Message from @blueorange22
Discord ID: 524221292388548608
You have more rum than most pirates
Jack sparrow is my spirit animal
I also really want to get a macaw xD
the poop? I see a poop xD
Ooo, Hentai games ❤
not my cup of tea tbh
I really liked honeypop xD
idk how to spell
I think it's honiepop
a bunch of popular people streamed it so it got really popular xD
well i'm off, night all ❤
Lol. Yep
Sup fellas
@Thalmor_Justiciar or mine, lol
Hello again, @Vhiskey
No one around here I guess
are you from the subreddit?
I'm working at the moment. XD I shouldn't be on. There are a few people about, though mostly new people who may be shy.
I'm half here... Just doing other things.
Im not supposed to be about- need to sleep but keep getting distracted.. im new, i think
@Tomas Turning the Discord off might help. XD
@Vhiskey hey, be on the safe side. change your dp if it's your real pic. There had been instances of mrm sympathizers being doxxed. I'm also an Indian btw.
@Indigo Good advice. Reverse image search is a thing.
Heya Randomm, welcome
Hello, thanks man.
How we all going today?
Good, I just made some cheese and brocolli pasta
How about you?
Well, It's school holidays in Australia so just playing games and things.
Sure am.
What kinda of games are you playing?
@InsaneCaterpilla people here skews very young isn't it.
I dont know the age of most members tbh