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2018-08-28 07:35:12 UTC

hm...things like threats are rightly excluded from the 'right to free speech', from my perspective, and this includes threats of revolution and killing those in government

2018-08-28 07:36:23 UTC

intentional disastorous false alarms too, like shouting 'fire' in a crowded theater

2018-08-28 07:36:35 UTC

Is there any form of non-violent cultural or government subversion that you are uncomfortable with. Any speech whatsoever that doesnt explicitly advocate violence that you think should be revoked or prevented?

2018-08-28 07:37:01 UTC

i think all forms of speech that don't explicitly advocate violence should be protected

2018-08-28 07:37:11 UTC

Would you not have a way for the government to intervene in the case that, people with dispraportionate social or economic power use that power, either against the interests of the people, or the government.

2018-08-28 07:40:06 UTC

i think union-representation and tripartism take care of that

2018-08-28 07:40:43 UTC

I mean nowadays you have people with antisocial market behavior, using their economic and cultural power, in lieu with those civil liberties you mentioned, against the interests of the people and the government.

2018-08-28 07:44:19 UTC

hm...well, for example, i think the reason norway's model has worked is because of its tripartism, where there are contracts b/w government officials, union representatives, and business owners that aim to establish wages that are tolerable for all involved parties. a lot of people think norway's been doing well because of it's social democratic model, but i attribute it to tripartile contractualism

2018-08-28 07:45:41 UTC

marxists label this as "unironic class collaboration"

2018-08-28 07:46:11 UTC

but it works to tame the so called "wage slavery"

2018-08-28 07:46:32 UTC

I think one of the bigger problems of democracy and the system you are suggesting is that when there are "bad actors" in the ecosystem of market economy or whatever else, the government is essentially powerless to stop them. Whether its an anti-social message, an anti-government message or so on. As long as they dont advocate violence they are within the "laws" and thus able to act with impunity.

2018-08-28 07:48:27 UTC

Also, personally i think that the myth of democracy itself is damaging to a society. In reality, people do not have control over outcomes politically in a democracy, and yet we are all fed the lie that we need to do our "civic duty" to go vote. Have you ever once cast the deciding vote? Have you ever once swayed a politician with power on an issue? All the time we spend thinking and deliberating over who to vote for and what policies to go with and so on and so forth, the collective energy expended and in my opinion truly wasted is a travesty unto itself.

2018-08-28 07:49:43 UTC

i think it matters in the aggregate though, even though it seems ineffectual on the individual level. and i'm willing to make the sacrifice of having a majority population of idiots vote for garbage government officials

2018-08-28 07:49:55 UTC

in the name of muh democracy

2018-08-28 07:49:57 UTC


2018-08-28 07:51:25 UTC

I honestly wouldnt mind a society set up where there is a justice system for the market economy, and rules and laws very similar to how it is in america, but that at the top there is a class of elites who are not voted in and not truly beholden to the public except the pitchfork public, and remove the lie of democracy i just described. I think it would once and for all unleash the collective energy of america to focus on real problems in their life. Real problems that overlap their circle of influence. Honestly i think thats important for everyone on a small scale, but just look at how much time america spends on their circle of concern, especially when it lies outside of their ability to influence it

2018-08-28 07:52:07 UTC

america has become somewhat of a corporatocracy at this point, in my view

2018-08-28 07:52:28 UTC

a bit, but more so just dysfunctional

2018-08-28 07:52:45 UTC

yea i'd agree

2018-08-28 07:52:55 UTC

because of the election cycle, politicians cannot do long term planning

2018-08-28 07:53:03 UTC

they can never make tough decisions that are unpopular

2018-08-28 07:53:18 UTC

the "occams razor" of politics is: Is this popular? Will it get me elected?

2018-08-28 07:53:33 UTC

How many important decisions overlap with such thinking?

2018-08-28 07:54:20 UTC

that's a fair point. i wouldn't be against a wider election interval i guess, just to give officials more time to carry out their policies

2018-08-28 07:54:52 UTC

but i don't think authoritarianism would solve it

2018-08-28 07:54:58 UTC

give it to them for life, and then give it to their first son

2018-08-28 07:55:02 UTC


2018-08-28 07:55:27 UTC

and voila, hereditary representative constitutional republic

2018-08-28 07:56:00 UTC

is it really representative though?

2018-08-28 07:57:08 UTC

in the old days if a regions representative was being a douche, the citizens got their pitchforks and worked out arrangements with someone new

2018-08-28 07:57:25 UTC

the ultimate vote, if you will

2018-08-28 07:58:35 UTC

I'd imagine doing that gradually, the peasants would vy for more and more suffrage

2018-08-28 08:06:43 UTC

Personally I'm an absolutist, so I think anytime you frame meaning and power as derivatived from the individual, you will lack any basis other than utilitarian ones for which gradient between anarchy and monarchy one should stop at. Any democratic system necessarily implies that, and over time under those ethics, suffrage has increased more and more, as withholding it has no real moral basis.

2018-08-28 08:08:08 UTC

oh absolutely, i guess the point i was making is that even rome had its praetorian guard to murder the emperor when he was being a douche

2018-08-28 08:09:36 UTC

but yeah, more and more ive been noticing how lacking democracy is for a country. Pits individual against individual. No clear societal goal other than make money for oneself. Just kind of a sad system when you look at outcome

2018-08-28 08:10:48 UTC

i mean

2018-08-28 08:11:48 UTC

look how dysfunctional, objectively, america is right now. You had one dude (obama) who came to the stage and says that everything america had been doing is wrong, and now we are doing something else. 8 years later another dude comes along says yeah no that dude was wrong, now we do it differently. And on it goes every 4-8 years

2018-08-28 08:11:55 UTC

doing something different

2018-08-28 08:12:19 UTC

but why? can anyone really prove why? i surmise its just to pad a different set of buddies pockets

2018-08-28 08:12:29 UTC

a literal kleptocracy

2018-08-28 08:12:48 UTC

sad waste of potential

2018-08-28 08:15:10 UTC

I mean the government clearly isn't unified in which direction they want us to go

2018-08-28 08:17:11 UTC

The only way you can make a policy stick is if you can prevent the other side from overhauling it, so many policies that are implemented are focused on securing power, moreso than the common good.

2018-08-28 09:52:22 UTC

I would argue that a major flaw of democracy or any multiparty system is that there rarely if ever is any underlying ideological foundation for what the parties are doing, rather there are multiple ideologies that are brought to the table constantly, and in the end the govorment represents literally nothing like toothlessjay said.

In order for a republic or democracy to work everyone must participate with the same underlying ideological foundation and work from there, say if nationalisms "The good of the nation, the people" is the underlying foundation then all decisions made nad all platforms proposed operate under the same goal, the same relative direction, even if the ideas or methods by which to get to that goal differ. As such the govorment then represents something, and that would be striving for the good of the poeple and generally their will. The issue then arises on how to maintain this ideologicla foundation, make sur eit doesnt slip from the public mind and dissapear into some nether realm where it waits silently for someone to dig it up and clean it of the cobwebs of history.

However authoritarianism is not an irrational position and may be required at times to rip a country from crisis with decicive and focused action which is the major benefit of authoritarianism. A military is hardly a democracy, at best it could be an oligarchy of advocates to a head ruler. However the military needs ot be decisive and as such, for example in times of strife, the people could elect a temporary dictator until stability is returned and a vote is cast to maintain the dictator or remove him from office.

2018-08-28 13:42:26 UTC

authoritarian is not synonymous with totalitarian

2018-08-28 13:50:04 UTC

Well, Totalitarianism is a bit hard to define. In its original meaning it was an intrinsically Fascist phenomenon.

2018-08-28 15:18:01 UTC

Authoritarianism is absolutely necessary in the beginning stages of national rebirth, but within a few years it should dwindle down to federalism or confederalism.

2018-08-28 15:24:23 UTC

Authoritarianism will always be necessary.

2018-08-28 16:02:57 UTC

I think authoritarianism is necessary in waves, when leftism starts taking over an authoritarian reaction is required to bring things back into balance, its essentially a strongman jumping in on the right wing team every so often in the political tug of war. He does his job and out of exhaustion eventually leaves.

2018-08-28 16:20:06 UTC

That wouldn't work, a strongman wouldn't just give up power like that. Furthermore, it is simply easier to suppress dissenters when they are fringe.

2018-08-28 16:32:58 UTC

Thats why i mention of exhaustion, the exhaustion can be self induced or induced by his enviorment so his own team struggling for breath or desire to get back into the fray. The event of the strongman entering is catalyzed however his removal is not catalyzed so when he is removed I would expect there to be a lot of turmoil.

2018-08-28 22:40:11 UTC

@everyone Daily Question ๐Ÿ”–

What is the primary purpose of government? What should the role of a nation's leaders be?

2018-08-28 22:40:16 UTC

2018-08-28 22:40:24 UTC

the protect the people

2018-08-28 22:40:25 UTC

and like

2018-08-28 22:40:31 UTC

make stuff easier for them

2018-08-28 22:40:39 UTC

and to make sure they dont get spergy

2018-08-28 22:40:47 UTC

Yeah exactly

2018-08-28 22:40:54 UTC

Thats what Socrates said

2018-08-28 22:40:54 UTC

it is to protect the culture of the nation and to help its people

2018-08-28 22:41:00 UTC

He was right

2018-08-28 22:41:21 UTC

removing the fucking cultural marxists

2018-08-28 22:41:38 UTC

"cultural marxists"

2018-08-28 22:41:39 UTC


2018-08-28 22:41:39 UTC

lol xd

2018-08-28 22:41:44 UTC


2018-08-28 22:41:58 UTC

the state is everything

2018-08-28 22:42:24 UTC

I mean

2018-08-28 22:42:27 UTC

to help the people

2018-08-28 22:42:31 UTC

Protect the nation, enforce law and order, punish criminals

2018-08-28 22:42:50 UTC

to ensure as many residents, both within and out of the nation, live the happiest life they possibly can

2018-08-28 22:43:23 UTC

@campodin and preserve culture

2018-08-28 22:43:34 UTC


2018-08-28 22:43:37 UTC

way too vague of a term

2018-08-28 22:43:45 UTC

@The American Nationalist that is contained in nation imo

2018-08-28 22:43:54 UTC

Socrates made a great analogy, government to the people is what medicine is to the human body

2018-08-28 22:44:17 UTC

it should only exist in a minimal form, and only when people are in need?

2018-08-28 22:44:26 UTC


2018-08-28 22:44:42 UTC

that's what medicine is, essentially

2018-08-28 22:44:42 UTC

@Alice Redacted culture is much more defined than "happiness"

2018-08-28 22:44:49 UTC


2018-08-28 22:44:50 UTC


2018-08-28 22:44:54 UTC

a high quality of life

2018-08-28 22:44:57 UTC

The sole purpose of the government is to protect individual rights

2018-08-28 22:45:16 UTC

based upon standards of wealth, environmental sustainability, and life expectancy

2018-08-28 22:45:47 UTC

basically just

2018-08-28 22:45:57 UTC

Try to raise the HDI of the nation, and other nations

2018-08-28 22:45:59 UTC

if possible

2018-08-28 22:46:08 UTC

wealth-adjusted HDI, ofc

2018-08-28 22:46:35 UTC


2018-08-28 22:46:40 UTC

individuals are not important

2018-08-28 22:46:49 UTC

the collective is where its at

2018-08-28 22:47:21 UTC

The base unit of society is the family, not the individual

2018-08-28 22:47:49 UTC


2018-08-28 22:48:07 UTC

to serve the nation and the people, ensure economic success and the safety of the average working man.

2018-08-28 22:48:17 UTC

economic success or stability*

2018-08-28 22:48:49 UTC

To protect rights

2018-08-28 22:48:57 UTC
2018-08-28 22:49:30 UTC

Collectivists are disgusting, extreme individualism is also disgusting

2018-08-28 22:49:40 UTC

@J E S S E anarchist

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