
Discord ID: 512584678314606613

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2018-12-17 12:55:51 UTC


2018-12-17 12:55:58 UTC

idk how to spell

2018-12-17 13:04:44 UTC

I think it's honiepop

2018-12-17 13:05:32 UTC

a bunch of popular people streamed it so it got really popular xD

2018-12-17 13:26:41 UTC


2018-12-17 13:26:59 UTC

well i'm off, night all โค

2018-12-17 13:44:18 UTC

Lol. Yep

2018-12-17 13:44:37 UTC

Sup fellas

2018-12-17 13:45:00 UTC

@Thalmor_Justiciar or mine, lol

2018-12-17 13:45:43 UTC

Hello again, @Vhiskey

2018-12-17 13:46:00 UTC

No one around here I guess

2018-12-17 13:48:15 UTC
2018-12-17 13:48:23 UTC


2018-12-17 13:51:53 UTC

are you from the subreddit?

2018-12-17 14:25:39 UTC

I'm working at the moment. XD I shouldn't be on. There are a few people about, though mostly new people who may be shy.

2018-12-17 14:31:08 UTC

I'm half here... Just doing other things.

2018-12-17 14:31:10 UTC

Im not supposed to be about- need to sleep but keep getting distracted.. im new, i think

2018-12-17 14:36:43 UTC

@Tomas Turning the Discord off might help. XD

2018-12-17 15:20:01 UTC

@Vhiskey hey, be on the safe side. change your dp if it's your real pic. There had been instances of mrm sympathizers being doxxed. I'm also an Indian btw.

2018-12-17 15:22:53 UTC

@Indigo Good advice. Reverse image search is a thing.

2018-12-17 15:39:06 UTC

2018-12-17 15:39:41 UTC

Heya Randomm, welcome

2018-12-17 15:39:48 UTC

Hello, thanks man.

2018-12-17 15:39:55 UTC

How we all going today?

2018-12-17 15:40:15 UTC

Good, I just made some cheese and brocolli pasta

2018-12-17 15:40:58 UTC

How about you?

2018-12-17 15:41:59 UTC

Well, It's school holidays in Australia so just playing games and things.

2018-12-17 15:42:07 UTC

Hey @Randomm you from the sub?

2018-12-17 15:42:09 UTC

Sure am.

2018-12-17 15:44:04 UTC

What kinda of games are you playing?

2018-12-17 15:45:03 UTC

@InsaneCaterpilla people here skews very young isn't it.

2018-12-17 15:45:36 UTC

I dont know the age of most members tbh

2018-12-17 15:46:58 UTC

I suppose you are an old old man

2018-12-17 15:47:35 UTC

Depends on your definition of old :p

2018-12-17 16:30:08 UTC

2018-12-17 16:30:20 UTC

There, that never happened

2018-12-17 16:30:28 UTC

hey whats up

2018-12-17 16:30:39 UTC

Hi Jabaimon, I'm good, how are you?

2018-12-17 16:31:16 UTC

Fine, just finding out MRA has a discord

2018-12-17 16:31:45 UTC

Did you come from the link on Men's Rights?

2018-12-17 16:31:48 UTC


2018-12-17 16:31:51 UTC


2018-12-17 16:31:53 UTC


2018-12-17 16:32:12 UTC

any problem about that? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

2018-12-17 16:32:31 UTC

No, there shouldn't be, just a question >.<

2018-12-17 16:32:36 UTC

*tfw you spend more time worrying about having a sexual dream then actually having one*

2018-12-17 16:32:50 UTC

oh sorries

2018-12-17 16:32:52 UTC

is oke

2018-12-17 16:32:54 UTC

@Jaibamon nice profile pic

2018-12-17 16:32:58 UTC

Welcome anyways ^^

2018-12-17 16:33:38 UTC

It's a recent discord so that'll be why you haven't heard of it before :3

2018-12-17 16:34:01 UTC


2018-12-17 16:35:15 UTC

I remember people wanted to make one after Reddit started to quarantine subs. I actually was opposed to it because Discord can't substitute a forum

But I don't mind joining one and chat here and there ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-12-17 16:35:47 UTC

@InsaneCaterpilla ok can you atleast tell me good methods to clean the "water" from the clothes and sheets

2018-12-17 16:35:52 UTC


2018-12-17 16:36:06 UTC

A washing machine.

2018-12-17 16:36:41 UTC

Well luckily men's rights hasn't been quarantined yet, hopefully never will be ^^

2018-12-17 16:37:00 UTC

lol ya

2018-12-17 16:37:26 UTC

to that end we need to have a preparedness plan; what if they outright ban or delete us?

2018-12-17 16:37:37 UTC

i would post some of my political opinions on facebook but im to worried ill be harrased

2018-12-17 16:38:04 UTC

They haven't even outright banned TRP, just quarantined it, so I don't think they'll just delete the sub without quarantining it first

2018-12-17 16:38:10 UTC

on twitter i do but idk anyone irl on twitter

I dont share em in facebook cause my family os in facebook

2018-12-17 16:38:33 UTC

@TyDye for sure, it's a risk and theres no way to avoid it. my thoughts are that eventually, we cant run forever and things will catch up to us. if we're ALL open and what we think, people will realize MRAs are everywhere. i bet lots of people secretly agree with us but are too afraid to speak out

2018-12-17 16:40:52 UTC

I have alot of belifes that dont line up with other people in plotics.... when people with my views say something they often get harrased, rejected n shit

2018-12-17 16:41:31 UTC

@InsaneCaterpilla Hey, what happened? Spam?

2018-12-17 16:41:57 UTC

@Men Are Human no mate, hold on, I'll PM you in a minute

2018-12-17 16:42:38 UTC

@Jaibamon Oh, we'll be setting up a forum on www.menarehuman.com soon as a backup. May even be able to sync it with the sub as it is now.

2018-12-17 16:43:58 UTC

@InsaneCaterpilla thanks. I'll check the logs too

2018-12-17 16:44:36 UTC


2018-12-17 16:45:42 UTC

Hopefully we are going to be a hub for the MHRM, but I will need to find someone who can be trusted with web design at some point....

2018-12-17 16:45:56 UTC

Not an easy thing to get, really.

2018-12-17 16:58:23 UTC

2018-12-17 17:00:16 UTC

Hi there ibz

2018-12-17 17:00:56 UTC

Hey just saw this group via a mens right comment

2018-12-17 17:01:11 UTC

You know, general people are very much pro mrm.
I'm from Kerala, India and whenever I commented pro mrm on the Kerala sub, those comments were heavily upvoted while feminist wage gap and toxic masculinity comments were downvoted

2018-12-17 17:06:39 UTC

People all over the world are finding out the truth

2018-12-17 17:06:55 UTC

Unfortunately there's quite a disparity between people who use the internet for more than just social media and other people

2018-12-17 17:07:26 UTC

It's from the internet that mass movements start

2018-12-17 17:09:20 UTC

We are nearing the critical point of mass adoption

2018-12-17 17:10:57 UTC

Mrm is now self growing

2018-12-17 17:13:38 UTC

Okay now, is anyone interested in trolling the chapos

2018-12-17 17:13:53 UTC

I have a great idea

2018-12-17 17:15:31 UTC

I'm afraid I'm not personally interested in trolling anyone

2018-12-17 17:17:17 UTC

See this... today made this one on a Keralan communist circlejerk sub.


2018-12-17 19:05:56 UTC

Did anyone see the people trying to defend the story of the 10 years old boy doing a drag show for grown ass men?

2018-12-17 19:08:30 UTC

@Men Are Human turning off discord might help your right- but i like the challenge

2018-12-17 19:39:16 UTC

10 year olds in drag are just wrong.

2018-12-17 19:53:50 UTC

2018-12-17 19:54:05 UTC

Hey guys

2018-12-17 19:54:21 UTC

Shouldnt the name be just "Men's rights"?

2018-12-17 19:55:21 UTC

It's currently named Men's Human Rights

2018-12-17 20:11:54 UTC

is it ok to be a republican

2018-12-17 20:41:54 UTC

@Bobby_Hill Well, from a open mind standpoint, people can do whatever they want and if someone wants to wear a dress and dance and get a donation from it, go for it. At what age you should be allowed to do that? 10, 18?

But I really like one comment from the r/mensrights post that points an interesting argument, what would happened if it was a girl instead? There are clearly sexual connotations to the stuff this kid does, and while the american society is often considered to be puritarian, I don't think this boy knows the implications of what is he doing and why it can be dangerous. Again, if she was a girl it would be outrageous.

Also I swear this kid is being manipulated somehow, I have seen some of his videos and I can't believe what he says.

2018-12-17 21:22:24 UTC

2018-12-17 21:25:12 UTC

Bout time we had a Discord for this!

2018-12-17 22:09:18 UTC

hey, welcome to all of the lovely new people ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-12-17 23:18:19 UTC

If kids are seeing adults having fun dressing up and dancing on tv on things like drag race then some are bound to want to copy- i have no issue with kids wearing clothes of another gender, having fun but when its pushed, made into something else that a kid later will find hard to back out of and / or sexualised.. same with pagents for girls many are too sexualised for kids

2018-12-17 23:26:18 UTC

Whether or not they are allowed to wear the clothes is unlikely to change whether they come out as gay / trans / straight / whatever in the future- kids dress up, boys should be able to if they want to without it being seen as something more instantly and definately not sexualised at age 10

2018-12-17 23:38:24 UTC

@Tomas would you let your son do that at a gay bar while being showered with singles like a stripper?

2018-12-17 23:49:19 UTC

I think he implied that he wouldn't

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