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2018-08-17 23:06:04 UTC


2018-08-17 23:06:35 UTC

I dn't normally do the math

2018-08-17 23:06:37 UTC

but had to that time haha

2018-08-17 23:06:49 UTC

Now since you are in hard thinking mode

2018-08-17 23:06:52 UTC
2018-08-17 23:06:57 UTC

Watch this

2018-08-17 23:06:58 UTC

that wsn't hard thinking lol

2018-08-17 23:07:14 UTC

Well it wasnt i guess

2018-08-17 23:07:27 UTC

But most ppl wouldent bother even with this

2018-08-17 23:07:53 UTC


2018-08-17 23:07:58 UTC


2018-08-17 23:08:04 UTC


2018-08-17 23:08:13 UTC

Well i dont like those phrases too

2018-08-17 23:08:18 UTC

I might have at one point... I had to deal with supply logistics for deployments

2018-08-17 23:08:30 UTC


2018-08-17 23:08:41 UTC

Its true he made good points there

2018-08-17 23:10:58 UTC


2018-08-17 23:11:06 UTC


2018-08-17 23:11:27 UTC


2018-08-17 23:11:42 UTC


2018-08-17 23:11:54 UTC


2018-08-17 23:13:27 UTC

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like? You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?

2018-08-17 23:13:55 UTC


2018-08-17 23:15:20 UTC

:shirt: Check out **Tim Pool's TeeSpring Merch**:

2018-08-17 23:15:22 UTC

:dollar: Support **Tim Pool** on Patreon (exclusive rewards available):

2018-08-17 23:15:26 UTC

no fuck you mee6

2018-08-17 23:16:32 UTC

if i was a female actor that sucked

2018-08-17 23:16:46 UTC

fuck id be famous for my social media presence

2018-08-17 23:17:15 UTC

then id remove my instagram account and claim huwhite male harrassment

2018-08-17 23:17:30 UTC

then id get cast on more roles even though i sucked

2018-08-17 23:17:44 UTC

and blame everyone else instead of my poor acting

2018-08-17 23:18:52 UTC

That video
"Peter Schiff is consistently on the ball but he's wrong when I disagree with him lol"

2018-08-17 23:19:03 UTC

I don't understand economics so i had no idea what was being said in that segment with the libertarian and stuff

2018-08-17 23:19:27 UTC

Literally understood 0% of it

2018-08-17 23:19:49 UTC

I should not be allowed to vote

2018-08-17 23:20:12 UTC

Fix the education system goddamn it

2018-08-17 23:21:19 UTC

Death to shitty ramen noddles

2018-08-17 23:22:51 UTC

Basic level- unemployment numbers get fluffed, pay is still low. Trump had that tax cut but the government is running a deficit, so they have the same or more debt + less income now

2018-08-17 23:23:23 UTC

That's why I got from it as well

2018-08-17 23:23:35 UTC

I like him when I agree

2018-08-17 23:23:45 UTC

Also Corrections are apart of a normal Market

2018-08-17 23:23:47 UTC

Sorry not same or more debt, same or higher rate of debt accumulation

2018-08-17 23:24:02 UTC

What you don't want is Crash you want a slight correction each time

2018-08-17 23:24:11 UTC

The last time we had the subprime mortgage issue what do we have this time

2018-08-17 23:24:23 UTC

As long as we don't have something stupid come out in left field it shouldn't be that bad

2018-08-17 23:24:32 UTC

But then again banks are stupid so let's be honest about that

2018-08-17 23:24:40 UTC

what is the current bubble?

2018-08-17 23:24:53 UTC

Student loans, possibly land again from what people are saying, there are issues with the medical system, you're heading into heavy protectionism

2018-08-17 23:24:56 UTC

Yeah I'm not saying there is a bubble currently I'm just saying there will always be a correction at some point

2018-08-17 23:25:00 UTC

Want to increase wages? Reform immigration and build the wall.

2018-08-17 23:25:09 UTC

Which is basically the market equivalent of not vaccinating your kids

2018-08-17 23:25:13 UTC

Protectionism only work so far though

2018-08-17 23:25:22 UTC


2018-08-17 23:25:25 UTC

As much as we definitely need some form to protectionism

2018-08-17 23:25:26 UTC

I'd say it harms, not even "only works so far"

2018-08-17 23:25:39 UTC

I don't think it's harms when you have China that will does not follow any rules

2018-08-17 23:25:52 UTC

How do US businesses compete better on a global market they aren't really part of?

2018-08-17 23:26:14 UTC

Also how do us businesses compete in the global market where other governments subsidize the their business

2018-08-17 23:26:15 UTC

well trade renegotiations might mitigate some of the issues

2018-08-17 23:26:28 UTC

although i dont agree with the methods being used

2018-08-17 23:26:31 UTC

For sure unilateral trade negotiations are the real answer not multinational trade deals

2018-08-17 23:26:32 UTC

By lowering the cost of domestic business

2018-08-17 23:26:47 UTC

The only way we can lower the cost of domestic businesses to automate

2018-08-17 23:27:12 UTC

There are a lot of regulations in the US market

2018-08-17 23:27:18 UTC

Alternatively we can have a premium product that competes well against other non-premium products

2018-08-17 23:27:22 UTC

There are comparatively few in Mexico and China

2018-08-17 23:27:30 UTC

right now in some regards the US is being taken advantage of in trade

2018-08-17 23:27:41 UTC


2018-08-17 23:27:58 UTC

US also takes advantage in trade elsewhere

2018-08-17 23:28:07 UTC

doesnt help that multi-national corporations arent restricted

2018-08-17 23:28:13 UTC

And us businesses are basically competing against nation states

2018-08-17 23:28:17 UTC

like AT ALL

2018-08-17 23:28:29 UTC

yea thats why i said some

2018-08-17 23:29:14 UTC

Like my employer WANTS to manufacture his product in the US but cannot afford it compared to China

2018-08-17 23:29:38 UTC

the risk of getting it done in China is that the factories are STILL State owned

2018-08-17 23:29:54 UTC

and therefor at any time said factory can be shut down

2018-08-17 23:30:01 UTC

without warning

2018-08-17 23:30:47 UTC

So one of the reasons he WANTS to manufacture US is because there is less risk of the factory suddenly shutting down

2018-08-17 23:31:03 UTC

and he ideally wants to get people more jobs

2018-08-17 23:32:02 UTC

Now ill admit that in the US we are largely service economy now so manufacturing is outsourced due to less employment demand for it

2018-08-17 23:32:25 UTC

If the PRC had fair and even Minimum Wage laws and acted on the fairly, then the Cost of Manufacture in the PRC would be a lot higher, but still not the same as paying for US MW as your CoM.

2018-08-17 23:32:27 UTC

only because our manufacturing was gutted because of cheap labor overseas and in mexico

2018-08-17 23:32:40 UTC

however manufacturing will always exist in the US its just a matter of incentivizing business to use that service here

2018-08-17 23:33:26 UTC

Yea we need to close some loop holes too

2018-08-17 23:33:46 UTC

incentivize employment of americans

2018-08-17 23:34:07 UTC

A lot of equipment I us is US produced, EG Benchmade knives, but they are more expensive than the overseas produced alternatives.

2018-08-17 23:34:48 UTC

i think migrants will probably always be employed somewhere but idk maybe we have a American citizen employment minimum quota or something

2018-08-17 23:34:57 UTC

or would that be to commie?

2018-08-17 23:35:50 UTC

I honestly expect US made goods to generally be more expensive, at least at first

2018-08-17 23:36:20 UTC

Under current US Law as I understand it, for a Perminent Alien Resident Status, you have to have either a job or be enrolled in a school, and "Green Card" workers have Non-Citizen Tax ID numbers

2018-08-17 23:36:37 UTC

we also tend to have higher safety and quality standards in the US

2018-08-17 23:36:51 UTC

so businesses outsources to cut costs

2018-08-17 23:37:10 UTC

i live in golden corridor, manufacturing exists in the us as a high paid skill

2018-08-17 23:37:31 UTC

Yea ive got no issue with Green Card holders being employed

2018-08-17 23:37:51 UTC

And as a result @Lagomaster24 QC and product safety has taken a dive in US products over time.

2018-08-17 23:38:08 UTC


2018-08-17 23:38:37 UTC

yea it is increasingly becoming more of a skilled job here too

2018-08-17 23:38:51 UTC

in part due to some aspects being automated

2018-08-17 23:39:27 UTC

ill be honest I dont know a whole lot about american manufacturing outside the industrial revolution soooooo

2018-08-17 23:39:30 UTC

That is part of the arguemnet against "International Trespassers" working in the US, they are not able to be paid as a legal job and as such they are paid under MWL requirements and do not pay taxes, but are using tax funded services.

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