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2018-09-11 23:04:37 UTC

ur mom xddd

2018-09-11 23:04:56 UTC


2018-09-11 23:05:15 UTC

Ottobon more like Autobahn

2018-09-11 23:05:21 UTC

what about?

2018-09-11 23:05:24 UTC

the debate?

2018-09-11 23:05:48 UTC

what if basic first aid qualification was manditory for everybody over 18, yes people fuckup and im aware for insurance/liability (grrr lawyers and insurance grrr) most people aren't supposed take action if aid is already on the way, but in extreme situations sorta wonder how many lives would be saved if everybody knew basic first aid

2018-09-11 23:08:38 UTC

2018-09-11 23:10:28 UTC

What do you have to do to a person mentally for them to get to the point where they believe gulags are humane and necessary. Even the tankiest tankie wouldn't say that. I can't believe this person is real. We're to the point where we can't even tell poor trolls apart from reality.

2018-09-11 23:10:45 UTC

watching that vi d meow ^

2018-09-11 23:12:04 UTC

Snyder is even a turbo lefty so it's not like I'm recommending biased right wing crap.

2018-09-11 23:13:57 UTC

Tims guulag vid gonna get banned , like bearing vid got banned from owen benjamin

2018-09-11 23:14:54 UTC

I glad Tim talked about that. Gulags... ugh. I wonder if the gulag meal was created by people in gulags.

2018-09-11 23:15:07 UTC

Solzhenitsyn is not in the ground ten years and we might be seeing historical revisionism to redefine gulags as state-run therapeutic educational and vocational facilities.

2018-09-11 23:18:41 UTC

gawker will fail

2018-09-11 23:18:56 UTC

new ceo is a wamen

2018-09-11 23:19:11 UTC


2018-09-11 23:19:16 UTC

Pepsi ceo is a wamen

2018-09-11 23:19:22 UTC

she quited

2018-09-11 23:19:42 UTC

plus she wasnt american

2018-09-11 23:19:44 UTC

i think

2018-09-11 23:19:49 UTC

is she?

2018-09-11 23:20:00 UTC


2018-09-11 23:20:12 UTC

Indra nooyi

2018-09-11 23:20:23 UTC

Ceo of pepsico since 2006

2018-09-11 23:21:03 UTC

I believe she's originally Indian.

2018-09-11 23:26:38 UTC

Tim's all worried about the East Coast

2018-09-11 23:26:48 UTC


2018-09-11 23:27:18 UTC

Ive been through enough of them as it is

2018-09-11 23:30:06 UTC

@Crimsom ask him about black men wearing dress shirts and polos. Historically, Africans didnโ€™t wear that and I find them wearing the clothing made by my people for my people to be cultural appropriation.

2018-09-11 23:31:20 UTC

Or how Mexican culture is based off Spanish culture. Thatโ€™s cultural appropriation, because those damn Mexicans are ripping of Spaniards

2018-09-11 23:37:33 UTC


2018-09-11 23:38:13 UTC

indra is kinda of a badass name for a wamen

2018-09-11 23:39:35 UTC

Whatโ€™s the translation?

2018-09-11 23:39:35 UTC

With a company like Pepsi and Coke no one really cares about your politics

2018-09-11 23:47:11 UTC

Can we stop stabbing politicians please?

2018-09-11 23:49:19 UTC


2018-09-11 23:49:22 UTC

they wont listen

2018-09-11 23:50:07 UTC


2018-09-11 23:50:12 UTC

keep that on shitposting channel

2018-09-11 23:59:32 UTC

@Ottobon I think requiring first aid training would be bad for a lot of reasons

2018-09-12 00:00:29 UTC

Example: Most of the drivers you have seen driving have taken Driver's Ed

2018-09-12 00:00:50 UTC

Especially teenagers.

2018-09-12 00:01:11 UTC

:shirt: Check out **Tim Pool's TeeSpring Merch**:

2018-09-12 00:01:11 UTC

:dollar: Support **Tim Pool** on Patreon (exclusive rewards available):

2018-09-12 00:01:29 UTC

All high school graduates are expected to have read and studied the Constitution at some point

2018-09-12 00:01:37 UTC

Most can't name the three branches of government.

2018-09-12 00:03:35 UTC

When giving First Aid, it's INCREDIBLY important that you know what you're doing. Guessing can actually lead to complications.

2018-09-12 00:06:09 UTC

For First Aid I think you need to punch the wound until the blood runs clear.

2018-09-12 00:06:11 UTC

Basically, if I'm incapacitated, I've got a crowd around me, I've got three different scenarios. I rank them as follows. One Person knows First Aid, steps forward to help> Nobody knows First Aid, they just call a medic > Everyone THINKS they know First Aid, nobody's certain who's more qualified to help me.

2018-09-12 00:07:20 UTC

You've also got the matter that, a good portion of tending to a dangerous scenario is crowd control. It's one thing that I was taught.

2018-09-12 00:07:39 UTC

If I'm trying to help someone, and I've got people running around getting in the way, start handing out jobs.

2018-09-12 00:08:07 UTC

If everyone thinks they're the best person to help the patient, then you've got a deeper type of chaos.

2018-09-12 00:13:33 UTC

tim had lior on one of his vid this year ^

2018-09-12 00:20:37 UTC

@RyeNorth thats more a issue of educational standards

2018-09-12 00:20:45 UTC

but with what US has its fair point

2018-09-12 00:30:25 UTC

I hope Hungary stands strong. With luck that vote will fail.

2018-09-12 00:35:04 UTC

I think a successful vote to like that will create a cascade effect throughout the Eastern Block

2018-09-12 00:35:19 UTC

They've already had enough of the EUs shit

2018-09-12 00:40:38 UTC

Do you live in the Eu, Dan V?

2018-09-12 00:41:31 UTC

Any chance that Eastern Europe will break away from the EU and form a sane union?

2018-09-12 00:47:43 UTC

I do not live in the EU

2018-09-12 00:47:48 UTC

This is my guess

2018-09-12 00:49:16 UTC

Whatever ruling will be applied to Hingary may be used to strong arm the other countries who closed their borders which are mostly in the Eastern Block (although Italy is getting woke)

2018-09-12 00:49:28 UTC

Poland has put up with a lot of shit over the past century. I doubt they're going to let some bureaucrats tell them how to run their country

2018-09-12 00:57:52 UTC

If Poland gives the EU the finger think there's any chance Germany will invade them again?

2018-09-12 00:59:27 UTC

I doubt it. Poland is a NATO member

2018-09-12 00:59:55 UTC

so... syria is a UN member..

2018-09-12 01:01:13 UTC

The UN is more for show than anything imo

2018-09-12 01:01:24 UTC

They don't really do anything

2018-09-12 01:02:11 UTC

At this time, there's no way Germany invades Poland without mass condemnation from NATO leading to possible military action

2018-09-12 01:03:26 UTC

France, USA, UK, Italy, Holland and Turkey also all have nukes

2018-09-12 01:03:54 UTC

Germeny does as well but it would be 1 VS 5 (I don't know how invested Turkey would be)

2018-09-12 01:05:19 UTC

But they wouldn't call it an invasion. Wouldn't it be something like a "police action" to "liberate" Poland's goverment from the evil rightwing menace?

2018-09-12 01:05:48 UTC


2018-09-12 01:05:55 UTC

I just don't think it's likely

2018-09-12 01:06:08 UTC

Oh, a humanitarian effort to liberate the oppressed migrants being concentrated into camps.

2018-09-12 01:06:49 UTC

Poland hasn't accepted any migrants. No need to invade Poland if there are no camps within their borders

2018-09-12 01:07:57 UTC

Well, it's Germany so they could go through Poland and then Slovakia to get to Hungary. To liberate those oppressed migrants being concentrated into camps.

2018-09-12 01:13:46 UTC

> "liberate" Poland's goverment from the evil rightwing menace?
democratically elected "menace" ๐Ÿ™ƒ

2018-09-12 01:17:01 UTC

Never underestimate stupid people in large numbers.

2018-09-12 01:17:31 UTC

Also, something something direct democracy is the tyranny of the majority or something like that.

2018-09-12 01:18:50 UTC

But once again- lets say it will go thru EU parliament, but then it have go thru council

2018-09-12 01:18:57 UTC

and that will be not so easy

2018-09-12 01:19:08 UTC

"The European Council - which comprises all heads of the 27-member states including Hungary - is then required to act "by unanimity" to determine the "existence of a serious and persistent breach" by a member state, and carry out sanctions."

2018-09-12 01:19:22 UTC

i will be shocked if rest of v4 countries will not block it

2018-09-12 01:20:24 UTC

So Hungary would have to vote that it is in serious and persistent breach?

2018-09-12 01:21:00 UTC

Hungary doesnt vote, but EU would still somehow convince Slovakia, Czech and Poland to vote against Hungary

2018-09-12 01:21:06 UTC

i dont think it is likely

2018-09-12 01:22:15 UTC

even if Slovakia and Czech Republic will agree to that, i highly doubt Poland will do that

2018-09-12 01:22:42 UTC

until EU will wait year for next polish election, and then hope ruling party will change

2018-09-12 01:34:45 UTC

>Germany invade Poland
With what?

2018-09-12 01:41:31 UTC

The EU army

2018-09-12 01:41:44 UTC

They have an army?

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