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2018-09-01 16:02:13 UTC

radical enlightened lone wolf alt centrists unite!

2018-09-01 16:02:16 UTC

IQ measures a person's capacity to observe patterns.

2018-09-01 16:02:25 UTC

Thatโ€™s what youโ€™re gonna tell the high IQ black person who is annoyed of all these other people โ€œpredictingโ€ them a low IQ? โ€œHey man Iโ€™m sorry itโ€™s just he best tool of prediction Iโ€™ve gotโ€

2018-09-01 16:02:26 UTC

This is, essentially, it.

2018-09-01 16:02:46 UTC

well you gotta get more data ofc

2018-09-01 16:02:56 UTC

assuming this person applies for a job you got his resume

2018-09-01 16:03:04 UTC

Also, As Tim says, it's of far more worth to focus on issues of Class

2018-09-01 16:03:06 UTC

which is much stronger data then the average IQ of his race

2018-09-01 16:03:14 UTC

You're more likely to get more far reaching gains that way.

2018-09-01 16:03:18 UTC

Iโ€™m talking just seeing them on the street

2018-09-01 16:03:23 UTC

i still say tim is wrong on that front tho

2018-09-01 16:03:36 UTC

Not for a job interview

2018-09-01 16:03:44 UTC

class is part of environment, which only explains 20% difference between people

2018-09-01 16:03:54 UTC

For instance - The presence of Lead tends to lead towards lower IQ

2018-09-01 16:04:09 UTC

i agree, but i love lead flavored crisps tho

2018-09-01 16:04:12 UTC

Lower class communities are more likely to use lead pipes

2018-09-01 16:04:24 UTC

to still have them,

2018-09-01 16:04:31 UTC

Or to still have paint with lead chips

2018-09-01 16:04:39 UTC


2018-09-01 16:04:42 UTC

i blame willy wonka

2018-09-01 16:04:52 UTC

they taught an entire generation to lick walls

2018-09-01 16:04:56 UTC

What would happen if we were to remove Lead from those communities, which happen to be largely black?

2018-09-01 16:05:00 UTC

Tim is wrong to think that pure meritocracy doesn't produce racially sorted outcomes exactly as IQ studies predict.

2018-09-01 16:05:02 UTC

I agree focusing on class but at the same time class is something you arent born with

2018-09-01 16:05:03 UTC

flavored wallpaper is terribad

2018-09-01 16:05:09 UTC

You can inherit class

2018-09-01 16:05:23 UTC

Like being adopted

2018-09-01 16:05:45 UTC

No, but Class has much more difficult upward mobility than it does downward.

2018-09-01 16:05:54 UTC

if you give the highest potential individuals the best schooling, you will get much better results then trying to lets lower potential individuals play catchup

2018-09-01 16:06:09 UTC

But what if i was adopted by a rich family ?

2018-09-01 16:06:13 UTC

and i say that understanding that in king cytos kindom, Harvard would be full of asians

2018-09-01 16:06:20 UTC

My point exactly

2018-09-01 16:06:22 UTC

My class auto magically jumps

2018-09-01 16:06:25 UTC

What if I won the lottery?

2018-09-01 16:06:27 UTC

Ahh ok

2018-09-01 16:06:37 UTC

Anyways, Crytos, can you not see how itโ€™s annoying for a high IQ black guy to be constantly โ€œstatisticallyโ€ predicted as low IQ because of the color of his skin?

2018-09-01 16:06:40 UTC

Lotrery wont change ur class if ur dumb

2018-09-01 16:06:42 UTC

your environment would improve a lot

2018-09-01 16:06:46 UTC


2018-09-01 16:06:51 UTC

Lots of lottery winners end up losing

2018-09-01 16:06:51 UTC

Because downward mobility is much easier.

2018-09-01 16:07:02 UTC


2018-09-01 16:07:03 UTC

but that would only account for a maximum of 20% difference explained vs when you wouldnt have won the lottery

2018-09-01 16:07:04 UTC

It's a lot easier to lose your class than to gain it.

2018-09-01 16:07:06 UTC

Ok i got ya

2018-09-01 16:07:24 UTC

this has been tested with twin studies

2018-09-01 16:07:25 UTC

@>Cytos, de lieve goede synth answer the fucking question

2018-09-01 16:07:40 UTC

same DNA twins in different environments

2018-09-01 16:07:47 UTC

same genes, different classes

2018-09-01 16:07:58 UTC

0.76 correlation between their IQs

2018-09-01 16:08:08 UTC

20% is the environmental effect

2018-09-01 16:08:22 UTC

Alright if youโ€™re just gonna ignore the question and start repeating the same โ€œrace realist talking pointsโ€ then fuck off

2018-09-01 16:08:34 UTC

i can see that that hypothetical black person has to deal with stupid people just the same as everyone else

2018-09-01 16:08:52 UTC

So you can see how itโ€™s annoying

2018-09-01 16:08:58 UTC

if you got a more accurate test of intelligence then just a colour of a persons skin, you use it, or you dumb

2018-09-01 16:09:20 UTC

but we all gotta deal with the dumb people

2018-09-01 16:09:48 UTC

Have you ever seen *really* low class white people?

2018-09-01 16:09:51 UTC

who for example believe IQ is BS cause it hurt their fee fees, even though, like i said before, its the most scrutiny defiant metric in all of psychology

2018-09-01 16:09:58 UTC

'White Trash' as the kids call it?

2018-09-01 16:09:59 UTC

Yeah, I like to walk around with my IQ printed large on the back of my shirt so I donโ€™t have to deal with race realists constantly predicting me as dumber and lumping me in with those other low IQ blacks.

2018-09-01 16:10:15 UTC

most people dont think about you though

2018-09-01 16:10:25 UTC

Why should I be annoyed by race realists doing this

2018-09-01 16:10:28 UTC

i dont think about any of the people i pass in the street

2018-09-01 16:10:47 UTC

except for the QTs ofc

2018-09-01 16:10:52 UTC

uwu rawr

2018-09-01 16:10:58 UTC

I should just walk around with IQ rest paperwork so the race realists donโ€™t lump me in with the other low IQ blacks when they look at me

2018-09-01 16:11:24 UTC

no cause that would be a test of intelligence too, and youd fail

2018-09-01 16:11:31 UTC

a better way is to signal success

2018-09-01 16:11:38 UTC

Or I should just consider them disrespectful, annoying, and not associate with them

2018-09-01 16:11:41 UTC

which is a much better determination of IQ then anything

2018-09-01 16:12:04 UTC

I donโ€™t think you realize what Iโ€™m saying

2018-09-01 16:12:15 UTC

On how this is extremely annoying

2018-09-01 16:12:31 UTC

Wear a suit. Talk effectively while speaking at a level indicating you have read books.

2018-09-01 16:12:47 UTC

i think you are upset that the research on IQ makes people of your race sound more stupid then YOU are, and you are denying the entire disipline because of it

2018-09-01 16:13:07 UTC

This chat is a meritocracy yall been duped

2018-09-01 16:13:20 UTC

No one in this chat is equal

2018-09-01 16:13:32 UTC

Iโ€™m more annoyed that people use this to make judgement on me based on my skin color, more than the actual data.

2018-09-01 16:13:36 UTC

The research is about hereditary, that isnโ€™t race, but heritage.

2018-09-01 16:13:47 UTC

if you got good teeth, a sense of style that suits you and a good haircut, thats already a better determinator for IQ then the race thing

2018-09-01 16:14:06 UTC

Denying science as some kind of blow to your self-esteem is a rather low-IQ response.

2018-09-01 16:14:11 UTC

do asians have the opposite problem, of people assuming they are smarter than they are so they feel like they have bigger shoes to fill?

2018-09-01 16:14:15 UTC

@>Cytos, de lieve goede synth its a good way to get some puusay also

2018-09-01 16:14:18 UTC

and the people that still look at the skin under those clothes after you do all that, likely arent worth associating with

2018-09-01 16:14:27 UTC

They do and itโ€™s annoying for them as well

2018-09-01 16:14:30 UTC

cause they are on the lower end of whatever bell curve they on

2018-09-01 16:14:42 UTC

I was actually just thinking about that native lmao

2018-09-01 16:15:04 UTC

why is nobody talking about yellow supremacy

2018-09-01 16:15:10 UTC

well asians prolly do have issues like that ye

2018-09-01 16:15:10 UTC

They are

2018-09-01 16:15:15 UTC

i mean heuristics are natural

2018-09-01 16:15:21 UTC

Because i bang the yellows and im not yellow

2018-09-01 16:15:48 UTC

Race realists talk about yellow supremacy all day long

2018-09-01 16:15:51 UTC

There are ton of poor yellows just go to china

2018-09-01 16:15:59 UTC

in a recent timcast vid lauren southern appearently said and i quote "why am i not suprised your mom makes math youtube videos"

2018-09-01 16:16:00 UTC

Or chinatown nyc

2018-09-01 16:16:38 UTC

thats a joke that only works if you understand that there is a heuristic that states that asians are better at math

2018-09-01 16:16:54 UTC

which is normal if they have a highest average IQ

2018-09-01 16:17:06 UTC

lets be real eugenics would lead to white extinction and there would only be asians

2018-09-01 16:17:15 UTC

eh tbh

2018-09-01 16:17:21 UTC

i think gene therapy is the future

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