Message from @CaduceusImperium
Discord ID: 278037240675041280
Like canada, sweden, and Germany
Sons of Jackson directly eliminates our International Platform.
Finished the teaser video
@DoctorPiss Nice
Yea, that's fine, not advocating any name change, just throught it was good
@D3VNT I get what you are saying, but I'm trying to establish some kind of check down sheet for when I am allowed to get violent
There isn't one
hit in the face with a rock? non-violent
Lurk /k/, that's not how it works
maced? non-violent
Employing lethal force is an incredibly subjective thing
corned with 3 antifa trying to fuck me up? violent?
if you are in valid fear of your life, I would say retaliation is acceptable
Hey guys, Antifa is prolly listening. Loose lips sink ships
If lethal force is employed against you, do what you are within your legal rights to do
We should 1.) counter antifa protests 2.) protect innocent people at the protests and 3.) spread info discrediting and delegitimizing them and spreading awareness about how they are a threat.
@PlanetGirth- ND Exactly
Bringing a weapon is a bad idea. It could be seen as preemptive
I think AntiCom is actually a hilarious name. Everytime they say "AntiCom is Fascist" it makes AntiFa look ridiculous
Carry a taser
A lot of us have concealed carry licenses
Tasers require licensing actually
@D3VNT It sounds like you'd prefer to us to get our asses kicked and then play the victim card.
So did the guy in MN who memed himself into jail
I don't think it's legal to carry a gun to a protest
Probably varies
@Odalist Refrain You think we'd win a culturual war by beating up angry teenagers?
depends on the state probably
you don't win a cultural war by getting beat up by angry teenagers
@D3VNT we should be ready to fight them to protect ourselves and innocent people at the protests and that's it.
If you go to a protest to counter protest, and carry a lethal weapon with you, that could easily be seen as pre-meditated if you have to use that weapon
But tasers, mace, custom MAGA shields
Yes, but that's not the fucking objective or goal
It would definitely stop them if they knew there was going to be consequences. Look at them they are pathetic cowards
Body armor
Self defense is always a last resort
I know. I'm replying to moonman
Don't be dumb