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2018-09-23 14:06:49 UTC

I still use phone-based modems, albeit in a point-to-point config. Though I can't exactly tell you why, it was really the best option for what I was doing four years ago when I set it up. (and the modem could mostly be encased in resin, which was a big plus)

2018-09-23 14:27:35 UTC

who wants to do some background searches

2018-09-23 14:28:38 UTC

@Timcast I'll do it for a shout out

2018-09-23 14:28:40 UTC

Bear in mind that this list may not be complete. Any particularly controversial members may have been omitted. They have no obligation to provide an accurate record.

2018-09-23 14:31:56 UTC

they are left leaning, they don't really have "controversial" members

2018-09-23 14:32:46 UTC

Danah Boyd's blog. She's a real gem.

2018-09-23 14:33:39 UTC

Her undergraduate thesis was titled ""3-D computer systems used cues that were inherently sexist.""

2018-09-23 14:34:05 UTC

How does someone take this person serious to the point where they get a job at Microsoft?

2018-09-23 14:34:13 UTC

"Most Americans have been socialized into believing that all forms of capitalism are inherently good (which, by the way, was a propaganda project)."

2018-09-23 14:35:34 UTC

they do have controversial

2018-09-23 14:35:36 UTC


2018-09-23 14:35:39 UTC

ive tracked one already

2018-09-23 14:36:06 UTC

Alexander Macgillivray seems okay, worked with CAMFED, which is seemingly a fairly transparent and well functioning organization.

2018-09-23 14:39:11 UTC
2018-09-23 14:40:25 UTC

Anil CEOs Fog Creek, which I'm sure some people here are familiar with, and I don't think he's done anything controversial there. He worked with the Obama administration.

2018-09-23 14:40:39 UTC

Anil seems to be connected to people at Twitter. Alexander Macgillivray worked with Twitter as GC. So Anil + Alexander a Twitter connection makes, though somewhat weakly.

2018-09-23 14:41:46 UTC

Anil recommended to Twitter that they more aggressively police the userbase, and endorsed the use of community-maintained blocklists like Block Together (and IIRC he was involved socially in Twitter adding the block list import feature).

2018-09-23 14:44:55 UTC

_Catherine Bracy_ doesn't have a clickable profile on that page, which could be a sign.

2018-09-23 14:45:22 UTC

Catherine Bracy's tumblr:

2018-09-23 14:45:22 UTC

Catherine Bracy also worked for the Obama administration (on Code for America), in a similar capacity to Anil Dash (โ€œadviser to the Obama White Houseโ€™s Office of Digital Strategyโ€[0]), it seems.


2018-09-23 14:49:22 UTC

_Anil Dash_ has defended the SSRC (of which _Alondra Nelson_ is President) in public,

2018-09-23 14:50:58 UTC

@Timcast would, too

2018-09-23 14:53:17 UTC

@Atkins that is... a pretty disappointing GitHub profile. All of the commits are documentation (barely), it seems.

2018-09-23 14:56:28 UTC

that's the point

2018-09-23 14:56:36 UTC

these people are parasites

2018-09-23 14:56:46 UTC

they don't produce anything that has an actual function

2018-09-23 14:56:46 UTC

Most of these people seem like typical East coast "startup culture" types.

2018-09-23 14:58:40 UTC

John is guilty only of inexplicably whoring out the image of his family on his baby company: Giphy.

2018-09-23 14:59:55 UTC

I think I ~~know~~ have met a couple of these people.

2018-09-23 15:02:12 UTC

I'd look at the odd ones out: the west coast folks. ;- )

2018-09-23 15:02:19 UTC

Alondra Nelson is a member of the "Social Text Collective", post-modernist journal that became famous for publishing a fake nonsense article.

2018-09-23 15:02:39 UTC

I bet she receives state funding

2018-09-23 15:03:08 UTC

Alondra Nelson seems like your typical activist in that area, and thematically related to their recent release I guess.

2018-09-23 15:04:11 UTC

I think I have a copy of one of those books sitting around here...

2018-09-23 15:04:18 UTC

Nelson "shared the case of Georgetown Universityโ€™s Working Group on Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation, which used genetic ancestry testing to identify the decedents of 272 enslaved people that were sold in 1838 to pay off debts at Georgetown. These cases are complicated, complex, and remain unsettled. Alondra Nelson reveals the role that genetic ancestry testing has played and the meaning-making of what people want these tests to do."

2018-09-23 15:04:55 UTC

Yeah, that one's right on her D&S profile

2018-09-23 15:06:24 UTC


2018-09-23 15:06:32 UTC

I wonder if it's possible to get Supreme brand youtube videos

2018-09-23 15:06:38 UTC

the video is watchable for $900

2018-09-23 15:06:46 UTC

and it's just jake paul shitting in a bucket

2018-09-23 15:07:03 UTC

_Deirdre Mulligan_ seems just fine, fellow IEEE member.

2018-09-23 15:07:23 UTC

@King Canuck If you can dream it, you can make it.

2018-09-23 15:07:31 UTC

2018-09-23 15:07:33 UTC

FOund on the MCU sub

2018-09-23 15:07:39 UTC

the three things strange saw that needed to happen

2018-09-23 15:09:15 UTC

@King Canuck hmmmmmm

2018-09-23 15:09:37 UTC

I need to see ant man and wasp I'm so lame

2018-09-23 15:09:45 UTC

get fucked it was months ago

2018-09-23 15:09:49 UTC

spoilers abound

2018-09-23 15:10:06 UTC

Point is before he goes down there he's told to watch out for time vortexes

2018-09-23 15:10:14 UTC

and rumors are that A4 will have some time travel fuckery

2018-09-23 15:10:17 UTC

@King Canuck no one wants to fuck me so I can't get fucked

2018-09-23 15:10:26 UTC

so Scott may be the key, aside from Carol and Tony to make this happen

2018-09-23 15:10:36 UTC

<:TimThink:482277772497125378> <:TimThink:482277772497125378> <:TimThink:482277772497125378> <:TimThink:482277772497125378> <:TimThink:482277772497125378>

2018-09-23 15:10:51 UTC

Holy fuck

2018-09-23 15:10:54 UTC

I've seen some set photos but I choose not to say waht i saw

2018-09-23 15:10:58 UTC

cause it may be a big spoiler for A4

2018-09-23 15:11:07 UTC

but yeah, time fuckery

2018-09-23 15:11:13 UTC

Send it in the dms

2018-09-23 15:11:20 UTC
2018-09-23 15:11:34 UTC

Deirdre Mulligan worked for way back in the early days of the internet. She worked on a scheme to rate website's respect for privacy. Given how long and how deep she's been involved in internet matters, she might be kinda wobbly on this deplatforming stuff.

2018-09-23 15:12:33 UTC

So while there are a lot of parasites and lightweights here, she doesn't appear to be among them.

2018-09-23 15:12:55 UTC

@Atkins Yeah, I think maybe she's mostly there because she doesn't want them to go ahead without her at least saying her piece (or hearing others do so)

2018-09-23 15:13:26 UTC

@Atkins you want I should start a spreadsheet?

2018-09-23 15:20:31 UTC


2018-09-23 15:20:40 UTC

i found a website with my personal info being shared

2018-09-23 15:20:49 UTC

info taht only my bank and the gobt knows

2018-09-23 15:20:54 UTC
2018-09-23 15:20:58 UTC

2018-09-23 15:21:08 UTC

320 million people on the database

2018-09-23 15:21:17 UTC

pretty sure the site is illegal af

2018-09-23 15:21:44 UTC

Claudia Perlich is also not a lightweight. Lots of work on machine learning.

2018-09-23 15:22:52 UTC

@possumsquat93 the video goes into detail, they have to design the jet drag car based on differences between mean and women, both physical and psychological.. reeeeeee

2018-09-23 15:27:21 UTC

Alice Marwick's twitter is pretty interesting

2018-09-23 15:29:15 UTC

She's a true believer. This Data Society report is exactly the kind of shit she's been pushing for a long time.

2018-09-23 15:31:28 UTC

2018-09-23 15:31:30 UTC


2018-09-23 15:31:31 UTC


2018-09-23 15:32:43 UTC
2018-09-23 15:33:24 UTC

another far lefty journalist/activist type

2018-09-23 15:36:55 UTC

I don't know what Tim expects to find. These people are a dime a dozen far lefty academics and activists for the most part. Not sure what difference that makes, as the intended recipients of the report are also far lefty academics and activists.

2018-09-23 15:38:00 UTC

Most people in the social studies departments seem so for what it looks like

2018-09-23 15:39:18 UTC

I have all the D&S names, roles, and hrefs in the subjects sheet, for convenient filtering

2018-09-23 15:40:00 UTC

creating the list?

2018-09-23 15:40:23 UTC

Well, don't want to miss anything, it's easy to miss things in a chat log.

2018-09-23 15:40:46 UTC

Is the D&S one of the soros groups?

2018-09-23 15:40:48 UTC

I recall hearing it

2018-09-23 15:41:36 UTC

I just want to know what the strategy is supposed to be here. Pointing at these people and saying "These guys are far left nutters! Don't do what they say!" isn't going to have an impact if the people running the tech firms are also far left nutters.

2018-09-23 15:41:59 UTC

Well, you are gonna need a bill of rights

2018-09-23 15:42:16 UTC

But well good luck, most of the people capable are either corrupt or know nothing of it

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