Discord ID: 277640006024036363
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""Police leftist protest" sounds like a problem just waiting to happen, the whole cop equipment is not going to get you any friends with the actual cops (except if that's where you're recruiting).
I really don't understand why you don't go the "boy scout" route set out to make the community better all the while espousing traditional values (nuclear family, 2 genders, patriotism...) Could also become a meeting place for lonely anons.
Tl;dr this sounds like a useful tool in the future to mirror antifa, and that would make me genuinely sad for you faggots."
basically what you want is a minimum of discipline and a unifying mentality not ranks
The name istself in not smart because of the "anti" part. still better than minutemen
symbols and names come naturally, let your ideas form them, not the other way around
@Anticom LR#9355 why are you guys thinking about attending the protest when it would be easier to sink antifa credibility in the eyes of the public?
contact the local mayors to explain what the antifa stand for and why they are scum
@Sevatar I'm thinking about it more and more seriously
@Anticom LR I understand and if you go that way than so be it, however I think you're better off standing for values that you agree upon than opposing their ideas
helping your community should be the priority, get in good standing
@Wil This could become a great tool for that, which is why positive actions are important, also reinforcing traditional ideology
@Anticom I know you want a logo butfiguring the what and how should be the priority in my opinon
well good luck with your shit, and try to have positive goals.
the black bloc is the brown shirts of this generation
that relies on fear tactics to enforce their ideology
He can say what he wants in accordance to our laws
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