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2018-07-16 15:18:59 UTC

They all had one

2018-07-16 15:19:18 UTC

And they were offended when the guy told them there were protesters saying voter ID was racist

2018-07-16 15:19:38 UTC

It was funny. all the college students thought they wouldn't know the way or something

2018-07-16 15:19:45 UTC

I think Tim talked about that as well.

2018-07-16 15:20:01 UTC

"The soft bigotry of low expectations"

2018-07-16 15:20:05 UTC

And well, id be offended if I knew someone expected me to not be smart enough to learn of something

2018-07-16 15:23:47 UTC

@LotheronPrime there was a few southern states at one point where they blocked black people from voting by having voter ID laws, and then some stipulation that barred most of the black community from voting. like requiring a certain level of income to get or something like that

2018-07-16 15:24:07 UTC

but ever since then, the left has used it as a weapon to cry racist

2018-07-16 15:24:19 UTC

regardless of how its implemented

2018-07-16 15:24:26 UTC

Well, since its really easy to get one now?

2018-07-16 15:24:37 UTC

i mean, now its racist because requiring citizenship is racist

2018-07-16 15:24:39 UTC


2018-07-16 15:24:54 UTC

Well and I think a lot of people like to modify voter ID to mean a specific extra piece of ID

2018-07-16 15:24:58 UTC

I mean, if the person isnt willing to go through the effort to get one, are they really the ones you want running the country?

2018-07-16 15:25:15 UTC

When it could just be a drivers license or something else from a list of shit most people have

2018-07-16 15:25:27 UTC

Though the ID is enough, but even stuff like passport or license can work already

2018-07-16 15:25:49 UTC

why a drivers license? why not just a card that says "you registered to vote"

2018-07-16 15:26:05 UTC

requires no money, just like 20 minutes to walk down town

2018-07-16 15:26:07 UTC

Because you already have a drivers license, a passport etc

2018-07-16 15:26:08 UTC

Cause auto registing isnt a thing in some places apparently

2018-07-16 15:26:34 UTC

Just have a list of applicable documents that can identify you

2018-07-16 15:26:42 UTC

That's the way most shit works here

2018-07-16 15:27:16 UTC

1) not everyone has a car

2018-07-16 15:27:29 UTC

(in NYC, its basically a liability)

2018-07-16 15:28:14 UTC

2) It costs money to get a drivers licences in some places (it costs me 70 bucks to get a drivers licence here in the communist states of Connecticut...which is ironically dem controlled right now )

2018-07-16 15:28:19 UTC

How many people don't have a drivers license, a passport, or any other kind of govt recognized photo ID at all?

2018-07-16 15:28:25 UTC

3) you already have to register to vote and get a card

2018-07-16 15:28:35 UTC

more than you would think

2018-07-16 15:28:44 UTC

And the registry alone is free?

2018-07-16 15:28:59 UTC

didn't cost anything to register to vote

2018-07-16 15:28:59 UTC

Okay, then you set up a state ID if you don't have one and they can get that

2018-07-16 15:29:06 UTC

I have a provincial ID

2018-07-16 15:39:31 UTC

anyone think hes legit?

2018-07-16 15:47:46 UTC


2018-07-16 15:47:54 UTC

Legit what? o.O

2018-07-16 15:48:25 UTC

"Patty Mayo, real name Patrick Thomas Tarmey, is an American entrepreneur and Youtube prankster-turned-vlogger"

2018-07-16 15:49:03 UTC

Youtube pranksters are best known for their commitment towards only portraying true events.

2018-07-16 15:51:46 UTC

its staged

2018-07-16 15:51:53 UTC

these are the scum of youtube

2018-07-16 15:52:31 UTC

its people like them that will draw buttloads of cash from monetization while others like timcast gets the shaft

2018-07-16 15:54:12 UTC

Why is everything in that video all caps

2018-07-16 15:54:18 UTC

Even the description

2018-07-16 15:54:24 UTC

Well it isn't just youtube

2018-07-16 15:54:40 UTC

The public likes seeing pranks more than insightful discussion

2018-07-16 15:54:52 UTC

Easier to digest

2018-07-16 15:55:59 UTC

Well, blame the consumer, not the producer

2018-07-16 15:57:08 UTC

If someones paying or just watching the stuff, who an I to tell them not to

2018-07-16 15:57:19 UTC

pranks are the absolute apex of intellectual comedy. But fake pranks are garbage.

2018-07-16 15:59:57 UTC

I think he's referring to the demonetization of channels that talk about controversial topics

2018-07-16 16:00:00 UTC

>trump defended putin

2018-07-16 16:00:04 UTC


2018-07-16 16:00:21 UTC

Not criticing is defending apparently

2018-07-16 16:00:24 UTC

Waiting for cnn news to do their hit piece again

2018-07-16 16:07:27 UTC

There was some tension between Trump and Putin not too long ago

2018-07-16 16:07:38 UTC

Isnt that always

2018-07-16 16:08:12 UTC

nah, relations between Putin and Trump are absolutely terrific,

And Putin is a smart man, and very great leader

2018-07-16 16:08:15 UTC

he truely loves his country

2018-07-16 16:08:20 UTC

and he's terrific

2018-07-16 16:08:26 UTC

He also probably follows the US media. Id say that knowing that the govt in another nation spends all day accusing you of stuff youd be tense around their leader.

2018-07-16 16:08:46 UTC

It's probably best to at least try to be polite and cooperative, when the person you would prefer to not anger is next to you.

2018-07-16 16:08:53 UTC

Somthing like, "wtf these guys think i hacked their election, does Trump think the same"

2018-07-16 16:09:15 UTC

Thats what people ask for, sometimes you need a show of strength first

2018-07-16 16:09:19 UTC

Like what happened with NK

2018-07-16 16:09:32 UTC

The accident involving the launch sites were the last straw.

2018-07-16 16:09:56 UTC

Yes, but I would say Russia is a different situation than NK

2018-07-16 16:10:55 UTC

Putin doesn't seem to have the intention of nuking the world

2018-07-16 16:11:37 UTC

I dont think Kim either, but both at the time, as the world knew, have the potential at the time.

2018-07-16 16:12:10 UTC

And even if one small screwup happend somewhere, will be the end of the world as we know it.

2018-07-16 16:12:30 UTC

But we also have to remember, what kind of leaders does Russia usually produce? Yeah I think we all know the answer to that. And knowing that, I'd say Putin is a lot better, from the outside world's perspective, than previous Russian leaders.

2018-07-16 16:13:31 UTC

When did the idea that he was a bad leaded come up?

2018-07-16 16:14:39 UTC

Hes in charge of the biggest country that is weak in military strength, the only power it has is its nuclear arsenal. This puts it in the position that it can only retaliate, not invade.

2018-07-16 16:15:00 UTC

The country is corrupt, so you need someone familiar with corruption and stamping it out.

2018-07-16 16:16:45 UTC

I don't agree with a lot of things he stands for but I understand what you mean.

2018-07-16 16:20:16 UTC

Sometimes, you need a monster to do the job.

2018-07-16 16:42:23 UTC

Putin is as monsterous as he needs to be in order to keep Russia unified and a relevant player

2018-07-16 16:49:54 UTC

put in is pretty popular pretty sure and he does what's best for his country

2018-07-16 16:50:29 UTC

I mean we may not agree with him, but that doesn't make him wrong or a bad leader

2018-07-16 16:50:50 UTC


2018-07-16 16:51:17 UTC

I'm not saying he's a good leader but it's not. zero sum as in two leadership styles can reap rewards and be popular for the populace

2018-07-16 16:51:19 UTC

they are having a roast of bruce willis... man. why couldn't this have happened a few years earlier when comedy was still sometimes funny

2018-07-16 16:51:48 UTC

let me guess not.! funny?

2018-07-16 16:52:04 UTC

idk, it hasn't happened yet

2018-07-16 16:52:09 UTC

its gonna be on comedy central

2018-07-16 16:52:23 UTC

then again, comedy central still hosts south park

2018-07-16 16:52:27 UTC


2018-07-16 16:52:38 UTC

yuck at comedy central or south park?

2018-07-16 16:53:20 UTC


2018-07-16 16:53:29 UTC

sent that before I saw the latter

2018-07-16 16:53:31 UTC

yeah, its gone down hill

2018-07-16 16:53:46 UTC

also south park put the channel on the map so they can't do anything about it

2018-07-16 16:53:51 UTC

i basically only watch south park on it

2018-07-16 16:54:06 UTC

probably their only show that brings decent revenue

2018-07-16 16:54:12 UTC

kinda like pewdiepie puts youtube on the map still?

2018-07-16 16:54:20 UTC

because they make fun of everything

2018-07-16 16:54:34 UTC

nah yt is bigger than pewds unfortunately

2018-07-16 16:54:56 UTC

yeah, but he is one of the biggest youtubers on the platform, if not the biggest.

2018-07-16 16:55:00 UTC

they could survive easily without him

2018-07-16 16:55:06 UTC

imaging if he moved to another platform

2018-07-16 16:55:14 UTC

and brought all those fans with him

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