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2018-05-31 12:20:51 UTC

i worked at mcdonalds back in college... I wont tell you what went on with the food back there

2018-05-31 12:21:12 UTC

foot fungus in the lettuce perhaps?

2018-05-31 12:21:15 UTC


2018-05-31 12:21:29 UTC

thats just number 15 ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-05-31 12:21:57 UTC

the guy on the nuggets... every dingle fkin time he'd drop one and put it back in the tray

2018-05-31 12:22:21 UTC


2018-05-31 12:22:26 UTC

good job

2018-05-31 12:22:29 UTC

and the floor wasnt clean... theyd clean it every hour or so... but it would be slimy dirty in like... a few minutes

2018-05-31 12:22:52 UTC

man am I glad I never go to mcds

2018-05-31 12:22:55 UTC

I havent had a mcd's in about 6 years ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-05-31 12:23:07 UTC

actually thats wrong, I get coffee there sometimes

2018-05-31 12:23:20 UTC

Lad you dont want to visit food procesing factory i tell you

2018-05-31 12:23:23 UTC

that seems to be ok *i hope*

2018-05-31 12:23:26 UTC


2018-05-31 12:23:46 UTC

the actual health of fast food aside,

The reason people get fat from fast food isn't due to the quality of the food, but the amount consumed relative to what they burn

If you're forced to plow a field with just simple handheld tools, i guarantee you, Mcdonalds isn't gonna make you fat :P
Just like someone who only eats 1 meal at McDonalds and nothing else all day will also not go fat

2018-05-31 12:23:56 UTC


2018-05-31 12:24:05 UTC


2018-05-31 12:24:06 UTC


2018-05-31 12:24:13 UTC

I have never eaten very healthy

2018-05-31 12:24:16 UTC

tbh thats actually what I do occasionally

2018-05-31 12:24:19 UTC

but I do a lot of exercise

2018-05-31 12:24:33 UTC

if I go out and get a burger+fries+drink somewhere

2018-05-31 12:24:36 UTC

Its all amount of energy and how you release it or store it

2018-05-31 12:24:40 UTC

I eat one other small thing

2018-05-31 12:24:45 UTC

and thats my days food

2018-05-31 12:25:04 UTC

i dont exercise much ๐Ÿ˜› but then I dont eat much either

2018-05-31 12:25:17 UTC

Ill eat breakfast... then a meal at 7 ... thats about it

2018-05-31 12:25:28 UTC

sometimes a couple of oranges after 7

2018-05-31 12:25:48 UTC

that being said, im still a little overweigjt

2018-05-31 12:25:56 UTC

so I need to start exercising

2018-05-31 12:26:03 UTC

iirc im like 180/5ft11

2018-05-31 12:26:04 UTC


2018-05-31 12:26:15 UTC

so a bit over what I should be

2018-05-31 12:26:18 UTC

but not terrible

2018-05-31 12:26:25 UTC

well... not overweight... but need to exercise more

2018-05-31 12:26:28 UTC

Iโ€™m underweight which sucks.

2018-05-31 12:26:49 UTC

how do you get underweight?

2018-05-31 12:26:52 UTC

A big factor is the lifestyle AROUND your food too

Poor Obese people usually have to work long and tiring shifts, but not always have to spend a lot of energy (helpdesk jobs for example)
So they eat Fast food and then spend the rest of the day unwinding, as opposed to having a varied meal,

They tend to not exercise because normal work exhausted them mentally already, so they don't burn the exess calories, thus making them fat

Another big factor is bad sleep habits, bad sleep slows your metabolism so you burn less too
Most of those people have night jobs too to survive, so they sacrifice sleep

2018-05-31 12:27:05 UTC

i dont even eat and I have a little podge ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-05-31 12:27:39 UTC

ppl are very poor in NK

2018-05-31 12:27:42 UTC

yet they be fit af

2018-05-31 12:27:44 UTC

Iโ€™ve always been underweight besides when I was in the Navy. But after that I lost 20 pounds or so really quickly.

2018-05-31 12:28:00 UTC

Im guessing not many helpdesk jobs in NK

2018-05-31 12:28:02 UTC

people in NK don't get to enjoy 3 McDonalds Supersized Whopper meals every day

2018-05-31 12:28:22 UTC

Apparently the Italian President is getting a lot of death threats.

2018-05-31 12:28:39 UTC

@CreativeRealms neat, what you do in the navy?

2018-05-31 12:29:09 UTC

Mainly border patrol but I was also in a war.

2018-05-31 12:29:24 UTC


2018-05-31 12:29:32 UTC


2018-05-31 12:29:56 UTC

oooh.. part of conscription?

2018-05-31 12:30:01 UTC


2018-05-31 12:30:08 UTC

ah cool

2018-05-31 12:31:45 UTC

"There is deep concern in Brussels, Berlin and elsewhere that the populists could come back stronger than ever at the next election."
heh, i wonder why for Italy

2018-05-31 12:32:45 UTC

โ€œThe real priority in Brussels is no longer to save Italy from itself, but to save Europe from an Italy that has become potentially uncontrollable.โ€

They're talking as if Italy has committed Treason

2018-05-31 12:32:59 UTC

"There is deep concern that people will get more power than us elites in brussels"

2018-05-31 12:33:37 UTC

You can't escape our one world government reeeeee

2018-05-31 12:33:44 UTC


2018-05-31 12:33:53 UTC

You can't escape Paradise!!

2018-05-31 12:34:16 UTC

We will force you to love it in the EU.

2018-05-31 12:34:18 UTC

in soviet russia, paradise comes for you

2018-05-31 12:34:54 UTC

Soon they will start building walls to keep people from escaping.

2018-05-31 12:34:55 UTC

have you ever read Utopia?

2018-05-31 12:35:02 UTC

I honestly wonder if those people in Brussels are having meetings like

"Why isn't this working? we oppress people more and more, and they just get more angry at us!"

2018-05-31 12:35:23 UTC


2018-05-31 12:35:56 UTC

it was written in the 1500's in latin so its a tough one to get through... but its interesting to read Utopia and read 1984 ... its like they are the same but from different perpectives

2018-05-31 12:41:04 UTC

i can't find a good synopsis for it

2018-05-31 12:42:22 UTC

its basically talking about the Utopians (a fictional country) where everyone wants the same things "the dont have a set time to go to bed, but they all choose to go at a good time ready for the harvest the next day" kinda thing

2018-05-31 12:43:06 UTC

its like its written by obrien from 1984

2018-05-31 12:43:42 UTC

like when he tells winston I dont want to force you to love BB, I want you to want to love BB voluntarily

2018-05-31 12:43:51 UTC

so its a book about an actual perfect Utopia

Where you don't need rules, because the people already follow them by their own design

2018-05-31 12:44:15 UTC

I imagine the phrase Utopia came from the book

2018-05-31 12:44:44 UTC

yeah that is pretty much what Utopia stands for,

A perfect world where things work because the people willingly make them work

2018-05-31 12:45:03 UTC

As if you have a choice at this point

2018-05-31 12:45:07 UTC


2018-05-31 12:45:45 UTC

group of major European companies has warned the Prime Minister they may cut investment without more clarity over the terms of Britain's EU exit.

Business leaders, including from BP, BMW, Nestle, and Vodafone, told Theresa May that "time is running out".

In a statement after the Downing Street meeting, they said that a trade deal with the EU must be "frictionless as with a customs union".

2018-05-31 12:47:40 UTC

Why is Theresa May even the conservatives leader and hence PM, she seems like a tool

2018-05-31 12:48:08 UTC

mind you i wonder the same about the dutch PM, who is an absolute tool

2018-05-31 12:49:12 UTC

hopefully we just end up leaving with no deal... at this point that might be better

2018-05-31 12:49:25 UTC

if the EU wont play ball.. what else can you do

2018-05-31 12:49:37 UTC

Just GTFO.

2018-05-31 12:49:45 UTC

they wont even play ball for โ‚ฌ50bn euros... I mean...

2018-05-31 12:50:16 UTC

britain can just yank major trade deals away from the EU cuz they'll be no longer bound by EU trade laws and allies, screwing over the EU

2018-05-31 12:52:25 UTC

"I feel the uni isn't taking enough steps to combat views like this."

Nothing short of having a security guard in every toilet is gonna prevent this

2018-05-31 12:54:00 UTC

Well the problem is no deal brexit is too painful

2018-05-31 12:54:13 UTC

And does not adress the ireland issue

2018-05-31 12:54:29 UTC

I wonder if they have questioned a certain group that likes to say things like that a lot... a certain group thats on trial for that sort of thing right now.... guessing not

2018-05-31 12:55:15 UTC

I say we do a no deal... and give the โ‚ฌ50bn to ireland to rejoin the UK ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-05-31 12:55:32 UTC

does seem interesting that these sort of messages and crimes are increasing the more those people show up

2018-05-31 12:55:42 UTC

you're gonna buy Ireland for 50bn? ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-05-31 12:55:52 UTC

why not just offer them a potato

2018-05-31 12:56:12 UTC

thats over โ‚ฌ1k for each citizen

2018-05-31 12:56:45 UTC

sorry just over... โ‚ฌ10k

2018-05-31 12:57:08 UTC

Well irexit would certainly help britain

2018-05-31 12:57:17 UTC

But its not happening

2018-05-31 12:57:41 UTC

buy them a leprechaun

2018-05-31 12:57:47 UTC

And as such britain screwed themselves with that no hard border promise

2018-05-31 12:57:49 UTC

imagine the UK said... ok irish ppl... we will give you each โ‚ฌ10k if you simply leave the EU and join the UK

2018-05-31 12:58:21 UTC

also you keep devolved powers, just like n ireland, scotland and wales

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