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2017-03-05 07:01:30 UTC

were there any bad side effects?

2017-03-05 07:01:32 UTC

i havent yet to use it

I've been bummed out all day because it cost me like 10 bucks

2017-03-05 07:01:49 UTC

@AntiCuck It was an add for muppets merchandise, I did not bothered to make any changes to it.

2017-03-05 07:01:50 UTC

so you just go sharing links you know fuck all bout

I went all the way to Spencer's gifts too get it

2017-03-05 07:01:55 UTC

liver damage if you take oral, and acne and heart issues if you dont manage it properly with injects

2017-03-05 07:02:13 UTC

other than that harmless so long as you keep cardio and lifting up

2017-03-05 07:02:24 UTC

no dick shrinkage right?

2017-03-05 07:02:24 UTC

just read through my paste bin

2017-03-05 07:02:28 UTC

my dick is already too small

2017-03-05 07:02:31 UTC

dick might actualy grow

2017-03-05 07:02:42 UTC

balls will shrink but will grow back after you do a proper PCT

2017-03-05 07:02:56 UTC

not a big deal imo

2017-03-05 07:03:14 UTC

@AntiCuck It's sam eagle calling people wierdos, what is there to know?

just eat healthy and pump iron that's what god intended

2017-03-05 07:03:22 UTC

mental side affects happen if you dont manage your estrogen or take tren as your first cycle

praise christ

2017-03-05 07:03:39 UTC

praise kek

2017-03-05 07:03:47 UTC

chaos is knowledge shared to all

2017-03-05 07:04:38 UTC

consider roids anticuck but get to learnining lifting and running

2017-03-05 07:04:58 UTC

yeah the mentality is the most difficult part

2017-03-05 07:05:06 UTC

especially when you don't see any gains

2017-03-05 07:05:16 UTC

i go back to being a lazy fuck again

2017-03-05 07:05:17 UTC

mental is cold showers and 100 burpees before your workout

2017-03-05 07:05:41 UTC

and having a delison to destract yourself like a waifu, white europe, hitler

2017-03-05 07:05:45 UTC

think of them when working out

I miss when my city wasn't so diverse

2017-03-05 07:06:16 UTC

lift for things you may never reach for but have the idea that if your the best you can be then you will be gifted it

2017-03-05 07:06:38 UTC

I corrected my own scoliosis if you want the real bro science, spinal alignment is key to putting down the estrogenic phenotype, and ofc, it maxes your potential

2017-03-05 07:06:45 UTC

also total body is real gains

2017-03-05 07:07:21 UTC

Alright, thanks kanuke appreciate it

2017-03-05 07:07:41 UTC

unfortunately most people will not have the time or resources to actually work a big postural change without the assistance of competent bodyworkers

2017-03-05 07:08:10 UTC

pretty much any postural problem can be cured by laying on your back... but this is clearly NOT practical for most. Most people cannot be a monk for 8 months

I came from /pol/ this seems like a bunch of /fit/ talk

2017-03-05 07:08:34 UTC

well phsyical transformation is mental transformation

2017-03-05 07:08:47 UTC

do the burpees with max dips/pullups and then run 5 miles right after wards. this can be the start for you getting fit. do this 5 days a week and your gains will shoot up after 14 days and suddenly become super easy till the point you want to go faster do more and then lift

2017-03-05 07:08:58 UTC

jesus was pretty fit desu

2017-03-05 07:09:11 UTC

Do not be mistaken, the human dynamo is real, your faculties are dulled by axial alignment, aka "chakras"

2017-03-05 07:09:14 UTC

carpenter fit is stronk

2017-03-05 07:09:37 UTC

2017-03-05 07:09:41 UTC

specifically of course, the area around the sacrum and lumbar spine is vital

2017-03-05 07:09:56 UTC

but will only find optimal form with head to toe change

2017-03-05 07:10:09 UTC

cant fight the commies if you arent fit

2017-03-05 07:10:12 UTC

hence why any good bodyworker is on the "cranial-sacral" train

2017-03-05 07:10:20 UTC

ive been rucking light wheight to heavy wheight to get my lumbar in strenghth

2017-03-05 07:10:37 UTC

gotta worry about your knees more than anything when you progress properly with rucking

2017-03-05 07:10:43 UTC

@Praise Jesus โœžโœžโœž - North NJ You gota have the /fit/ to enact the /pol/ IRL

2017-03-05 07:10:58 UTC

Every bit of dysfunction in your body is expressed sacrum to cranium, and projected like a "hologram" in the limbs, digits, and hip/shoulder girdles

2017-03-05 07:11:08 UTC

looking buff in the uniform is what your looking for to make the bitches wet

get fit get lit

2017-03-05 07:12:13 UTC

commies dont lift becuase food is for the bougies apparently

2017-03-05 07:12:18 UTC

and there all vegan cucks

2017-03-05 07:12:28 UTC

Thats why they look so sick

2017-03-05 07:12:44 UTC


2017-03-05 07:12:46 UTC

Babies fed soy-based formula have 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen compounds in their blood than babies fed milk-based formula. Infants exclusively fed soy formula receive the estrogenic equivalent of at least four birth control pills per day.

Male infants undergo a testosterone surge during the first few months of life, when testosterone levels may be as high as those of an adult male. During this period, baby boys are programmed to express male characteristics after puberty, not only in the development of their sexual organs and other masculinity traits, but also in setting patterns in the brain characteristic of male behavior.

In animals, studies indicate that phytoestrogens in soy are powerful endocrine disrupters. Soy infant feeding -- which floods the bloodstream with female hormones that inhibit testosterone -- cannot be ignored as a possible cause of disrupted development patterns in boys, including learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder.

Male children exposed to DES, a synthetic estrogen, had testes smaller than normal on maturation and infant marmoset monkeys fed soy isoflavones had a reduction in testosterone levels up to 70 percent compared to milk-fed controls.

Almost 15 percent of white girls and 50 percent of African-Americans girls show signs of puberty, such as breast development and pubic hair, before the age of eight. Some girls are showing sexual development before the age of three. Premature development of girls has been linked to the use of soy formula and exposure to environmental estrogen-mimickers such as PCBs and DDE. Intake of phytoestrogens even at moderate levels during pregnancy can have adverse affects on the developing fetus and the timing of puberty later in life.

they don't have the brains or the brawn to combat us

2017-03-05 07:13:25 UTC

side note asians are immune due to having it in there diet for thousands of years but we eat so much more of it than them

2017-03-05 07:13:43 UTC

gotta look at food for soy and you'll realize the jew is going after our gains

2017-03-05 07:13:43 UTC

Theyre cowards

2017-03-05 07:13:48 UTC

There are two main human "phenotypes" for lumbar functionality, aside from the many clear "pathologies" we see expressed in people's posture on top of these. The first and ultimate is the ability to create complete hip hyperextension, which is always paired with the ability to create full spinal flexion. Spinal flexion is what is lost in most citizens of western society do to (((generous people))) who used their immense wealth tax free to influence healthcare and education

2017-03-05 07:14:02 UTC

its also why low protien and fat diets are still fads

2017-03-05 07:14:05 UTC

Like i lovw brawling, man. Nothing like a good fight. But commies just run away

I eat KFC and subway meatball subs is that ok?

2017-03-05 07:14:09 UTC

small and low test

2017-03-05 07:14:32 UTC

fight me IRL admiral, ill treat you to a 6 pack of 40's after wards

2017-03-05 07:14:32 UTC

But also we are evolved to harden our lumbar discs and drive immense calcium into them, this is the typical "power lifter" spine you see in the behemoths who do massive lifts, or in the typical army grunt

2017-03-05 07:14:47 UTC

Sounds like a great time

2017-03-05 07:14:58 UTC

ill stick to my non pleb wine

2017-03-05 07:15:01 UTC

@Praise Jesus โœžโœžโœž - North NJ If you eat this not often, yes

2017-03-05 07:15:03 UTC

Your body uses your spine as an anchor, and you will lose your spinal function if you beat on it, most people do this hence the universal low back pain

My knuckles are pretty large I want to use them against someone's face sometime

2017-03-05 07:15:50 UTC

Larger knuckles are worse for inflicting damage

2017-03-05 07:15:53 UTC

Complete spinal flexion is the key to unlocking complete athletic pontential, the locked lumbars with calcification will create greater brute force at the loss of agility, speed and health

2017-03-05 07:16:02 UTC

Brass ones are best

2017-03-05 07:16:08 UTC

punch straight, aim for the middle of the stomach just below the chest to wind them, and side of the cheek to knock them out

2017-03-05 07:16:13 UTC

you want to be able to cram as much mass into the smallest area

2017-03-05 07:16:35 UTC

maximum density basically

2017-03-05 07:16:37 UTC

For training up men quickly its better just to teach them to put their back into it and spare them the training reserved for people capable of unlocking their true human potential.

2017-03-05 07:16:49 UTC

In the nose is good, makes eyes water, thus blinding your opponent

2017-03-05 07:17:18 UTC

kek that wont work for me im legaly a man ^

2017-03-05 07:17:27 UTC

You'll kill em in the nose

2017-03-05 07:17:28 UTC

illegaly white

2017-03-05 07:17:33 UTC

you'll get murder

2017-03-05 07:17:36 UTC


2017-03-05 07:17:38 UTC

self defence

2017-03-05 07:17:42 UTC

Thats what commies deserve

2017-03-05 07:18:01 UTC

and you'll get ass raped in jail for 25 years

2017-03-05 07:18:03 UTC

was it worth it

2017-03-05 07:18:20 UTC

join aryan brother hood, get jack and kill blacks on the reg

2017-03-05 07:18:22 UTC

nah ill be fine

can we please overthrow a cuck state like Vermont and succeed from the us?

2017-03-05 07:18:43 UTC


2017-03-05 07:19:03 UTC

We can unify the united states and lead these states to be a white ethno state

2017-03-05 07:19:36 UTC

no we push the blacks out to africa

2017-03-05 07:19:43 UTC

or mexico

2017-03-05 07:19:53 UTC

shit even braizl

or canada lol

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