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2018-07-07 20:51:27 UTC

if healthcare is a human right

2018-07-07 20:51:34 UTC

unfortunately, that is also the route we are going in California for example with mandatory [forced] vaccinations, etc bcuz that is really just a healthcare procedure. "you have a right to decide your healthcare" .... agreed. and the more choices, the better!

2018-07-07 20:51:35 UTC

then people havea right to choose what they see as the right healthcare

2018-07-07 20:51:36 UTC

and thus

2018-07-07 20:51:40 UTC

anti vaxxers are protected

2018-07-07 20:51:45 UTC

Oh, shit.

2018-07-07 20:52:17 UTC

I swear tim raising a kid on nothing but essential oils and tofu is healthy

2018-07-07 20:52:49 UTC


2018-07-07 20:52:51 UTC

ZQ, drink patchouli.

2018-07-07 20:52:58 UTC

Well, we have vaccines mandatory here for the public safety. As people who don't vaccinate are potentional health risk to others.

2018-07-07 20:53:05 UTC

what if my healthcare is that others pay for my entertainment, else i get depressed?

2018-07-07 20:53:06 UTC

We've had some of that in Canadad too

2018-07-07 20:53:10 UTC

At least the basic ones that is

2018-07-07 20:53:18 UTC

kids were suspended by the thousands recently for not being vaccinated

2018-07-07 20:53:20 UTC

caused a real stink

2018-07-07 20:53:24 UTC

i see it this way: healthcare is not a human right, but it IS a human right to receive necessary medical treatment

2018-07-07 20:53:34 UTC


2018-07-07 20:53:35 UTC


2018-07-07 20:54:44 UTC

naw, i totally disagree with that. mandatory vaccines are a wreckless policy. im not going to get into a debate about this, but there is NO "consensus" about the safety of vaccines are they currently exist.

2018-07-07 20:55:08 UTC

no, but they have saved more than they cost

2018-07-07 20:55:19 UTC

Vaccinations have nearly eradicated certain diseases.

2018-07-07 20:55:31 UTC

ppl get sick just from taking the vaccines themselves, and they even SPREAD the newly inoculated strain to others

2018-07-07 20:55:34 UTC

You don't hear of anyone coming down with Polio anymore.

2018-07-07 20:55:38 UTC

any medication has it's risk, vaccines as well

2018-07-07 20:55:49 UTC

Should people be allowed to make bad choices for themselves?

2018-07-07 20:56:02 UTC

if those choices don't affect others

2018-07-07 20:56:10 UTC

I have never had a serious bout of the flu. I have also never taken a flu shot.

2018-07-07 20:56:11 UTC

i say yes

2018-07-07 20:56:17 UTC

if Im vaccinated I dont care if you get polio

2018-07-07 20:56:19 UTC

I mean

2018-07-07 20:56:20 UTC

it sucks

2018-07-07 20:56:23 UTC

but i wont get it

2018-07-07 20:56:23 UTC

so that risk should not be forced onto others... that is just wreckless! you have a RIGHT to say no!

2018-07-07 20:56:40 UTC

you don't have the right to put other people in danger!

2018-07-07 20:57:04 UTC

and that is exactly what you are doing by not getting vaccinated

2018-07-07 20:57:17 UTC

They're not in danger if they're vaccinated.

2018-07-07 20:57:19 UTC

i dont get flue shots any more... i was friends w/ a girl who took them ALL THE TIME ... and guess what she was SICK virtually all the time .... she got so regularly sick that should would have to go to the ER from seasonal flues

2018-07-07 20:57:21 UTC

That's Tim's point.

2018-07-07 20:57:48 UTC

If we make a Measles vaccine publicly available to those who want to take it

2018-07-07 20:57:49 UTC

my sister almost DIED when she was a toddler bcuz of the 110+ degree fever that eruputed after she was vaccinated

2018-07-07 20:58:06 UTC

and some portion of the population decide not to participate in the vaccination program

2018-07-07 20:58:19 UTC

plus it does not make any logical sense ..... if you really believe in the efficacy of vaccines.... they why worry about unvaccinated ppl!

2018-07-07 20:58:25 UTC

Being vaccinated doesn't mean you can't get ever ill again, it's just building your immune system to fight it so you are less suspectible to it.. or am I wrong ?

2018-07-07 20:58:26 UTC

we know that there is a percentage that will die from vaccines

2018-07-07 20:58:28 UTC

The refusal to take that vaccination doesn't endanger anyone but that group

2018-07-07 20:58:31 UTC

but the collectivists think its worth i

2018-07-07 20:58:33 UTC


2018-07-07 20:58:34 UTC

they are a threat to people who can't be immunised

2018-07-07 20:58:36 UTC

this sounds like an unreasonably high degree of incidents for such a small sample size

2018-07-07 20:58:46 UTC

because there is a minimum age to get vaccinated

2018-07-07 20:59:22 UTC

the whole thing is a scam to enrich big pharma and not to mention experiment on the population

2018-07-07 20:59:52 UTC

Tim, you need run a debate livestream.

2018-07-07 20:59:53 UTC

it also turns the frogs gay ๐Ÿ˜’

2018-07-07 21:00:00 UTC

the whole "herd immunity" is just herd mentality if you ask me ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

2018-07-07 21:00:20 UTC

Just, like, moderate it thoroughly.

2018-07-07 21:00:30 UTC

ah yes, the good ol' tale of how great times were before the scam that is vaccinations,

Where people lived to the ripe old age of

"Died in childbirth"

2018-07-07 21:00:31 UTC

Get someone involved as a fact checker

2018-07-07 21:00:36 UTC

if you really don't want to get vaccinated... stay away from kids, far far away.

2018-07-07 21:00:47 UTC

i cannot even remember the last time i got the flu..... also cannot remember the last time i got a flu shot ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-07-07 21:01:18 UTC

If you don't vaccinate and you get the illness isn't there risk of mutation that could endanger vaccinated people ?

2018-07-07 21:01:20 UTC

well my mom has been a pack a day smoker since she was a teenager and she lived well past retirement age

2018-07-07 21:01:23 UTC

i dont get sick either,

But guess what, thats cuz i'm indoors 90% of the time away from human contact

2018-07-07 21:01:26 UTC

therefore cigarettes aren't bad for you

2018-07-07 21:01:37 UTC

last time i had the flu was coincidentally before i got vaccinated...

2018-07-07 21:01:50 UTC

The argument is getting a bit off in the weeds, though.

2018-07-07 21:02:12 UTC

this is a really good resource that i highly recommend... all around great channel too

2018-07-07 21:03:22 UTC

beat cancer with these foods

yeah im not buying it

2018-07-07 21:03:46 UTC

man it's only 2 pm and today has been a gold mine, a "race realist" in sargons discord and now an anti-vaccer in tim's

2018-07-07 21:03:53 UTC

The questions at hand are: Who is responsible for funding things deemed human rights (although I think that one's on it's way out) and Is it ethical to require others to vaccinate if persuing healthcare is a human right?

2018-07-07 21:04:57 UTC

vaccines can spread diseases and not to mention create super-viruses if in the wrong hands.... the whole ebola outbreak was traced back to some Bill Gates foundation related public vaccination program in Africa .... cant remember the details exactly ... but far too dangerous....

2018-07-07 21:05:25 UTC

Excess usage of antibiotics breed resistance to said antibiotics.

2018-07-07 21:05:30 UTC

super viruses are made by managing a disease, and not cure it

2018-07-07 21:05:54 UTC

the ebola outbreak was cuz these idiots in those countries hug and kiss the corpses of their loved ones before they bury them

2018-07-07 21:05:56 UTC

I think the issues we have with the flu are that the Influenza virus has mutated into so many strains it's almost impossible to stop them all.

2018-07-07 21:06:11 UTC

the real danger is the additives in the vaccines such as adjuvents, aborted fetal tissue, aluminum, MSG.... oh and MERCURY! they are designed for the immune system to hyper-react which also account for the explosion in auto-immune diseases

2018-07-07 21:06:33 UTC


2018-07-07 21:06:46 UTC

Poptarts, can you cite this stuff?

2018-07-07 21:07:40 UTC

exactly @RyeNorth , the strains that they push out onto the public are OLD strains bcuz they take so long to develop, and the current strains spreading naturally in the flu season are completely different strains.... so youre just being overloaded with unnecessary toxins

2018-07-07 21:09:13 UTC

you'll be tellign us it causes autism next

2018-07-07 21:09:20 UTC

not off hand, cuz this is getting a little unwieldy, but feel free to try and falisfy what im saying or validate them... that is just a fact that you can confirm anywher ethough... about the adjuvents, aluminum, and mercury (thimerosal) in vaccines

2018-07-07 21:09:50 UTC

you realise any substance is toxic at certain levels right?

2018-07-07 21:09:53 UTC

some of those are preservatives, others are desinged as adjuvents

2018-07-07 21:11:06 UTC

lol of couse, @Dr.Wol, certain levels of mercury being any at all ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-07-07 21:11:48 UTC

you'll have a much harder time with too much H2O toxicity ... would need to drink more than you can pee out before dying from too much water intake

2018-07-07 21:12:05 UTC

thats why you don't get galons of vaccines injected into you

2018-07-07 21:12:15 UTC

also thats not true

2018-07-07 21:12:18 UTC

Even apple juice contains arsenic.

2018-07-07 21:12:27 UTC

people have died from drinking too much H2O

2018-07-07 21:12:31 UTC

mercury is one of the most toxic non-radioactive elements to humans if not the most

2018-07-07 21:13:12 UTC

dihydrogen oxide - try breathing that stuff

2018-07-07 21:13:16 UTC

yes, i now that. thats exactly what im saying. it happens when the bladder back-fills into the liver causing liver toxicity/poisoning for example

2018-07-07 21:13:51 UTC

no, you drink so much it causes the salt-water imbalance in your bloodstream to go to such levels your blood-cells will explode on you

2018-07-07 21:14:03 UTC

literally suffocating you by destroying your blood cells

2018-07-07 21:14:25 UTC

also your kidneys handle water, not the liver

2018-07-07 21:14:26 UTC

Mercury is less toxic by weight than Arsenic.

2018-07-07 21:14:37 UTC

And again, We feed our kids Apple Juice.

2018-07-07 21:14:55 UTC

vaccines may very well CONTRIBUTE to the explosion in autism epidemic..... theres just tomes of research already completed that would be wreckless to dismiss

2018-07-07 21:15:23 UTC

okay, still doesnt change what im saying, i think arsenic is even in most vaccines too

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