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2018-07-10 16:03:49 UTC

I don't even have to say anything, @Dr.Wol steals my words anyway

2018-07-10 16:03:49 UTC

Gonna poach Dems and Repubs for it lel

2018-07-10 16:03:54 UTC

no, we need extreme center!

Take the best from BOTH, and blatantly execute anyone that wants to promote uncontrolled welfare/immigration
And unregulated monopolies

2018-07-10 16:03:58 UTC

People like Bret Weinstein and Sam Harris, I'd say

2018-07-10 16:04:05 UTC

Eh, it's more I didn't really care about either party in the past because I thought they'd properly call each other out when going too far. But now they call each other out for breathing.

2018-07-10 16:04:21 UTC

Even jbp is a liberal

2018-07-10 16:04:22 UTC


Fite me boi!!

2018-07-10 16:04:36 UTC


Ow my eyeball

2018-07-10 16:04:59 UTC

@Deleted User I think that's arguable

2018-07-10 16:05:02 UTC

we do need a radical centrist

2018-07-10 16:05:19 UTC

i.e. a center that doesn't budge to left/right extremes

2018-07-10 16:05:20 UTC

So long as moderates get involved in the Dems I think the marxists can be stopped

2018-07-10 16:05:30 UTC

Call them out

2018-07-10 16:05:30 UTC

@.B he said so himself

2018-07-10 16:06:00 UTC

People like Bret Weinstein are hounded by leftists though @Lagomaster24

2018-07-10 16:06:05 UTC

Bret and JBP are liberal, and do believe in socialism but know the issues with carrying them out

2018-07-10 16:06:21 UTC

At least Peterson himself says so.

2018-07-10 16:06:21 UTC

actually I think JBP is pro capatalist

2018-07-10 16:06:23 UTC

like i said

Define all the far right things that are a problem
Define all the far left things that are a problem

Ban those forever, ban communism, ban socialism, ban ancap
And execute everyone who doesn't agree! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Extremist Centrism!!

2018-07-10 16:06:42 UTC

I'm anti-Farthy

2018-07-10 16:06:57 UTC

Well he believes that there needs to be social services to ensure that there is no significant group of impoverished

2018-07-10 16:07:11 UTC

Or else it will cause a revolt that will result in more socialism

2018-07-10 16:07:12 UTC

JBP is pro Self-determination
Everyone should get a chance to lift themselves up in life

2018-07-10 16:07:31 UTC

a chance for everyone to lift themselves up

2018-07-10 16:07:33 UTC

I think we're missing the bigger picture, which is right now, we're in a competent hierarchy and many people can't compete

2018-07-10 16:07:48 UTC

Jbp has a consern for the low IQ people and to income inequality, which pushes him to the left. But aside from that he alligns on conservativism most of the time

2018-07-10 16:08:03 UTC

@Dr.Wol extremist centrism is nazism

2018-07-10 16:08:05 UTC


2018-07-10 16:08:13 UTC

nazi's were socialists

2018-07-10 16:08:18 UTC

I highly recommend

2018-07-10 16:08:21 UTC


2018-07-10 16:08:24 UTC


2018-07-10 16:08:29 UTC

Extremely centrist

2018-07-10 16:08:31 UTC

everyone watch JBP on JRE from the 2nd

2018-07-10 16:08:53 UTC

its basically all of his points succint and well thought out compared to before

2018-07-10 16:08:55 UTC

He is known for questioning his own opinions when facts surface

2018-07-10 16:08:58 UTC

many rehash, but way better explained

2018-07-10 16:09:15 UTC

Theres also one with Theo Von as well

2018-07-10 16:09:18 UTC

because he's had a chance to work on his delivery

2018-07-10 16:09:21 UTC

THat ones was alot more chill though

2018-07-10 16:09:23 UTC

Nationalist Socialist,

They took money from the Jews cuz the jews were rich,
Seized the means of production, and told the factory owners to keep working
They wanted 1 Realm, 1 People, 1 Leader

Their party was the National LABOR party

2018-07-10 16:09:53 UTC

@Dr.Wol most honest people still put them at extreme center

2018-07-10 16:10:09 UTC

Disonest ones try to put them on the right

2018-07-10 16:10:34 UTC

But I agree with what you said ๐Ÿ˜…

2018-07-10 16:10:57 UTC

innocent people put them on the center, because those people didn't examine Nazi's actions thorough enough ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2018-07-10 16:11:08 UTC

but when you have one side calling the other side racists, but in actuality they kick out the racists just like both sides, then you have an communication problem

2018-07-10 16:11:46 UTC

theyc an be extreme center left/right but they're totally authoritarian on the auth/libertarian spectrum

2018-07-10 16:12:00 UTC

You have a communication problem when you let people redefine words to mean whatever they want depending on the situation

2018-07-10 16:12:01 UTC

there's 2 axis remember

2018-07-10 16:12:05 UTC

When one side changes the definition of racism it means they donโ€™t kick out actual racists.

2018-07-10 16:12:06 UTC

not everything is left right

2018-07-10 16:12:11 UTC

many things are collective/individual

2018-07-10 16:12:20 UTC

that is the left-right spectrum

2018-07-10 16:12:28 UTC


2018-07-10 16:12:34 UTC


2018-07-10 16:12:36 UTC

Left is collective(group), Right is Self-determination (individual)

2018-07-10 16:12:36 UTC

two spectrums

2018-07-10 16:12:42 UTC

Not at all

2018-07-10 16:12:48 UTC

Top-down spectrum is a different one, tahts authoritarian vs liberal

2018-07-10 16:12:56 UTC

I'm in Japan. They are very capitalistic but still with a lot of collectivism

2018-07-10 16:13:00 UTC

you can be center authortarian

2018-07-10 16:13:01 UTC

Right sacrifices personal liberty for economic freedom.

2018-07-10 16:13:11 UTC

And left is the opposite

2018-07-10 16:13:34 UTC

right doesn't sacrifice personal liberty

2018-07-10 16:13:36 UTC

there are 4 quadrants to the compass

2018-07-10 16:13:42 UTC

hence more than just left/right

2018-07-10 16:13:48 UTC

different spectrum

2018-07-10 16:13:52 UTC

If anything, the right are now more pro freedom than the left

2018-07-10 16:13:59 UTC

But they are on a different axes

2018-07-10 16:14:01 UTC

It's *now*

2018-07-10 16:14:03 UTC

right have always been more pro-freedom

2018-07-10 16:14:07 UTC

The right is the side fighting for personal liberty

2018-07-10 16:14:09 UTC

The values are changing

2018-07-10 16:14:14 UTC


2018-07-10 16:14:15 UTC


2018-07-10 16:14:21 UTC

it was the evangelists that were against freedoms for say gay rights, etc

2018-07-10 16:14:32 UTC

values like freedom of speech are liberalism

2018-07-10 16:14:33 UTC

It's worth noting as well that while Mussolini put a classical liberal in charge of the economy and privatized a lot of shit, that popular fascist sentiment was that peak capitalism was what lead to a successful socialist revolution

2018-07-10 16:14:36 UTC

you don't get to change values, thats what the lying left does

And with that you can make your enemy anything bad, and yourself the saints

2018-07-10 16:14:39 UTC

brighting the right up to the authoritarian side

2018-07-10 16:14:40 UTC

They happened to be on the right, but only really agreed on tradisionalist values

2018-07-10 16:14:45 UTC

Evangelical, not Evangelist, different things

2018-07-10 16:14:50 UTC

yes that

2018-07-10 16:16:08 UTC

2018-07-10 16:16:20 UTC

The impression I get is that saying fascists are right wing capitalists is like saying that the witch was a caring surrogate mother for fattening up Hansel

2018-07-10 16:16:28 UTC

liberals hating on a guy they haven't heard of two days ago

2018-07-10 16:16:34 UTC

well "true" fascism is centrist authoritarian

Everyone is part of the state military,
The government is one absolute party that can change things fast so you can adapt to anything quickly (at the time military matters)
And the state "owns" the companies (so it can demand money to fund war)
But the factories make their own capital

2018-07-10 16:17:33 UTC

so Fascism is essentially capitalism, that can turn militant socialist on demand

Ofc when you can get this absolute power, people (corruptable) will take it and wont give it up
Thats why the Nazi's were socialists

2018-07-10 16:17:51 UTC

apparently center center is liberalism

2018-07-10 16:18:00 UTC

that's a good compass btw

2018-07-10 16:18:26 UTC

there should actually be a 3rd axis nowadays

2018-07-10 16:18:32 UTC

which is?

2018-07-10 16:18:41 UTC

that would also be a 3d model lol

2018-07-10 16:18:42 UTC


2018-07-10 16:18:49 UTC


2018-07-10 16:19:03 UTC

Dang, according to that, I'm an activist ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2018-07-10 16:19:08 UTC

Iโ€™m libertarian capitalism.

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