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2018-10-20 09:36:40 UTC

And after school media will tell you what to think.

2018-10-20 09:40:31 UTC

And then people wonder why left is so retarded.

And peopke think those brain washed sheeps are real left. When in reality media and people who controll those usefull idiots are real enemy.

2018-10-20 09:43:02 UTC

We have the same people on the right

2018-10-20 09:43:12 UTC

people are stupid, in all places

2018-10-20 09:43:21 UTC

and then NPC becomes meme

2018-10-20 09:44:23 UTC

tbh i think NPC works as a valid meme because people are more inclined regionally then politically, social media just forces oneself to take sides and if you wouldn't usually care you'll usually over-do it... thus progressives getting $$$ when most liberals don't even fully agree with them, but are too stupid to figure that out

2018-10-20 09:44:29 UTC

too stupid or realistically, too timid

2018-10-20 09:44:34 UTC

Wait, who do you think is brainwashing right?

2018-10-20 09:44:52 UTC

butt wait

2018-10-20 09:44:55 UTC

if NPC is a meme

2018-10-20 09:44:58 UTC


2018-10-20 09:45:04 UTC

NPCs WILL DIE <:rapidonset:489944710304104489>

2018-10-20 09:45:39 UTC

i think right is normally less brainwashed but "normal" right sort of doesn't speak up

2018-10-20 09:45:44 UTC

i swear it used to be opposite

2018-10-20 09:46:18 UTC

regular right was the annoying loud people you didn't talk to at parties because they'd start trying to put everyone who disagreed in a box, somehow that flipped in last 10 years

2018-10-20 09:46:52 UTC

but instead of getting yelled at by a right winger, with (far)left its more passive aggressive assault on you as a person

2018-10-20 09:46:55 UTC

tbh more terrifying

2018-10-20 09:48:08 UTC


2018-10-20 09:48:35 UTC

when right wingers were more the loud annoying guys, they atleast wanted to explain and discuss their points of views, with left its more like 'oh they are stupid don't worry about them, its not their fault'

2018-10-20 09:48:37 UTC

like fuckoff

2018-10-20 09:48:57 UTC

if thats what many lefters were harboring this whole time then jesus christ

2018-10-20 09:51:28 UTC

Anyone want to add me to hearthstone?

2018-10-20 09:59:22 UTC

the people brainwashing the right is the faction thats opposite to the ones left
So for CNN you have Fox for example

The both say the same message really,
"We are correct, listen to us, ignore the others"

But for a different camp, and as long as they're the ones not in power they can report truth because those in power get corrupt and do shit thats questionable

2018-10-20 09:59:48 UTC

that the other faction wont call out cuz its "their camp"

2018-10-20 10:00:32 UTC

Hence fox was just a mouthpiece for Bush etc

Now its calling out the shit of the left

2018-10-20 10:03:25 UTC

and CNN used to call out the shit of Bush etc,

now its a mouthpiece for the Dems

2018-10-20 10:13:31 UTC

Well what is the difference between calling out Bush and being a mouthpiece for the Dems/

2018-10-20 10:15:08 UTC

changed my profile pic lol

2018-10-20 10:17:43 UTC

which faction you claim to be on and can thus influence people who "believe they're on that side"

2018-10-20 10:17:53 UTC

thats the difference, its ultimately the same group

2018-10-20 10:17:58 UTC

money-hungry corporate media ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-10-20 10:18:51 UTC


2018-10-20 10:19:56 UTC

i dont get it

2018-10-20 10:20:33 UTC

open original and zoom in

2018-10-20 10:20:45 UTC


2018-10-20 10:20:47 UTC


2018-10-20 10:20:53 UTC

but apparenlty thats just COINcidence

2018-10-20 10:22:08 UTC

well one can make that argument for why 50% of US crime being done by black people

2018-10-20 10:26:42 UTC

that still doesnt explain it.
its more like jews having 4600% over-representation in harvard.

2018-10-20 10:27:24 UTC

Just because there's the Star of David beside their picture doesn't mean they're actually Jewish.

2018-10-20 10:27:51 UTC

you can check them one by one. and see how many mistakes you can find

2018-10-20 10:28:42 UTC

Rupert Murdoch has a special one.

2018-10-20 10:28:48 UTC

"Christian Zionist".

2018-10-20 10:30:34 UTC

yes, some christians belive jews to be gods chosen people.

2018-10-20 10:31:12 UTC

So how does that work.

2018-10-20 10:31:21 UTC

Do they not get into heaven or whatever?

2018-10-20 10:32:52 UTC

Seems kind of silly.

2018-10-20 10:33:24 UTC

Like cheering for the opposing team during a sports match.

2018-10-20 10:35:29 UTC

kind of, but they belive they are in same team with jews.
and by helping jews they get in heaven or something.
its their job to help chosen people.

2018-10-20 10:35:54 UTC


2018-10-20 10:39:06 UTC


2018-10-20 10:39:13 UTC

all of those stations of that image

2018-10-20 10:39:15 UTC

are Anti-Israel

2018-10-20 10:39:23 UTC

and constantly plead for Palestinian representation

2018-10-20 10:39:27 UTC

so these are Jew hating Jews

2018-10-20 10:39:46 UTC

It tends to be the right-wingers that are Pro-israel

2018-10-20 10:40:26 UTC

what if im right winger

2018-10-20 10:41:08 UTC

and im not pro Israel

2018-10-20 10:41:15 UTC

then what

2018-10-20 10:41:20 UTC
2018-10-20 10:41:23 UTC

2018-10-20 10:41:37 UTC

then you're most likely not a mainstream media right-winger

2018-10-20 10:42:14 UTC

well folks

2018-10-20 10:42:15 UTC


2018-10-20 10:42:34 UTC

Welcome to reality folks, there is no turning back, Our own govt is lobbied by Terrorists.

2018-10-20 10:42:47 UTC

when was this not a thing?

2018-10-20 10:42:47 UTC


2018-10-20 10:43:06 UTC

incidently which terrorists are you refering to this time?

2018-10-20 10:43:55 UTC

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) are muslim brotherhood organizations which al-qaeda and Isis has operated for

2018-10-20 10:44:19 UTC

i think not

2018-10-20 10:44:25 UTC

I didn't even know those things existed,

But i believe you

2018-10-20 10:44:46 UTC

want to do some reading and have yourmind blow?

2018-10-20 10:45:31 UTC

Nah i'm good, i wouldn't be surprised much cuz i'm of the mindset that pretty much all muslims are against the west in one form or another, and those with money/influence would gladly throw stuff at us for their own benefit, be it by bombs, lobbying, or victim points

2018-10-20 10:45:55 UTC

too bad

2018-10-20 10:46:34 UTC

On this one Donald is pathetic

2018-10-20 10:47:30 UTC

Sacrificing few dor the good of many and then not having the balls to admit it

2018-10-20 10:48:09 UTC


2018-10-20 10:48:34 UTC

what if i still support trump but not everything he does

2018-10-20 10:48:50 UTC

Thats fair

2018-10-20 10:48:59 UTC

I dont say he is hitler lol

2018-10-20 10:49:08 UTC

Just that he is pathetic on this one

2018-10-20 10:49:13 UTC

2018-10-20 10:49:18 UTC

i think he is far from hitler

2018-10-20 10:49:23 UTC


2018-10-20 10:49:42 UTC

Im gonna say its gonna be part of a deal,

He said himself, there should be sanctions, but not "retribution"

Scott Adams pointed this out,

There will prolly come a deal out of this that would make it seem like the Saudi's are getting punished, but not really and it will benefit america

Like that the Saudi's would have to recognise Israel as a sovereign nation

2018-10-20 10:50:11 UTC

as an example Scott Adams made

2018-10-20 10:50:14 UTC

i'm not saying tahts whats gonna happen

2018-10-20 10:50:33 UTC

there is no channel where i can post attachments yet? do i have to level up with the bot

2018-10-20 10:50:46 UTC

a bot levelling up through a bot

2018-10-20 10:50:49 UTC

My mind is boggled

2018-10-20 10:50:49 UTC

I am not sure

2018-10-20 10:50:58 UTC

But you need just 1 lv

2018-10-20 10:50:58 UTC

Shitposting is free game for stuff even on low level afaik

2018-10-20 10:51:06 UTC

Its easy to get

2018-10-20 10:51:07 UTC


2018-10-20 10:51:08 UTC

like images

2018-10-20 10:51:16 UTC

not sure about "attachments" like videos 'n stuff

2018-10-20 10:52:07 UTC

Btw i dont know about the long term plan but that khassogi dude was literally our guy

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