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2018-08-06 22:28:07 UTC

i mean you wouldnt be pushing people away from some nation border

2018-08-06 22:28:21 UTC

under sharia law women is property right ?

2018-08-06 22:29:04 UTC

i have the skeleton of an argument that a homestead can be nation, but that is for a different time, and not fleshed out at the moment

2018-08-06 22:29:11 UTC

but you have something to defend

2018-08-06 22:29:17 UTC

i.e your property

2018-08-06 22:29:58 UTC

yeah, but for that you would need immigrants trespassing on your actual property, not just going across a border to seek housing and jobs

2018-08-06 22:30:06 UTC

this is off topic

2018-08-06 22:30:16 UTC

countries are not in the example previously

2018-08-06 22:30:26 UTC

sorry what are we talking about?

2018-08-06 22:30:52 UTC

you have a group of people, or perhaps just 1 person to start, who have decided to start attacking another group, for whatever reason.

2018-08-06 22:31:02 UTC

they are not currently any threat to you

2018-08-06 22:31:22 UTC

i image you don't do anything

2018-08-06 22:31:26 UTC

i mean, why would you?

2018-08-06 22:32:01 UTC

unless you are friends or something. but we are assuming just acquaintances , far on the other side of town, or the valley or something.

2018-08-06 22:33:09 UTC

is the problem that the attacked group doesnt have a state military to defend them, or whats the angle?

2018-08-06 22:33:38 UTC

its just two groups in an an-cap world.

2018-08-06 22:33:57 UTC

a conflict has arisen to the point of armed disagreement.

2018-08-06 22:34:11 UTC

its far enough removed that you don't know the origin point

2018-08-06 22:34:25 UTC

no idea who the actual aggressor is

2018-08-06 22:34:30 UTC

just that you see it happening

2018-08-06 22:35:24 UTC

so basically a gang conflict?

2018-08-06 22:35:38 UTC

or two rival families

2018-08-06 22:35:42 UTC

maybe some honor thing

2018-08-06 22:35:49 UTC

but more or less

2018-08-06 22:36:10 UTC

you have no reason to assume it will spread

2018-08-06 22:36:22 UTC

not to you anyway

2018-08-06 22:36:27 UTC

it's just regular crime, you can have defense firms and private police

2018-08-06 22:36:46 UTC

right, but you have no reason to get involved

2018-08-06 22:37:03 UTC

do you?

2018-08-06 22:37:20 UTC

well do the victims need help with defense or not?

2018-08-06 22:37:27 UTC

who is the victim?

2018-08-06 22:37:34 UTC

you don't know them well enough

2018-08-06 22:37:36 UTC

the people getting killed

2018-08-06 22:37:40 UTC

from the conflict

2018-08-06 22:37:51 UTC

its an armed conflict, people are getting shot at from both sides

2018-08-06 22:37:58 UTC

you don't know which side attacked first

2018-08-06 22:38:11 UTC

maybe one side opened up from their property and the other is trying to end it

2018-08-06 22:38:50 UTC

all you know is two groups started fighting, and one side starts to lose.

2018-08-06 22:39:18 UTC

they still have not directly threatened you

2018-08-06 22:39:42 UTC

the violence is contained for the most part to these two neighboring properties

2018-08-06 22:40:52 UTC

it depends entirely on the context, if they have private policing established, if they both have defense agencies there is dispute resolution agencies and arbitration

2018-08-06 22:41:16 UTC

what is private policing?

2018-08-06 22:41:17 UTC

or have they decided not be involved in those things and chosen to live out in the wasteland on their own

2018-08-06 22:41:34 UTC

who is paying for private policing?

2018-08-06 22:42:08 UTC

I would assume private police would work like ambulance

2018-08-06 22:42:15 UTC

you could have crowdfunding, or you could have membership fees, or any funding method you could possibly think of that doesnt involve coercion

2018-08-06 22:42:16 UTC

you get a bill at the end

2018-08-06 22:42:55 UTC

so, what if they didn't feel like they needed the police

2018-08-06 22:43:00 UTC

So pure volunteerism

2018-08-06 22:43:15 UTC

then they should have the freedom to live with that choice and deal with the consequences

2018-08-06 22:43:16 UTC

their neighbors might pay for the police, but these 2 groups felt strong enough they didn't need it

2018-08-06 22:43:26 UTC

so, you let them fight it out then

2018-08-06 22:44:19 UTC

it kind of reminds me of antia and far right groups come dressed ready for a fight

2018-08-06 22:44:28 UTC

not a bad comparison

2018-08-06 22:44:44 UTC

maybe they should be allowed to if they are all okay with the consequences

2018-08-06 22:44:47 UTC

you just let them duke it out, so long as it doesn't spill over

2018-08-06 22:44:52 UTC

if it doesnt hurt anyone elses property or health

2018-08-06 22:44:57 UTC


2018-08-06 22:45:03 UTC

okay, one side loses

2018-08-06 22:45:12 UTC

you now have just one group where there was two

2018-08-06 22:45:29 UTC

one side has now laid claim to the other groups property

2018-08-06 22:45:38 UTC

you do anything?

2018-08-06 22:45:49 UTC

oh interesting point

2018-08-06 22:46:36 UTC

i dont know if it would be more fair if someone else gets the loot

2018-08-06 22:46:55 UTC

by someone else, do you mean the group that won, or someone not involved with the conflict?

2018-08-06 22:47:17 UTC

i mean like some corporation or government

2018-08-06 22:47:39 UTC

there is no corporation or government yet. its just a tribe

2018-08-06 22:47:43 UTC

lets go with 2 families

2018-08-06 22:47:47 UTC

happened often enough in history

2018-08-06 22:48:08 UTC

well i assume the killed group would have had friends or family, perhaps they have a higher claim to the property

2018-08-06 22:48:29 UTC

i havent really explored those thoughts much

2018-08-06 22:48:54 UTC

Would it be possible for someone with lots of power and influence to buy out the private police?

2018-08-06 22:50:00 UTC

yeah but the point is that there would be competitors

2018-08-06 22:50:19 UTC

Saw a comment in sargons video would make a good t-shirt : make Orwell fiction again

2018-08-06 22:50:23 UTC

lets say it was two families who feuded, and both sides brought in the friends willing to fight. So we are talking probably a few different pieces of properties on both sides. like gang or mob warfare. but just like mob or gang warfare, it stayed in the relevant turfs. outside these 2 territories you have private police. so that keeps things contained.

2018-08-06 22:50:32 UTC

so you dont have a monopoly on police like you have today, where the only police force is definitely bought and paid for

2018-08-06 22:50:49 UTC

what about an oligopoly?

2018-08-06 22:51:27 UTC

@NativeInterface how much of the market needs to be covered to be considered a monopoly?

2018-08-06 22:51:41 UTC

i mean, no 1 government has a monopoly of the world

2018-08-06 22:52:04 UTC

i feel like you're talking about exotic edge cases, grenade. most people dont want to kill each other, they just want to be left alone to do their thing.

2018-08-06 22:52:15 UTC


2018-08-06 22:52:27 UTC

I disagree

2018-08-06 22:52:54 UTC


2018-08-06 22:52:55 UTC

please don't dodge. i ask edge cases to find the edges.

2018-08-06 22:53:09 UTC

NYtimes gets atak becuz of sarah ling ling jeoung

2018-08-06 22:53:11 UTC

because sometimes, there is a hole

2018-08-06 22:53:56 UTC

NYtime calls up fb and jeewtube and says hey the right is atak us pls divert news off of use ... they sed ok we kil alex jones ..... THEY KIL ALEX JONES ON MONDAY

2018-08-06 22:53:59 UTC

so, how big or small of an area is considered a monopoly

2018-08-06 22:54:11 UTC

Sarah Ching chong jeoung no longer top story wtf

2018-08-06 22:54:17 UTC

obviously there are hundreds of countries.

2018-08-06 22:54:49 UTC

so it clearly has a size

2018-08-06 22:55:00 UTC

at which point it doesn't matter if there is other options

2018-08-06 22:55:17 UTC

@Rabbi Shekels it seems like it would be too late to have the desired effect

2018-08-06 22:55:30 UTC

What did they mean by this ?

2018-08-06 22:55:49 UTC

My bulshit sensor red light is flashing

2018-08-06 22:56:05 UTC

i would laugh if that was true

2018-08-06 22:56:08 UTC

ER doctors are misogynists obv

2018-08-06 22:56:25 UTC

there are obviously millions of difficult situations that are not easy to have an answer for, but what im advocating is not that different from what we have today. i just would prefer it to not be funded with coercion and justify any particular group of having a monopoly on everything. otherwise you can solve these challenges in any way you want.

2018-08-06 22:56:33 UTC

@ExceptionalFeather tru but watch how this whole week it will be about jones and not ching chong

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