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2017-02-06 05:36:24 UTC

instead of this snake and shield shit

2017-02-06 05:36:27 UTC

Think about the riots during the civil rights, the non-violent approach advocated by MLK worked because THEY DIDN'T USE SELF DEFENSE they were entirely non-violent. We can't be non-violent and use self-defense. They are mutually exclusive policies.

2017-02-06 05:36:28 UTC

Niggers fuck off with the logos

2017-02-06 05:36:28 UTC


2017-02-06 05:36:31 UTC


2017-02-06 05:36:32 UTC


2017-02-06 05:36:34 UTC


2017-02-06 05:36:37 UTC

Make the snake and shield a color that matches the rest.

2017-02-06 05:36:37 UTC

That logo has a shield in it

2017-02-06 05:36:51 UTC

Yeah, I'll be pushing for vintage americana in my local group

2017-02-06 05:37:09 UTC

@Moonman Here's the ideal; Take punches, take rocks, take thrown objects

2017-02-06 05:37:12 UTC

@DoctorPiss Nigger I'm obviously going to be putting american flags, but we need an actual fucking thing so people identify our organization.

2017-02-06 05:37:15 UTC

DO NOT take threats to your life

2017-02-06 05:37:22 UTC

@Odalist Refrain He has already agreed with it

2017-02-06 05:37:29 UTC

@Anticom LR Then we're good.

2017-02-06 05:37:39 UTC

@Anticom LR Yeah, the fucking hammer and sickle thing

2017-02-06 05:37:47 UTC

@Anticom LR The name is still a problem but its probably to late for that

2017-02-06 05:38:04 UTC

The best name suggestion I thought btw was Sons of Jackson

2017-02-06 05:38:10 UTC

Isn't anti hammer and sickle symbol a gray area for normies?

2017-02-06 05:38:15 UTC

I don't know I'll see what I can do

2017-02-06 05:38:15 UTC

@D3VNT what is the line? If someone threatens my life, or if they actually try to kill me?

2017-02-06 05:38:18 UTC

The name is fine.

2017-02-06 05:38:25 UTC

The name is good but Sons of Jackson is great

2017-02-06 05:38:33 UTC

Sons of Jackson?

2017-02-06 05:38:42 UTC

The fuck is that LARPing shit supposed to represent, founding fathers?

2017-02-06 05:38:44 UTC

@Moonman If you need to act to protect your existence then do so

2017-02-06 05:38:48 UTC

Yea one of the original names suggested

2017-02-06 05:39:00 UTC

I'm fine with anticom

2017-02-06 05:39:02 UTC

I don't know mate we already have multiple other countries in on this

2017-02-06 05:39:05 UTC

But be a big guy(4u) and take a few scratches and bruises

2017-02-06 05:39:07 UTC

Like canada, sweden, and Germany

2017-02-06 05:39:07 UTC

Sons of Jackson directly eliminates our International Platform.

2017-02-06 05:39:10 UTC

Finished the teaser video

2017-02-06 05:39:21 UTC
2017-02-06 05:39:26 UTC

Yea, that's fine, not advocating any name change, just throught it was good

2017-02-06 05:39:49 UTC

@D3VNT I get what you are saying, but I'm trying to establish some kind of check down sheet for when I am allowed to get violent

2017-02-06 05:39:58 UTC

There isn't one

2017-02-06 05:40:02 UTC

hit in the face with a rock? non-violent

2017-02-06 05:40:02 UTC

Lurk /k/, that's not how it works

2017-02-06 05:40:10 UTC

maced? non-violent

2017-02-06 05:40:18 UTC

Employing lethal force is an incredibly subjective thing

2017-02-06 05:40:24 UTC

corned with 3 antifa trying to fuck me up? violent?

2017-02-06 05:40:25 UTC

if you are in valid fear of your life, I would say retaliation is acceptable

2017-02-06 05:40:25 UTC

Hey guys, Antifa is prolly listening. Loose lips sink ships

2017-02-06 05:40:33 UTC

If lethal force is employed against you, do what you are within your legal rights to do

2017-02-06 05:40:37 UTC

We should 1.) counter antifa protests 2.) protect innocent people at the protests and 3.) spread info discrediting and delegitimizing them and spreading awareness about how they are a threat.

2017-02-06 05:40:38 UTC
2017-02-06 05:40:39 UTC


2017-02-06 05:40:39 UTC

Bringing a weapon is a bad idea. It could be seen as preemptive

2017-02-06 05:40:43 UTC

I think AntiCom is actually a hilarious name. Everytime they say "AntiCom is Fascist" it makes AntiFa look ridiculous

2017-02-06 05:40:50 UTC

Carry a taser

2017-02-06 05:40:50 UTC

A lot of us have concealed carry licenses

2017-02-06 05:40:57 UTC

Tasers require licensing actually

2017-02-06 05:41:00 UTC

@D3VNT It sounds like you'd prefer to us to get our asses kicked and then play the victim card.

2017-02-06 05:41:06 UTC

So did the guy in MN who memed himself into jail

2017-02-06 05:41:08 UTC

I don't think it's legal to carry a gun to a protest

2017-02-06 05:41:13 UTC


2017-02-06 05:41:15 UTC

Probably varies

2017-02-06 05:41:27 UTC

@Odalist Refrain You think we'd win a culturual war by beating up angry teenagers?

2017-02-06 05:41:29 UTC

depends on the state probably

2017-02-06 05:41:43 UTC

you don't win a cultural war by getting beat up by angry teenagers

2017-02-06 05:41:43 UTC

@D3VNT we should be ready to fight them to protect ourselves and innocent people at the protests and that's it.

2017-02-06 05:41:46 UTC

If you go to a protest to counter protest, and carry a lethal weapon with you, that could easily be seen as pre-meditated if you have to use that weapon

2017-02-06 05:41:54 UTC

But tasers, mace, custom MAGA shields

2017-02-06 05:41:56 UTC

Yes, but that's not the fucking objective or goal

2017-02-06 05:41:59 UTC

It would definitely stop them if they knew there was going to be consequences. Look at them they are pathetic cowards

2017-02-06 05:42:00 UTC

Body armor

2017-02-06 05:42:02 UTC

Self defense is always a last resort

2017-02-06 05:42:04 UTC

I know. I'm replying to moonman

2017-02-06 05:42:06 UTC

Don't be dumb

2017-02-06 05:42:07 UTC


2017-02-06 05:42:11 UTC

@D3VNT We're not fighting a cultural war. We're doing our best to inhibit ANTIFA. That's it.

2017-02-06 05:42:15 UTC

These people do want to hurt you

2017-02-06 05:42:16 UTC
2017-02-06 05:42:23 UTC

According to who, Odalist, you?

2017-02-06 05:42:34 UTC

@D3VNT Right back at you.

2017-02-06 05:42:44 UTC

Wow, it's almost like you weren't ever a part of the discussions we had

2017-02-06 05:43:06 UTC

we just gotta stop these fucks before they smash the state

2017-02-06 05:43:13 UTC

if the state is smashed, ISIS takes over

2017-02-06 05:43:20 UTC

ISIS takes over, they throw our faggots off buildings

2017-02-06 05:43:26 UTC


2017-02-06 05:43:26 UTC

Documenting what antifa really is, and how they act, behav,e and their goals, is a more potent weapon than you apparently realize

2017-02-06 05:43:28 UTC

no more cool clothes or music

2017-02-06 05:43:32 UTC

>isis taking over the us

2017-02-06 05:43:35 UTC

ya right

2017-02-06 05:43:36 UTC

lol calm down with the ISIS shit are you for real?

2017-02-06 05:43:46 UTC

look here's the deal, I can't carry very often, so I enjoy exercising the privilege when I'm able, so I will

2017-02-06 05:43:47 UTC

@D3VNT we don't need to specifically focus on fighting the culture war as an organization because that war is already being fought effectively as a decentralized and grass roots general movement.

2017-02-06 05:43:48 UTC

muslims gonna take over with 1% of population lol gtfo

2017-02-06 05:43:49 UTC

lol isis

2017-02-06 05:44:03 UTC

I would reccomend having a dedicated cameraman or two at every protest taking videos

2017-02-06 05:44:11 UTC

staying far enough from the fray to avoid being attacked

2017-02-06 05:44:14 UTC

they're gonna out breed us, that's for sure

2017-02-06 05:44:17 UTC

We're all supposed ot be cameramen

2017-02-06 05:44:20 UTC

you don't think muslims are a threat

2017-02-06 05:44:21 UTC

Also having body cams on the people up in the shit

2017-02-06 05:44:27 UTC

muslims dindu nuffin?

2017-02-06 05:44:29 UTC

@Moonman#8648 wat

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