
Discord ID: 733606121704521729

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2020-08-04 14:51:26 UTC

That's it that's what I was talking about awesome job

2020-08-04 19:52:29 UTC

Wow, that is a speech!

2020-08-04 20:16:02 UTC

Good enough to get suppressed when fear is the narrative

2020-08-04 23:07:37 UTC

God is good indeed

2020-08-04 23:07:40 UTC

I love to see it

2020-08-04 23:07:53 UTC

1 million also protested in Germany

2020-08-04 23:08:14 UTC

News say they were 10k conspiracy theorists

2020-08-04 23:08:19 UTC

tinfoil hat people

2020-08-04 23:08:23 UTC

that don't like laws

2020-08-04 23:08:30 UTC


2020-08-04 23:08:48 UTC

or reasonable minded adults with brains of their own

2020-08-04 23:09:47 UTC

There's a new Exodus among us #Exodus

2020-08-05 01:24:33 UTC



why in the WORLD can these people sit like this

but we cant have America open

OH WAIT its a funeral

that obama is speaking at

the Funeral of John Lewis

2020-08-05 14:17:06 UTC

https://g.co/doodle/jx77kg7 the google doodle today is the letters wearing masks

2020-08-05 15:45:42 UTC

The letters forgot to Socially distance

2020-08-05 15:46:15 UTC


2020-08-05 15:51:33 UTC

Indeed they did, they're protestors

2020-08-05 15:58:04 UTC

Their liberals so they'll be fine

@SeamusMac I am a little late, but I just finishing college, so I am no were near finding a wife yet to have kids lol. However, I was actually homeschooled and most of it was in NY.

High school was awesome, I would start at 8, get all of my work done by 11, and just play games afterwards

2020-08-05 20:12:48 UTC


2020-08-06 06:42:42 UTC

im so annoyed with my friend

2020-08-06 06:42:45 UTC

he insists that lockdowns work

2020-08-06 06:42:58 UTC

but refuses to back up his point with any evidence and deliberately ignores any links or sources i give

2020-08-06 06:43:02 UTC

that say the contrary

2020-08-06 07:58:14 UTC

lockdowns work on the technicality that there are fewer people to infect

2020-08-06 07:58:37 UTC

itโ€™s just that itโ€™ll probably infect you anyways

2020-08-06 07:58:47 UTC

at one point or another

2020-08-06 07:59:33 UTC

remember, they're trying to protect everybody from the spread of communism

2020-08-06 07:59:46 UTC

at this point it also has very little effect on the total number of people who die

2020-08-06 07:59:55 UTC

which is what actually matters

2020-08-06 07:59:58 UTC

Wait til flu season. Its gonna hit us hard this year

2020-08-06 08:00:13 UTC

We are all messing with our immune systems

2020-08-06 08:00:18 UTC

just avoid those flu shots

2020-08-06 08:00:48 UTC

i haven't had a flu shot in 20yrs ..and i haven't had a flu in that long either

2020-08-06 08:01:08 UTC

influenza mutates too quickly for flu shots to do much

2020-08-06 08:01:10 UTC

the shot is what gave me the flu

2020-08-06 08:01:36 UTC

flu shots are created based off of predicted strains or previous ones

2020-08-06 08:01:46 UTC

Its the fact that we are washing like weโ€™re prepping for surgery. Its killing our natural defense

2020-08-06 08:01:51 UTC

and rarely do they get it right

2020-08-06 08:03:08 UTC

not really

2020-08-06 08:06:05 UTC

the flu is still just a flu

2020-08-06 19:53:54 UTC

I've never had a flu shot not will I ever take one. And I will not take a covid vaccine if they come trying to force it on me either. It's like gambling with my immune system and I don't even gamble with money.

2020-08-06 20:18:10 UTC


2020-08-06 20:18:20 UTC

not sure if it's covid news tho


wrong chat


2020-08-06 20:21:11 UTC


2020-08-06 21:10:30 UTC

Apparently Moscow has lifted their mask ban and is claiming herd immunity.

2020-08-06 21:54:05 UTC

> Its the fact that we are washing like weโ€™re prepping for surgery. Its killing our natural defense
@jerpeau Agreed. The world is not an OR. Itโ€™s time that we stop complying with the mask hysteria

2020-08-06 21:56:07 UTC

Using antibacterial soap and hand sanitizer will make a super bug happen much, MUCH soonee

2020-08-06 21:58:50 UTC

solution of peroxide and rubbing alcohol works much better...but u have to catch it in the store when it's there...most stores are out of stock of them both

2020-08-07 00:46:13 UTC

i wear a mask, not because i'm worried about the virus, but because i'm afraid some stupid Karen will mace me and then i'll knock her out and go to jail... ๐Ÿ™‚

2020-08-07 00:47:03 UTC

i hate the looks i get when i don't wear one

2020-08-07 00:47:13 UTC

like walking around being normal is no longer acceptable

2020-08-07 00:47:31 UTC

you must change to what they want

2020-08-07 00:48:38 UTC


2020-08-07 00:51:29 UTC

can u imagine if some city/township/state/nation made that constitutional law

2020-08-07 00:52:07 UTC

Guaranteed death. All who get exposed to it die

2020-08-07 00:52:32 UTC

yeah dude it has a pH higher than any known acid

2020-08-07 01:07:52 UTC


2020-08-07 01:09:29 UTC

it's been known to move and erode soil

2020-08-07 01:11:14 UTC

high levels of dihydrogen monoxide has been proven to cause beach erosion

2020-08-07 01:12:16 UTC

Fatal if inhaled. In frozen form, it can destroy buildings and vehicles

2020-08-07 01:15:06 UTC

in frozen form, it's known to cause serious harm to the skin upon impact

2020-08-07 01:15:17 UTC

(via snowballs)

2020-08-07 01:18:53 UTC

it's atomic structure is in the shape of the devil

2020-08-07 01:20:10 UTC

Several species have adapted an immunity. Avoid these if at all possible

2020-08-07 03:56:58 UTC

They actually compare fighting in WWII to getting a covid vaccine

2020-08-07 04:01:01 UTC


2020-08-07 04:10:03 UTC

actually ny state did this

2020-08-07 04:10:37 UTC

took away religion as a protection against vaxx...since there was so many outbreaks prior to 'quarantine' event

2020-08-07 04:10:46 UTC

of other illnesses

2020-08-07 04:15:03 UTC

I dunno if anyone has been keeping track of the escaped Chinese virologist saga (or even how legit she is/what cause we have to believe/disbelieve her): https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3979550

2020-08-07 04:16:18 UTC

I swear 2020 is just the plot of Deus Ex

2020-08-07 04:26:29 UTC

NYS (Capital district/NYC) wants to test vaccines in my area. Lets just say my area doesnt necessarily see eye to eye with NYC

2020-08-07 04:30:36 UTC


2020-08-07 04:35:48 UTC

Just putting it out there, half of my siblings have been vaccinated and the other half havenโ€™t but I havenโ€™t noticed any difference between the two groups when it came to us getting sick. However, those of us siblings who were vaccinated have weirder allergies than those who werenโ€™t. Plus, I got chicken pox from the vaccine as a baby which was what made my parents start researching them. This is all anecdotal, of course, and I mean if you want to get vaccinated I donโ€™t really care. The real worrying thing is when they start making it mandatory with no exceptions. Thatโ€™s when I get real squirrelly and put my foot down

2020-08-07 04:51:38 UTC

yeah vaccines arenโ€™t some evil thing

2020-08-07 04:52:21 UTC

but giving the government the power to forcefully inject anything into someone is

2020-08-07 04:53:51 UTC

Especially when one area is vehemently opposed to the ideas of the capitol district. A little to close to โ€œHunger Gamesโ€ for my liking

2020-08-07 11:56:33 UTC

Also I'm not getting a vaccine. I have a legitimate excuse, I suck with needles

2020-08-07 17:00:46 UTC


2020-08-07 17:16:11 UTC

pretty sure itโ€™s even lower than .2%

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