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2018-09-18 23:09:35 UTC

thats what i hope the case would be around here

2018-09-18 23:09:58 UTC

that everyone in here is at least on the same wave length to leave peoples in here alone

2018-09-18 23:10:49 UTC

Tim already said that antifa monitors this server.

2018-09-18 23:10:51 UTC

i always think it exciting to find out someone is who you think they are

2018-09-18 23:10:52 UTC

i think doxing is about the most fucked up pasttime the nerdly community ever came up with

2018-09-18 23:11:01 UTC

But then by stating that, you'd be doxxing yourself

2018-09-18 23:11:17 UTC

ya i hope it wont be the case

2018-09-18 23:11:37 UTC

if i could say something like "oh well this guy i know is.."

2018-09-18 23:11:47 UTC

then i'd be doxxing him and myself

2018-09-18 23:12:17 UTC

i didnt think it counted till it was your personal names and information?

2018-09-18 23:12:52 UTC

nah i get that, i just think that if you know my location or a region then itsa dox

2018-09-18 23:13:06 UTC

oh i see what you mean

2018-09-18 23:13:09 UTC

i cant get you in trouble for it, but it's a broad representation of me

2018-09-18 23:13:16 UTC

and then i lose more security

2018-09-18 23:13:30 UTC

you probably are right there

2018-09-18 23:13:32 UTC

>government SJWs
Again, they'd have to appeal to the working and middle class. They haven't

2018-09-18 23:13:36 UTC

They're losing them

2018-09-18 23:13:42 UTC

damn right

2018-09-18 23:13:47 UTC

case in point

2018-09-18 23:13:50 UTC


2018-09-18 23:14:08 UTC

*this guy knows or has an idea that i live in washington*

2018-09-18 23:14:24 UTC

Then I get internally conflicted

2018-09-18 23:14:46 UTC

ya i have probably said where i am from way too many times

2018-09-18 23:15:00 UTC

hadnt thought about it, but its a good point

2018-09-18 23:15:05 UTC

narrows the target a lot

2018-09-18 23:15:06 UTC


2018-09-18 23:15:24 UTC

i get states are different, but towns and cities can be greatly different

2018-09-18 23:15:25 UTC

anyone really looking, had already found that out already

2018-09-18 23:16:04 UTC

if i said "im from oakharbor" then they already know my state

2018-09-18 23:16:09 UTC

then it can get more personal

2018-09-18 23:16:10 UTC

where someone lives is probably the easiest info to find on someone

2018-09-18 23:16:15 UTC


2018-09-18 23:16:19 UTC

its public record

2018-09-18 23:16:21 UTC


2018-09-18 23:16:32 UTC

anon names are totally different

2018-09-18 23:16:38 UTC


2018-09-18 23:16:48 UTC

but email addresses link pretty easily in todays world

2018-09-18 23:16:52 UTC

Pretty sure we're not worth the effort to dox. But if SJWs gain more power then they'll be able to expand their efforts.

2018-09-18 23:17:01 UTC

south park on this was pretty representative of the idea of anonymity

2018-09-18 23:17:09 UTC

thats what i would hope, that we are all too low hanging fruit

2018-09-18 23:17:39 UTC

im just some dumbass redneck that got bored of shitty news ffs, what the hell good would doxing my shitty life do lol

2018-09-18 23:17:58 UTC

You gave money to a known AIN extremist.

2018-09-18 23:17:59 UTC

i can totally guarantee there's no one with a remotely close email to me

2018-09-18 23:18:08 UTC

lol right?!? thats crazy

2018-09-18 23:18:11 UTC

so if they had my name they had contact imfo

2018-09-18 23:18:17 UTC

the AIN is around us

2018-09-18 23:18:20 UTC

binds us

2018-09-18 23:18:33 UTC

nah i cant even finish that shit with a straight face

2018-09-18 23:18:47 UTC

"We have to go after their support networks. Follow the money."

2018-09-18 23:19:26 UTC

well, see this is where tim being on that list might actually be a good thing

2018-09-18 23:19:50 UTC

because any sane person that watches a tim vid will go, wow this is insightful and he didnt cram it down my throat

2018-09-18 23:20:02 UTC

but what's his goddamn position

2018-09-18 23:20:09 UTC

so it might make them think, wow this isnt so bad

2018-09-18 23:20:15 UTC

maybe the rest of that list isnt too bad

2018-09-18 23:20:27 UTC


2018-09-18 23:20:32 UTC

im missing a definition in this

2018-09-18 23:20:45 UTC

That's exactly what the document is arguing. Timcast is a gateway drug to white nationalism.

2018-09-18 23:20:55 UTC

oh like the block chain stuff?

2018-09-18 23:21:09 UTC

what, AIN?

2018-09-18 23:21:20 UTC

Alternative Influence Network.

2018-09-18 23:22:13 UTC


2018-09-18 23:26:04 UTC

ill peruse it later can i get a tl;dr?

2018-09-18 23:26:28 UTC

2018-09-18 23:26:43 UTC

*The List*

2018-09-18 23:28:53 UTC

yea people dont want hire women anymore

2018-09-18 23:29:00 UTC

thanks to the stupid left

2018-09-18 23:29:00 UTC


2018-09-18 23:29:14 UTC

i rather go hire a stripper to be my secretary

2018-09-18 23:29:17 UTC

@wacka wat is fucking right

2018-09-18 23:29:24 UTC

My guess is that there's an algorithm that monitors return rate and user profiles.

2018-09-18 23:29:44 UTC

And so it decided that women aren't terribly interested in Trucking and showed them soemthing else.

2018-09-18 23:29:45 UTC

id say majority of women dont want those jobs just like they dont want to be garbage women

2018-09-18 23:29:50 UTC

or construction workers

2018-09-18 23:30:00 UTC

a small % may want it but majority dont

2018-09-18 23:30:02 UTC

There's a push in tech right now to basically impose equity on algorithms in Google and Facebook.

2018-09-18 23:30:07 UTC

they just want to be twith thots

2018-09-18 23:30:14 UTC

Captain Marvel trailer was so boring

2018-09-18 23:30:18 UTC

if it's anything like google ads, the person placing the ad can specify what demographics they want to target

2018-09-18 23:30:24 UTC

Reading some of the papers and talks, it looks like it's going to end in quotas and affirmative action.

2018-09-18 23:30:37 UTC

But no one will know because it's not exactly public.

2018-09-18 23:30:38 UTC

@Dan V i only watched it when the quartering watched it

2018-09-18 23:30:44 UTC

i wont give that hsit my views

2018-09-18 23:30:56 UTC

@Rabbi Shekels same as well as Geeks and Gamers

2018-09-18 23:30:58 UTC

They weren't shown ads for roofing jobs?!? THAT EXPLAINS THE DISCREPANCY!

2018-09-18 23:31:16 UTC

@Dan V the geeks and gamers came up on my feed

2018-09-18 23:31:28 UTC


2018-09-18 23:31:28 UTC

Fucking patriarchy.

2018-09-18 23:31:42 UTC

@pratel that would mean the algorithim would be public uh ohh

2018-09-18 23:31:52 UTC

@Rabbi Shekels Jeremy is right. Larson looks like she's bored at the supermarket at all times

2018-09-18 23:32:03 UTC

exactly ^

2018-09-18 23:32:11 UTC

but didnt geeks and gaers say it first ?

2018-09-18 23:32:22 UTC


2018-09-18 23:32:23 UTC

anyways nike .... fuck they created a meme

2018-09-18 23:32:25 UTC

2018-09-18 23:32:32 UTC

@Rabbi Shekels I don't follow what you're saying. The algorithm is a trade secret.

2018-09-18 23:32:53 UTC

No one knows what's in it except the engineers who maintain it and swear secrecy as to what's inside it.

2018-09-18 23:33:02 UTC

That meme is banned in the EU. Two layers of banning

2018-09-18 23:33:04 UTC

@pratel in order to prove aff action or discrimination they would have to make it public if sued or some shit like that

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