Message from @asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk
Discord ID: 287843004545499137
I went all the way to Spencer's gifts too get it
liver damage if you take oral, and acne and heart issues if you dont manage it properly with injects
other than that harmless so long as you keep cardio and lifting up
no dick shrinkage right?
just read through my paste bin
my dick is already too small
dick might actualy grow
balls will shrink but will grow back after you do a proper PCT
not a big deal imo
@AntiCuck It's sam eagle calling people wierdos, what is there to know?
just eat healthy and pump iron that's what god intended
mental side affects happen if you dont manage your estrogen or take tren as your first cycle
praise christ
praise kek
chaos is knowledge shared to all
consider roids anticuck but get to learnining lifting and running
yeah the mentality is the most difficult part
especially when you don't see any gains
i go back to being a lazy fuck again
mental is cold showers and 100 burpees before your workout
and having a delison to destract yourself like a waifu, white europe, hitler
think of them when working out
I miss when my city wasn't so diverse
lift for things you may never reach for but have the idea that if your the best you can be then you will be gifted it
I corrected my own scoliosis if you want the real bro science, spinal alignment is key to putting down the estrogenic phenotype, and ofc, it maxes your potential
also total body is real gains
Alright, thanks kanuke appreciate it
unfortunately most people will not have the time or resources to actually work a big postural change without the assistance of competent bodyworkers
pretty much any postural problem can be cured by laying on your back... but this is clearly NOT practical for most. Most people cannot be a monk for 8 months
I came from /pol/ this seems like a bunch of /fit/ talk
well phsyical transformation is mental transformation
do the burpees with max dips/pullups and then run 5 miles right after wards. this can be the start for you getting fit. do this 5 days a week and your gains will shoot up after 14 days and suddenly become super easy till the point you want to go faster do more and then lift
jesus was pretty fit desu
Do not be mistaken, the human dynamo is real, your faculties are dulled by axial alignment, aka "chakras"
carpenter fit is stronk
specifically of course, the area around the sacrum and lumbar spine is vital
but will only find optimal form with head to toe change
cant fight the commies if you arent fit
hence why any good bodyworker is on the "cranial-sacral" train