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2018-07-22 03:21:59 UTC

Aim: max degeneratacy

2018-07-22 03:22:03 UTC

Oh shit have ppl who have helicopter heads

2018-07-22 03:22:17 UTC

That's be fun

2018-07-22 03:25:50 UTC

The moment we start really fucking with DNA and getting it right is the moment life becomes no longer sacred.

2018-07-22 03:26:10 UTC

When you can make the perfect person, does that person you have made have the same rights as you?

2018-07-22 03:26:25 UTC

This isn't like having a child

2018-07-22 03:27:32 UTC

on the other hand, SPACE MARINES

2018-07-22 03:27:38 UTC

@Grenade123 "My gift to industry is the genetically engineered worker or gene-jack. specially designed for labor. The Gene-jack's muscles and nerves are ideal for his task; and the cereberal cortex has been atrophied so that he can desire nothing but to perform his duties. Tyranny you say? How can you tyrannize someone who can not feel pain?"

--Chairman Shen ji-Yang *Sid Meier's Alpha Centrauri* (1998)

2018-07-22 03:28:11 UTC

Chairman shen did nothing wrong

2018-07-22 03:29:40 UTC

I mean, he wasn't much more evil than anyone else in that game.

2018-07-22 03:29:58 UTC

There weren't exactly heroes either.

2018-07-22 03:31:35 UTC

It is a pretty creepy quote.

2018-07-22 03:34:05 UTC

If you can make a human who does not feel pain, emotion, and is unable to think for itself, is it still human?

2018-07-22 03:34:35 UTC

Is it evolution or degeneration

2018-07-22 03:34:43 UTC

what is a human even anyway?

2018-07-22 03:34:45 UTC


2018-07-22 03:34:46 UTC

Has anyone ever bothered to ask Antifa this question?

2018-07-22 03:35:08 UTC

What is human is a good question

2018-07-22 03:35:17 UTC

we're just a hunk of meat particles hurled away from ground zero of the big bang

2018-07-22 03:35:30 UTC

Or so we think

2018-07-22 03:35:45 UTC

best theory we have so far

2018-07-22 03:36:04 UTC

Maybe we are just getting pulled towards black holes very far away

2018-07-22 03:36:07 UTC

compared to: "a bearded man in the sky diddit"

2018-07-22 03:36:39 UTC

Here's a better question. With regards to the quote, the speaker seems to recognize the gene-jack as human.

2018-07-22 03:37:02 UTC

if you make a slave love being a slave, is it still slavery?

2018-07-22 03:37:23 UTC

or, rather, is it immoral?

2018-07-22 03:37:27 UTC

Idk, ask a slave in a BDSM relationship

2018-07-22 03:37:35 UTC

If you force them to love it...that just feels even worse somehow.

2018-07-22 03:38:31 UTC

Man strangles guard

2018-07-22 03:38:37 UTC

Ughh stop enjoying this

2018-07-22 03:49:48 UTC

@Aktriaz Why do you think the slaves didn't revolt back then as a whole?

2018-07-22 03:50:20 UTC

They liked being slaves, since that was the easiest way to get housing, food, water, and be kept alive

2018-07-22 03:51:23 UTC

Not sure which slaves your referring to. There are slaves who rebelled and those who didn't.

2018-07-22 03:51:40 UTC

The rebels were an extreme minority, though

2018-07-22 03:52:26 UTC

And the ones who got away, like the slaves with harriet tubman, only did so in promise of a better deal

2018-07-22 03:52:57 UTC

I meant globally but okay

2018-07-22 03:53:13 UTC

Well globally it depends where you're talking about

2018-07-22 03:53:20 UTC

in africa slaves regularly revolted

2018-07-22 03:53:29 UTC

Because it was about power there

2018-07-22 03:53:51 UTC

You win, the other side becomes slaves and their women breed your children

2018-07-22 03:54:42 UTC

In the ottoman empire, where they enslaved white people, the slaves were castrated, made fit for nothing except menial work

2018-07-22 03:55:13 UTC

failing to see how this relates to my earlier point.

2018-07-22 03:55:22 UTC

Something something Janissaries

2018-07-22 03:55:35 UTC

My point being most slaves love slavery

2018-07-22 03:55:55 UTC

Love is a strong term

2018-07-22 03:55:56 UTC

did yall join the julian discord?

2018-07-22 03:56:01 UTC

Accept and bear is probably a better one

2018-07-22 03:56:05 UTC

They like being comfortable. Having someone to obey, being fed and sheltered

2018-07-22 03:56:06 UTC

I wouldn't say love, more acclimatized

2018-07-22 03:56:21 UTC

humans adapt to their environment

2018-07-22 03:56:31 UTC

everyone is organizing in that discord that wants to help julian

2018-07-22 03:56:32 UTC

Have you guys read Booker T Washington's book?

2018-07-22 03:56:33 UTC

if anyone does

2018-07-22 03:57:00 UTC

He states how many slaves simply returned to their masters after the emancipation

2018-07-22 03:57:11 UTC

and how many refused to leave

2018-07-22 03:57:19 UTC

I mean its not like they have anything else they can do

2018-07-22 03:57:35 UTC

Yeah, that too

2018-07-22 03:57:38 UTC

Thats all theyve ever known and its unilkely theyll venure beyond it

2018-07-22 03:58:29 UTC

He explains how a lot of slaves literally adored their masters, looked up to them

2018-07-22 03:58:58 UTC

humans are more like dogs than we care to admit

2018-07-22 03:59:13 UTC

did I mention that I'm a misanthropist?

2018-07-22 03:59:22 UTC

there was a man who, after being freed and earning a living, went back and served as his old master's helper

2018-07-22 03:59:27 UTC

not up until this point akt

2018-07-22 03:59:57 UTC

I can understand that, their masters probably treated them the best out of the whole journey

2018-07-22 04:00:47 UTC

Cant imainge that being captured and shipped over was anything other than horiffying

2018-07-22 04:01:01 UTC

Not all of them were shipped over, though

2018-07-22 04:01:16 UTC

a lot of them were second, third generation slaves

2018-07-22 04:01:46 UTC

The masters preferred buying the youngest, strongest ones

2018-07-22 04:02:14 UTC

I wonder what happened to unsold slaves

2018-07-22 04:02:55 UTC

Kept until they were sold most likely

2018-07-22 04:03:48 UTC

No, I mean like the ones that were mentally/physically challenged

2018-07-22 04:03:56 UTC

Who would buy them?

2018-07-22 04:04:04 UTC

just lower the price lol

someone's gonna buy eventually

2018-07-22 04:04:14 UTC

By today's standards, a slave would cost as much as a sportscar

2018-07-22 04:05:05 UTC

if only you could take two sports cars and make more

2018-07-22 04:05:17 UTC

I wonder if they were killed off

2018-07-22 04:05:23 UTC

probably not

2018-07-22 04:05:36 UTC

probably not common but possible

2018-07-22 04:05:48 UTC

they would have a vested intrest in keeping their product around to maximize profit

2018-07-22 04:06:01 UTC

makes more sense to just lower the prices to offset the loss as much as you can

2018-07-22 04:06:10 UTC

and hope someone bites

2018-07-22 04:06:25 UTC

I can't believe I'm having this conversation

2018-07-22 04:07:03 UTC

The fact you said that last line and I agree with it shows how far weve come as a civilization

2018-07-22 04:11:24 UTC

Well not really

2018-07-22 04:11:37 UTC

If we were having this conversation in public, or face to face

2018-07-22 04:11:56 UTC

I wonder if you both would actually listen, or just ridicule me

2018-07-22 04:15:07 UTC

you're not white so you have more leeway lol

in public I would absolutely not have a conversation like this
too risky

2018-07-22 04:16:54 UTC

plus I prefer discussion through text over in person
more raw that way, and people assume less about you based on your appearance

2018-07-22 04:17:08 UTC

Not sure why youd think id ridicule you

2018-07-22 04:17:15 UTC

better for unbiased and safe discussion

2018-07-22 04:17:23 UTC

Im a history major, this stuff is what i do in my free time

2018-07-22 04:17:34 UTC

hello fellow history major

2018-07-22 04:17:45 UTC


2018-07-22 04:17:46 UTC

monarchism 4evur

2018-07-22 04:17:58 UTC

are you going into teaching or are you gonna be one of those history channel experts?

2018-07-22 04:18:05 UTC

the latter

2018-07-22 04:18:16 UTC

have you scene how much teachers in SoCal pays?

2018-07-22 04:18:20 UTC

uber pays more

2018-07-22 04:18:37 UTC

have to get a masters degree if you want to be a teacher

2018-07-22 04:18:44 UTC

massive pay increase for the same job

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