time period after a few seasons... but Jeremy still complains that it didn't start midway?

2019-11-01 21:25:58 UTC

It's quite possible the show will be trash, but it doesn't look obvious just from the trailers

2019-11-01 21:26:44 UTC

I think jeremy needs drama for clicks, which is sad

2019-11-01 21:27:28 UTC

And I think people are going to make the mistake of judging the show without understanding the source material

2019-11-01 21:28:24 UTC

For example half the books are told from the perspective of ciri, so if people are going to get up in arms about the show doing that and calling it woke... idk maybe you should blame the books for that

2019-11-01 21:32:01 UTC

There's plenty of times when the books follow ciri instead of geralt or tell sections of the story about geralt from the perspective of others, or multiple chapters that aren't even about geralt

2019-11-01 21:34:44 UTC

the show looks like it will be mediocre

2019-11-01 21:34:50 UTC

and you can kind of tell in the trailers

2019-11-01 21:34:59 UTC

There's a whole book where ciri runs with a gang of killers and thieves and she has a lesbian relationship with one of them and has to fight off the attempted rape of one of the males... in the book... and I'm betting people will assume it's "wokeness" inserted into the show if they have that scene

2019-11-01 21:35:15 UTC

but yeah, the games start after the books end

2019-11-01 21:35:25 UTC

iirc, Geralt is more mature in the games

2019-11-01 21:35:52 UTC

Geralt is more or less the same I think

2019-11-01 21:36:42 UTC

its from netflix, I doubt it will be anything less than garbage

2019-11-01 21:36:55 UTC

or more..

2019-11-01 21:38:10 UTC

I think it's going to be passable, not amazing, but not terrible

2019-11-01 21:39:09 UTC

This gay game reviewer (yes, he makes it a point of relevence, he's reviewing a social justice influenced game after all) gave it 9.5/10

2019-11-01 21:39:35 UTC

Same SJW gave Death Stranding 3.5
It must be a bad game. SJWs never lie. Especially the homosexual ones.

2019-11-01 21:39:56 UTC

Critics are retards

2019-11-01 21:40:57 UTC

It's not that he reviewed Death Stranding low because it's a narrative based game that is not SJW narrative. It was because he's just very easy on ratings and Jeremy is correct in assessing the game to be 0/10 to 3/10 at best (without playing the game).

2019-11-01 21:41:20 UTC

Remember: Exclusively Games, where we don't let politics affect our reviews.

2019-11-01 21:41:36 UTC

(Except we hate all storylines. We just want boobs. There's no room for other genres.)

2019-11-01 21:45:43 UTC

Critic reviews are literally worthless

2019-11-01 21:45:53 UTC

Audience/player reviews are the only ones that matter

2019-11-01 21:47:05 UTC

While I think Vee and Raging Golden Eagle have **the worst** personal tastes for games on the net, I at least admire them for being honest that they just want the boobs and aren't interested in condemning other types of games. Or maybe Vee is a bit so and so, he's a little bit of an edgelord who'd find no problem condemning anything he doesn't personally jerk off to in a flippant manner. But Jeremy is the Besserwisser who thinks he's above it. And like said, bashing something popular gives the clicks, I wonder if he's self-aware there.

2019-11-01 21:47:36 UTC

Critic reviews (especially those who use free copies / advance review copies) are indeed worthless.

2019-11-01 21:48:29 UTC

According to critics, Batwoman TV series > Joker movie

2019-11-01 21:48:40 UTC

They fear being critical, and they may also get versions of a game without microtransactions, etc. so that even those who go against their best interest to bump the score, still rate it higher than should.

2019-11-01 21:53:06 UTC

Andromeda had a shit story but the combat is alright

2019-11-01 21:53:23 UTC

They took Kingdom of Amalur's class sytem though

2019-11-01 21:54:13 UTC

A much better review of the reviews of Death Stranding:

2019-11-01 21:54:48 UTC

It basically comes to YMMV, and ratings are meaningless because it's pretty much a new genre with nothing to compare against.

2019-11-01 22:00:11 UTC

Also, LOL, apparently some hardcore console peasants are canceling DS orders because it wasn't PS4 exclusive. They are offended that the game will be also available on PC. That's next level peasantry.

2019-11-01 22:07:20 UTC

Speaking of peasantry, Top Hats and Champagne has returned under Cop Cats and Champagne. Still no-one knows why his channel was terminated. Total mystery.

2019-11-01 22:10:46 UTC

I just wanted to say I love attorney general bill bar's smile


2019-11-01 23:54:03 UTC

Guys, just wanna let you know, in case not everyone knew it already

2019-11-01 23:54:09 UTC

*It's 2019*

2019-11-02 00:47:37 UTC

@whiic good vid

2019-11-02 02:32:35 UTC

Apparently Beto dropped out

2019-11-02 02:41:49 UTC

Was he ever really in?

2019-11-02 02:41:54 UTC

--Beto's wife, probably

2019-11-02 03:15:04 UTC

So what you're saying is nobody will try steal Americas guns?

2019-11-02 16:26:45 UTC
2019-11-02 17:10:25 UTC

2019-11-02 17:18:29 UTC

Cenk talks how Trump pronounces Baghdadi's name weirdly. 3 minutes later:

2019-11-02 19:35:49 UTC

beta beto finally quit <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-11-02 19:50:14 UTC

At least now he can speak Spanish as much as he wants

whenever anyone supports socialism

link them this



who would have thunk

unless of course, we want to force people to pay taxes no matter what

in which case why not force people from other countries to pay too...

and if they refuse, why not invade them, especially when youre bleeding resources and money...


2019-11-02 20:07:25 UTC

vikingomics 101

2019-11-02 20:11:30 UTC

At some point, we're just going to have to migrate to the USA.

2019-11-02 20:12:16 UTC

We lack the arms to actually do anything, and politics/debate won't get us anywhere when the opposition can just shut us down with the stroke of a pen and subservient police.

2019-11-02 21:28:06 UTC

Linux communities love being the Besserwissers. They have poor, unintuitive server OS, which they praise to high heaven as a replacement for productivity apps, arts and gaming (which it's not suited to). When the noobs come to get their distro (which is easy) they usually find the documentation unfit for first-timer, while the OS still depends on knowing command words as you're basically doing stuff in command prompt most of the time anyway. (Or it was like that. I guess there are user friendly distros today. Should be. Maybe.)

2019-11-02 21:28:33 UTC

@Boop / ๋ธŒํŒŒ / C'thUwU It's almost like rich people are also human beings who respond to incentives and will change their behavior in response to policy instead of just lying down and letting themselves be harvested for meat by the public. <:hyperthink:462282519883284480>

2019-11-02 21:31:04 UTC

I haven't actually tried getting into Linux in the last decade and I don't see why I should. But back then it *really* felt like they had a Jekyll and Hyde problem, where in the outside world they preached the virtues of Linux non-stop, to the point everyone else wanted them to shut-up as they sounded like they've found Jesus.

2019-11-02 21:31:44 UTC

But on the inside of the community, they wanted the noob to fuck off in the most condescending way.

2019-11-02 21:32:58 UTC

IMO, Linux is Jew: they act like they're better than everybody, and while technically you can join, it's made as difficult as possible so no-one ever wants to join.

2019-11-02 21:37:06 UTC

*Everything I don't like or understand is Jewish*

2019-11-02 21:54:03 UTC

Jeremy Will CONTINUE To Be Sponsored By NordVPN AAAND I Start Every Word With A Capital Letter.
I'm Pretty Sure The Fact That He Has A Contract Until The End Of The Year Does Not Affect His Expressed Opinions.

2019-11-02 21:56:03 UTC

Ormaybeisshouldrathercommentstuff. Like. Thisbecausethat.


Pausesbetween. Wordspausesthatarelonger. Thanthosebetween. Sentences.

2019-11-02 22:11:52 UTC

I've actually had the idea of transcribing some of Jeremy's videos from speech to text... but without doing any correction of grammar, misspoken/misread words, and placing sentence ending periods and following big capital letters based solely on his pauses, rather than where they should be grammatically.

Because I'm pretty sure no-one could decipher than nonsense in text form. His pacing is totally random with RANDOM emphasis and intoooonaaaations placed all over the videos. That said, such transcription cannot pick the full insanity that is every single video made by Jeremy: random head bobbing, twisted and distorted random facial expressions, flailing around and winking randomly. And none of it seems to be body language that somehow conveys the message better. Stop doing drugs? Or maybe start doing them again because you look like going through withdrawal...

2019-11-02 22:38:15 UTC

Need some wine with that salt?

2019-11-03 02:22:27 UTC

> Colorado city now allows โ€˜women as young as 11โ€ฒ to go topless in public

2019-11-03 02:38:02 UTC

Big deal

2019-11-03 02:39:42 UTC

Not surprising to me though that an American is upset over public nudity. Land of the fr... I mean the prudes.

2019-11-03 02:42:31 UTC

Liberty without order is degenerate

2019-11-03 02:43:05 UTC

Subjective viewpoint, back it up

2019-11-03 02:43:33 UTC

The liberty to reveal tiddies on the streets is bad why?

2019-11-03 02:44:02 UTC

Not really in the mood for a long debate, will just add that there is a social order to be maintained in a public space, which is frequented by families with children

2019-11-03 02:44:23 UTC

I'd put this on equal footing with pride parades

2019-11-03 02:44:28 UTC

Both need to be banned

2019-11-03 02:44:35 UTC

Pride parades are not comparable

2019-11-03 02:45:02 UTC

Your argument amounts to "showing cleavage is wrong", as used to be the case at one time in history

2019-11-03 02:45:02 UTC

2019-11-03 02:45:23 UTC

This is "freedom" without Natural Order

2019-11-03 02:45:26 UTC

No thanks

2019-11-03 02:45:27 UTC

Are you equating S&M costumes with going topless?

2019-11-03 02:46:06 UTC

Am I deeming public nudity to be degenerate?

2019-11-03 02:46:07 UTC


2019-11-03 02:46:20 UTC

What does BDSM have in common with showing breasts?

2019-11-03 02:46:44 UTC

Both are something that children don't need to see in public

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