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2018-04-07 20:53:29 UTC

with the first president you remember being Obama

2018-04-07 20:53:32 UTC

I was 2002

2018-04-07 20:54:02 UTC

Oh goodness it was horrible, but until I got politically involved I didn't know he was doing a bad job

2018-04-07 20:54:37 UTC

And when I got involved in politics was when things started to turn in our favor so I wasn't aware of all the problems at the time

2018-04-07 21:02:18 UTC

I see.

2018-04-07 21:17:16 UTC

I remember predicting that I would be depressed throughout high school

2018-04-07 21:17:27 UTC

never anticipated it would get even worse as an adult the way it did, but Obama did it

2018-04-07 21:22:07 UTC

@Marini I was born in 02 as well. This election really threw me into politics. It really openned my eye to reality and how it is truly was. Being a blue pilled sheep was comfortable, but now that I have been red pilled I feel a lot more free, and determined to better myself and my family. I like the red pill because of the truth I have learned from it. But looking at all the people who are still blue pilled sheep is kinda annoying.

2018-04-07 21:28:01 UTC

Aye, you can either try to redpill them or hope they turn out ok

2018-04-07 21:28:22 UTC

Yea it sucks

2018-04-07 21:28:49 UTC

And if you try to convince them they call you crazy or never talk to you again

2018-04-07 21:29:18 UTC

Ever heard of Jefferson?

2018-04-07 21:29:22 UTC

It's gaining traction

2018-04-07 21:29:23 UTC


2018-04-07 21:36:49 UTC


2018-04-07 21:37:09 UTC

We need some more red in this country

2018-04-07 22:06:04 UTC

These people need to be cleansed

2018-04-07 22:24:33 UTC

looks gay af

2018-04-07 22:24:45 UTC

>1998 master race

2018-04-08 00:42:08 UTC

Most of this article is just anti-Republican BS.

2018-04-08 00:42:13 UTC

It has nothing to do with buying in bulk.

2018-04-08 00:42:39 UTC

Hey guys, Trump Tower is literally on fire right now.

2018-04-08 00:44:19 UTC


2018-04-08 00:44:58 UTC


2018-04-08 00:45:36 UTC

Somebody dies and they care more about their conspiracy theories then if people are alive and okay.

2018-04-08 00:47:31 UTC

White pill? "GOP sources are nervous, realizing that Trump wonโ€™t let immigration fade away. He wants to to toughen imm. laws, and heโ€™s hopping mad that it hasn't happened. Watch for him to force it before end Sept., when gov. funding expires." - Axios

2018-04-08 00:48:58 UTC


2018-04-08 00:49:07 UTC

Christ these people make me so angry sometimes.

2018-04-08 00:49:41 UTC

They hate Trump so much that they donโ€™t even mention the people injured.

2018-04-08 00:51:14 UTC

Reminds me of the time Clinton's house burned down and everyone was conspiracying all over the place.

2018-04-08 00:56:00 UTC
2018-04-08 00:56:17 UTC

@Deleted User doesn't mean he'll accomplish it

2018-04-08 00:56:58 UTC

uh huh

2018-04-08 00:57:15 UTC

If Trump's "hopping mad" at the omnibus immigration debacle he signed (as well he should be) & he wasn't aware what was in it, why hasn't he fired Short and Mulvaney, whose job was to know what was in it?

2018-04-08 01:28:59 UTC


2018-04-08 01:29:10 UTC

You're right, they don't care if republicans die

2018-04-08 01:29:21 UTC

And it makes me pretty darn mad

2018-04-08 01:29:35 UTC

And it takes a lot to make me mad

2018-04-08 02:54:12 UTC

@Rhodesiaboo dude watch out with that rhetoric

2018-04-08 02:54:27 UTC

you don't wanna get in trouble

2018-04-08 03:05:01 UTC

Sorry homie

2018-04-08 03:05:06 UTC

That was a bit extreme

2018-04-08 03:05:12 UTC

Donโ€™t want to be caught in trouble

2018-04-08 03:08:17 UTC

yeah I know, it's just that you gotta watch out when you vent because it's not like we're the only guys reading

2018-04-08 03:08:58 UTC

and to any leftist lurker or discord employee possibly reading this, I know that @Rhodesiaboo was just being hyperbolic

2018-04-08 03:22:08 UTC

Why is Discord working with the SPLC?

2018-04-08 03:50:16 UTC

because we use it of course

2018-04-08 03:51:06 UTC

God I hate the SPLC. You know Apple once had a thing where you could donate to The SPLC in order to โ€œfight bigotry and support toleranceโ€?

2018-04-08 05:16:16 UTC

What a great day
no politics, just family
It's amazing how one can become so vested in a cause that they can forget what they're fighting for in the first place

2018-04-08 05:17:21 UTC


2018-04-08 05:31:16 UTC

Mayors rallying against gun rights as of March 24th.

2018-04-08 05:34:01 UTC

@GermanEastAfrica Liberals dispensing snark, smut and gratuitous vulgarity? In other news, water is wet.

2018-04-08 13:14:18 UTC

@๐ŸŽƒBoo-ton๐ŸŽƒ I'm not a fan of the recent Syria debacle, if you think I'm "le Drumpf Cultist"

2018-04-08 13:17:33 UTC

hopefully the recent tweets are just political posturing, because he's attacking Putin and Russia

2018-04-08 13:24:31 UTC



2018-04-08 13:24:57 UTC

(A day before Bolton takes office too)

2018-04-08 13:26:06 UTC

(Just in time for the anniversary of Trump's first betrayal)

2018-04-08 13:26:35 UTC


2018-04-08 13:34:31 UTC

@FLanon Remember less than a week ago when this guy was saying we were withdrawing from Syria?


2018-04-08 13:35:46 UTC

@๐ŸŽƒBoo-ton๐ŸŽƒ could be just political posturing, nothing happened beyond the airfield strike last year. There's private diplomacy going on behind the scenes

2018-04-08 13:46:15 UTC

Neither side is good.

2018-04-08 13:46:25 UTC

We should just do a 10th crusade.

2018-04-08 13:46:45 UTC

Ever wonder why The Jews fought with the Muslims against the Christians during the Crusades?

2018-04-08 14:07:31 UTC

@Rhodesiaboo why did they, my history teachers were always very vague on it.

2018-04-08 14:47:23 UTC

Because Both sides are retarded and We should let them kill each other

2018-04-08 14:47:45 UTC

But if you say that, youโ€™re a kike lol, even though we donโ€™t support Judaism.

2018-04-08 15:03:58 UTC

Well, I just woke up to "Xi and I will always be friends" and "Animal Assad".

2018-04-08 15:05:58 UTC

You just woke up at 11am? Lazy...

2018-04-08 15:06:16 UTC

I had a debate for 3 hours, sue me.

2018-04-08 15:06:51 UTC

Ok [insert court-order here]

2018-04-08 15:07:52 UTC

The problem is even if he ultimately doesn't do anything to Assad, it shows there still is no continuity with this administration. Whether it be DACA, guns, China, or Assad, Trump can't seem to stop changing his mind, there's no consistency. If he doesn't rein this in and say "Okay, I will focus on this, this, and this going forward", maybe some sort of manifesto or something like that, this is going to hurt him big time in the midterms and in 2020.

2018-04-08 15:08:04 UTC


2018-04-08 15:08:23 UTC


2018-04-08 15:08:23 UTC

I bet you 20 dollars nothing will happen

2018-04-08 15:08:42 UTC

Nothings going to happen

2018-04-08 15:08:46 UTC

I took a 3 hour nap last night somewhere between 7 and 10. Before that I don't recall when I last slept. If today's Sunday, and I had a nap last night, I'm sure I slept sometime Thursday.

2018-04-08 15:09:09 UTC

Even if it doesn't, the point is that there's no defined message with Trump.

2018-04-08 15:09:14 UTC

Campaign Trump: No more stupid wars!

2018-04-08 15:09:21 UTC

No message = No reason to vote

2018-04-08 15:09:40 UTC

Remember when that airfield was bombed and everyone claimed war was going to happen?

2018-04-08 15:09:43 UTC


2018-04-08 15:09:43 UTC

Even then, he wanted to pull out of Syria *days ago*

2018-04-08 15:09:47 UTC

And then nothing happened.

2018-04-08 15:09:55 UTC

That's not what matters

2018-04-08 15:09:57 UTC

Trump's message -was- "America First", but then he went neocon for Israel.

2018-04-08 15:09:59 UTC


2018-04-08 15:10:07 UTC

What matters is the message he wants to give to the voters

2018-04-08 15:10:15 UTC

Trump has shown time and time again

2018-04-08 15:10:16 UTC

He is a liar

2018-04-08 15:10:21 UTC

Nothing will happen

2018-04-08 15:10:24 UTC

Just watch

2018-04-08 15:10:33 UTC

Everyoneโ€™s having a huge meltdown

2018-04-08 15:11:29 UTC

Trump: Obama didn't ban bump stocks! I will!
Also Trump: I will defend the second amendment
No message at *all*

2018-04-08 15:11:46 UTC

He tries so hard to satisfy everyone

2018-04-08 15:11:48 UTC

Hey button

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